So, I'm going to need a new PC for college and I've just now started looking. The budget is about $1,400.00 that I have to work with and I'd be a fool if I didn't get input from BF2s before purchasing.
I'm fairly certain I will be getting a Dell XPS 420 (I can get some discount through my dad's business associates), which means to customize, I start here on the Dell site. I don't plan on doing much gaming, but still would a pretty decent system nonetheless in terms of processor, graphics, and sound. There also just so happens to be a sale on this very model at a local retailer. I'd much appreciate it to see what the techies here think about what I should do within my budget.
I'm fairly certain I will be getting a Dell XPS 420 (I can get some discount through my dad's business associates), which means to customize, I start here on the Dell site. I don't plan on doing much gaming, but still would a pretty decent system nonetheless in terms of processor, graphics, and sound. There also just so happens to be a sale on this very model at a local retailer. I'd much appreciate it to see what the techies here think about what I should do within my budget.