Problem is, I don't know if there's a motherboard out there that'll accept the RAM I have.
Here is what my comp has atm and I need all this stuff on the new motherboard too.
*Current Mobo
*Curent Case.
*Needs two PCI-E slots for SLI 8800GT.
Also, don't know about USB slots, but currently the board I have has 4(3 of which are in use) but the more the better I think.
So, I'd like to buy a Q6600 and a motherboard to fit it in that has all the feauters my current board has. I don't plan to overclock, but I might dabble the GFX's a tiny bit later one, but nothing more than the standard fans can handle.
Also, does the CPU fan come with the Q6600 or what?
Am I missing anything? any help will be greatly appreciated and karma given.
p.s: Prefer using this site or (More so Elara)
Ok so far it looks like: … ECE1327922 … MMEN350345
That look good? also, I need ram then. Thanks so far lads.
Last edited by IrishGrimReaper (2008-05-24 14:05:58)