The Power of Two
+188|6808|Sydney, Australia
Far out fellas give him a break, don't answer his post with all of your elitist "I'm better than you" crap. No one cares that you're good at BF2, it doesn't prove anything about you except that you've spent an insane amount of time on FPS.

Now, Rythmdoc, I know what you're talking about. Your ping is a big determinant of your hitreg. I try not to play on any servers with a ping >40 because I can expect most of my shots to miss. Plus, there are heaps of guides which may help improve your hitreg. Personally, I've used two:

Adamshannon8's guide
Lucien's guide

Getting to know the meanings of values such as default latency compensation also helps when you're in game.

If there are cheaters/hackers, then just don't play on those servers. Just be glad that they spent $50 on a hack so they can win some awards and earn the privilege of being reset by EA. And if you're ever frustrated at your hitreg in a server, just change servers. Do follow the wisdom of some of the more mature patrons of bf2s: It's just a game, the point is to have fun. If you're not having fun, just find something else to do.

Good luck.
Mint Sauce
Frighteningly average
TBH it's not possible to shoot through walls, hacks or not.. And there are only a select few you can glitch into, so your killer is probably just behind you..
I have been shot through a wall by someone in a tank.(machine gun not the big gun) it is possible...not sure how.  happend on karkand a long time ago...when they had vehicles on karkand.

rythmdoc wrote:

Ive been playing for several hours now at a warlord server(180 ping)
Play on servers where you have below a 60 ping and you wont dust...
+6|6252|Sweden, Baby!!!!!!

Vub wrote:

Far out fellas give him a break, don't answer his post with all of your elitist "I'm better than you" crap. No one cares that you're good at BF2, it doesn't prove anything about you except that you've spent an insane amount of time on FPS.

Now, Rythmdoc, I know what you're talking about. Your ping is a big determinant of your hitreg. I try not to play on any servers with a ping >40 because I can expect most of my shots to miss. Plus, there are heaps of guides which may help improve your hitreg. Personally, I've used two:

Adamshannon8's guide
Lucien's guide

Getting to know the meanings of values such as default latency compensation also helps when you're in game.

If there are cheaters/hackers, then just don't play on those servers. Just be glad that they spent $50 on a hack so they can win some awards and earn the privilege of being reset by EA. And if you're ever frustrated at your hitreg in a server, just change servers. Do follow the wisdom of some of the more mature patrons of bf2s: It's just a game, the point is to have fun. If you're not having fun, just find something else to do.

Good luck.
Hi,   thanks for the advice, iwas aware that the ping factor was a "biggie" but not that big.....
Maybe that's why my weapon works so bloody well on Battlefield2 Gotland ping 20-23??

Yeah I'm having fun really, but getting killed one or two seconds after spawn 15 times in a row is not my idea of fun..
i know i should change server and i do, but i wanna finish that match.......

You mean the hacks costs like 50 bucks, oh man they are really dumb!!!!!
BTW Do you know how they do  the 20- 25 jeep drop, is that a hack or just a cheat???


+6|6252|Sweden, Baby!!!!!!

Mint Sauce wrote:

TBH it's not possible to shoot through walls, hacks or not.. And there are only a select few you can glitch into, so your killer is probably just behind you..
No the computer spawned me on several different places around (palace second floor).
There was just barley enough time to do a dude behind me...
And how could he know where i would be spawning next??

100% Irishpride
lol "is that a hack or just a cheat???"
Official Battlefield fanboy
+240|6461|San Antonio, Texas

-Some surfaces are penetrable to gun fire. A lot of guns have the SolidPenetration code, to my surprise. So cheap metal fences like the ones found on Kark at Hotel or Cement Factory can be shot through with the Mii-87 USMC shotgun, G3, M95 and tank coaxial gun, those are just some of the ones I've tested. Not a cheat, it's just using an obscure part of the engine this is advertised when you buy the game.

-As stated, you can only shoot through walls if you've glitched into the building. Example: You can chuck nades, shoot and plant C4, claymores through the building if you're inside it. This is a glitch, and is illegal, of course. The proper thing is to report it with screens and continue playing.

-There are few hackers nowadays. They've probably moved on to newer games, such as CoD4, Crysis, 2142 and Team Fortress 2.

They pop up once in a while, and they're often obvious. Just watch them for a bit, and if he can kill a warehouse of MEC soldiers in different spots with an MG36 support gun standing up, snapping all the while, that's an aimbotter. So you search for his name and get no results; now he's a namehacker. Go to game-monitor, check the server he's on, find the false name you see in-game, click the little BF2s icon next to it. It will take you to the PID, something he didn't change. The true player's stats and game name will be revealed.

Report, move along.

-Sometimes, people are just good. It's a game where the goal is to kill. Eventually, you will be killed by another player trying to have fun. That player may be poor or superb, but it all boils down to, you're going to die at least once. Maybe I haven't reached the Nirvana of BF2 yet, but I'm dying a lot less from my newbie days.

I suppose the constant deaths and accuracy changes from Project Reality helped. Don't be afraid to retreat and seek medical attention, or get more ammo. You never know when you'll run out. People in the process of throwing all four of their nades usually are easier to kill. Just dodge the nades and move in for the kill.

rythmdoc wrote:

Hi,   thanks for the advice, i was aware that the ping factor was a "biggie" but not that big.....
Maybe that's why my weapon works so bloody well on Battlefield2 Gotland ping 20-23??

Yeah I'm having fun really, but getting killed one or two seconds after spawn 15 times in a row is not my idea of fun..
i know i should change server and i do, but i wanna finish that match.......

You mean the hacks costs like 50 bucks, oh man they are really dumb!!!!!
BTW Do you know how they do  the 20- 25 jeep drop, is that a hack or just a cheat???


1) The lower your ping the better hit-reg you will get.
2) Join a 32 slot server to get less nade spam
3) Yes hacks cost as much as 300 US dollars.
4) That is called a commander hack, search youtube for some videos of it.

Ghost Town T90/Apache Whore
+99|6312|Aberdeen, Scotland
This is stupid.

All I want to add is, you mentioned shooting enemies on full auto with G3/ wonder you can't hit a thing.

Commander hack, yes, fine...but people can't shoot through walls or make themselves invincible.

And ofcourse you were going to get negative responses when you came in here screaming like a fool.
Mint Sauce
Frighteningly average

MrAnderson wrote:

This is stupid.

All I want to add is, you mentioned shooting enemies on full auto with G3/ wonder you can't hit a thing.
The G3 is so effective on Full Auto, at any range, you have to REALLY suck not to get the kill. Same with the FN2000.

Mod:  Personal attack removed.

rythmdoc wrote:

Yes this is a call to all so called Bf2:ers out there and the REAL ones of course!!!

A couple of days ago i came back after a 8 day break from the game and to my horror i realised that there is more shitheads ever online "PLAYING" BF2!!!!!!

As Ive come to understand this last days there's alot of "EDITING" going on!!
Or is there??....Or maybe a lot of CHEATING??? Or HAKKIN???

Why is it: On some servers my L85A1 kills everything like a charm, and on some i don't even get the hits to show up??
Am i that bad some days and that good some??? Don't think so!!!

Some Examples:
On one occasion i sprayed autofire from a distance of 1,5m from his ass up to his head, total 16 bullets, (he was laying down)...
He didn't even budge just stood up and shot me dead with two bullets.....
Now if 16 bullets is not enough from point blank range WTF????

How is it when i run around corners the very same moment someone shots me dead with one bullet, frikkin impossible.....AIMBOT!!!!
And then u learn he´s a Admin for the server.........

How come on the same warlord server the grenades lands 2 centimeters from u every time, every time u die u see the second nade make a nice

Is there no good, no cheating, no configediting, no nonos....left to play this game???
People that just wanna play???

If u die 31 times per match u don't start hakkin or cheating.... u turn to singleplayer and start practise. PERIOD!!!!!!  NO PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WTF!!!!! Or u swallow it and play on and have fun!!!!!!!


You idiots probably downloaded it, and thus cracked it..........THANX AGAIN!!!!


////////EA has made a game that has lasted 3 years, fantastic!!!!! kudos EA!!!!!!!
////////But i would have lasted longer if u hakkers and shitheads stayed the f*ck away.......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

/ Rythmdoc
This reminds me of something Noobtastic would of wrote.
Ghost Town T90/Apache Whore
+99|6312|Aberdeen, Scotland

Mint Sauce wrote:

The G3 is so effective on Full Auto, at any range, you have to REALLY suck not to get the kill. Same with the FN2000.
If you say so...

I find any gun much more effective on semi-auto, especially the G3.

I'm talking full auto spray + pray, not controlled bursts...

Last edited by MrAnderson (2008-06-13 12:58:48)

+224|6998|Some where huntin in Wisconsin
like everyone else said i have over 2000 hours into bf2 call it ubserd what ever but ive only come across maybe 2 dozen hackers and what is it to switch servers.

Mod:  Personal attacks removed.
+6|6252|Sweden, Baby!!!!!!
Screaming Whatever, thanks everybody who have said a kind word and helped me..
Editing the userconfig is something i didn't want to do at all......(personal reasons)
But after a long talk with my sniper friend i decided to make the changes and all i can say is LOL!!!!!

Now you just have to point your gun in the general direction of the enemy and fire and sure enough, he will die......... (slightly exaggerated) :-)
I don't even have to lift the gun many times i just shoot from the hip......very K/D ratio will certainly improve.
Thanks again

Reminds me of the military service when we changed from old 1943 submachineguns to the G3.
What a difference,  the G3 killed everything you pointed it at up to nearly 300m with a breeze..
Its a fantastic weapon which doesn't really show in this game..

Official Battlefield fanboy
+240|6461|San Antonio, Texas
Good to see things work out for you, now get out there and kill with a better attitude towards life! Oxymoron much, but most importantly, have fun.
I'm Jamesey
Do a Research Noob

rythmdoc wrote:

Screaming Whatever, thanks everybody who have said a kind word and helped me..
Editing the userconfig is something i didn't want to do at all......(personal reasons)
But after a long talk with my sniper friend i decided to make the changes and all i can say is LOL!!!!!

Now you just have to point your gun in the general direction of the enemy and fire and sure enough, he will die......... (slightly exaggerated) :-)
I don't even have to lift the gun many times i just shoot from the hip......very K/D ratio will certainly improve.
Thanks again

Reminds me of the military service when we changed from old 1943 submachineguns to the G3.
What a difference,  the G3 killed everything you pointed it at up to nearly 300m with a breeze..
Its a fantastic weapon which doesn't really show in this game..

Editing the config isn't a bad thing, at the most it just helps people who didn't start the game with decent hitreg.

Shoot from the hip without aiming in all fights up to and around 10 feet and fire in bursts and soon you'll be raping.
AKA Selkies ftw
You know I never understood the whole hack accusation thing. The Karkand server I generally play at (Team America 24/7 Karkand) has gotten to the point where anybody who plays above average gets 'hack hack hack" and "kick him! pbss him! he is cheating!", thrown at him. I never understood why I get accused, but I just laugh about it. In all of the time I have played battlefield 2, I have never seen somebody that I actually thought was hacking, so this isn't something I've really dealt with as I see you have. I have come across some people that have killed me and I thought to myself, "hmm, that was pretty iffy...fuck it, he is probably just good." And that is how I handle it. I guess I just have an easy time not caring, becuase if they want to hack, hey let 'em, doesn't bother me. The game is in no way ruined.
100% Irishpride
There is alot less hackers out there than the noobs say, srsly.
+6|6252|Sweden, Baby!!!!!!
Well i never scream, hes a hakker kick him, in game i just see the "shit" and go no not again........ and then play on and change server!

And no i never ever mix up skill with a hakker, there´s a bigg difference between like dropping 25 jeeps or 15 supply boxes or when the arty comes suspiciously tight between the showers(5secs), than being sniped by a sniper with skill on 250+ meters........

Or when the same player shoots you and your 3 mates with an interval of less than 0.5secs between the shots, of course oneshotkills all of´em.....well maybe its possible for a skilled player to do that!
And if a skilled player can do that, then kudos, unbelievable, damn you are good......or as a German pistol gunner once said to me: I'm not good u r bad(true)!   

Anyway I've seen this shit on at least say ~25 servers i tried playing on since i joined 6 months ago.....
And people say don't play those servers, but there's no blocking function in BF2 i wish there was, cause after a while you don't remember which servers where shit and what players were idiots::. Too bad!!

Still....... i love BF2 and i love EA for giving me a game that can make me forget my disease/disorder for a couple of hours every day, its
wonderful to feel 200% alive and kicking in this game.... GO EA!!
I cant wait for BF3, please come soon!!!

130+ ping means you are playing on the wrong continent or you have a really shitty isp. Yet somehow people still fail to realize this? Why would anyone want to play on a server with a high ping and have shitty reg and lag? Your 180 ping probably makes you think you were shot through a wall, when you actually weren't.

Everyone who claims that there are very few cheaters in BF2 is in denial. There just aren't a lot of blatant ones, or at least there weren't when I still played.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
+76|6118|Amsterdam, NY
FRIKKIN hackers tbh
+6|6252|Sweden, Baby!!!!!!

I-=C-A-V-E-M-A-N=-I wrote:

130+ ping means you are playing on the wrong continent or you have a really shitty isp. Yet somehow people still fail to realize this? Why would anyone want to play on a server with a high ping and have shitty reg and lag? Your 180 ping probably makes you think you were shot through a wall, when you actually weren't.

Everyone who claims that there are very few cheaters in BF2 is in denial. There just aren't a lot of blatant ones, or at least there weren't when I still played.
Nono, i realise this very much, but since my suck factor is high.....i must try to find servers where the players are a bit equal to me.
When i play on Battlefield Gotland my ping goes between 19-23, which is OK i believe..
But on the Gotland servers there are some really damn good players and you get killed A LOT..
So i look for another server, and sometimes end up with a very high ping, unfortunately!

Yeah the 180 could instill trouble but for the most of those through the wall kills i wasn't moving and got shot very very soon after the spawn.
I Even spawned in the corridor on the inside of (palace second floor)  and got shot so fast, with one shot, that barley had time to register where i was..

Don't Hassel the Hoff
+345|6616|The | Netherlands
rly I was saying sensitive things there =O

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