360. I own both a PS3 and a 360, and whilst it's nice to have free Wi-Fi and Internet with the PS3, the 360's features besides that reign over it. The only reason why I'd go for a PS3 if I were you is if you have a desire to watch Blu-Rays.
Why the 360? The game selection and the dashboard. The PS3 dashboard is simply annoying and confusing, and PSN is incredibly annoying. You can't even open up your friends list in most games on the PS3, whilst you can just press the Xbox button on the 360 controller and see your profile (which also is much more advanced than PS3 profiles), your messages, your friends list and so many others. Yes, XBL might not be free...50 bucks a year for a 12 month card, but it pays off big time. It's far, FAR superior to PSN. I'd rather pay 50 bucks for something that gives quality than get something that's free that has low quality and an annoying interface.
The 360 controller is also MUCH better than the Dualshock. It's better fitting to your hands and the joysticks are very well placed to allow maximum control.
If you get a 360 Elite, you get a free HDMI cable and 120 gig hard drive. The 360 in terms of hardware might be inferior to the PS3, but in all out enjoyability and fun, the 360 is far superior. The PS3's interface is way too bland.
And finally, games.
Gears of War/Gears of War 2 (November '08)
Forza Motorsport 2
Project Gotham Racing 3/4
Dead Rising
Bioshock (though it's on the PC too)
Too Human (August '08)
Halo series
Mass Effect (same as Bioshock)
Ninja Gaiden II (June '08)
Any of those games are enough to get me to buy a 360, if I didn't have one. Gears of War is INCREDIBLY fun, Halo (although MP is a bit overrated) is very enjoyable and has a very interesting storyline, and PGR 4 and FM2 are incredible racers. The PS3 has some decent exclusives (Uncharted, Resistance, GT5), but not enough to reign superior over the 360's game selection.
The PS3 is a good console, don't get me wrong. But it's sort of like comparing a Supercomputer to a High-End desktop. The supercomputer might have better specs and you may be able to get to do more things with it, but the High-End desktop reigns superior for all out enjoyability rate.
Edit: Also; achievements. Achievements may seem like an assinine thing to say why the 360 is superior, but they simply make the games more enjoyable and a higher replayability rate.
Last edited by Poseidon (2008-05-24 12:25:15)