- Never stop moving
- Always assume there is somebody watching you
- Walk AWAY from the red arty icon on the radar if it is nearby
- Always assume that when the enemy commander is firing arty, and you can see/hear it, assume its going to you if you are capping his flag
- Alternate kits throughout the round to suit the type of opposition
- Dont senselessly spawn on the same flag to get spawnraped over and over (Sharqi TV Station, last flag on Gator as SEAL's on the deck, etc)
- As a bomber pilot, if you have a gunner who can LGM, fly FOR them: believe me, you are much more devastating
- Anybody can fly and own in a J10, dont think you are a good pilot because of it
- Never take a direct route into an enemy base, always use FAV's to speed around and hit from the sides/behind
- Dont take on tanks single-handedly with an AT kit: get a 2-3man team of you to do it (unless you have enough cover)
- ALWAYS aim for the front tracks on a tank: those 1hit-rebound-kills are rare enough not to bother trying for, and the front tracks = 2shot kill
- APC's are not that deadly, 2 AT rockets will dispatch that foe
- People who play in vehicle servers hate and frown upon people who play IO: and vice versa, and is something that will never change
- Most people will cry about uncap rape, some agree, some disagree. There will never be an acceptance between the two parties
- Solo'ing is a part of the game and required at times
- The HMG's (KORD/M2HB) on vehicles tear shit into enemy helicopters: dont be afraid of them. Grounded Z8/Mi17's can also be used for the humiliation factor
- Points dont mean jackshit in the grand-scheme of things, just play the game and dont care if you get a KDA or the kill when using AT-rockets vs tanks or the HMG's vs helis
- Mobile AA owns the shit out of jets, learn to use it. You should only really beware of the 2seater bomber jets
- Stationary AA blows, but can make the odd kill vs helicopters
- No vehicle or weapon sucks, its only the user
- Learn to use the terrain and minimap to get the low-down on enemies, i.e. abandoned vehicles on the radar
- Engineers can defuse ATmines and Claymores, and can repair damaged barrels and "teddy crates"
- APC gunports are not useless, they can rape the shit out of the PLA uncap on FuShe by sitting the other side of the chainlink fence by the helipads (cannon/missile fire cant get through...your amazingly accurate gunports can)
- Dont fire your AA cannon, Tank MG's, APC cannons or any other weapon with tracers (i.e. LMG's) at enemy choppers unless you want to draw their attention to you (except when they are very close)
- Always use the shock paddle over the knife in CQC as a medic: knife hitreg is terrible.
- Dont be afraid of using the GL or any other "noob friendly weapon" (i.e. unlocks in some peoples eyes): they are in the game, use them as you see fit
- Pick up dead peoples kitbags to drop claymores, throw smoke, resupply, repair and provide medic bags (unless you CTD from it often )
- Destroying commander assets is pointless unless you can consistently keep them down throughout the round. If you must do it, take out the UAV first.
- Just because you have an M95, does NOT give you automatic rights to that jet/heli.
- If your LGM missiles are bugging, bail out to let somebody else have a go: you are of no use to your pilot or team if you cannot fire
- AF jets are not shit, they just require different tactics in use
- Never type chat ingame, you will probably be kicked for arguing with an admin or kicked from the language filter
- Never drop vehicles or supplies as a commander unless they are requested (if no requests are ever made, drop supplies at strategic areas, always save the vehicles)
- Always give UAV and arty support as a commander, and do a "Squad leader, resupply available on your request" to let SL's know you are there to aid them
- Vehicles dropped by the vehicle drop will explode after 20seconds if not occupied.
- Leave AT-mines under unoccupied vehicles when capping a flag: always results in some nice sneaky kills
- You will rarely come across an actual hacker: most people who get accused just had a lucky shot and/or are just that damn good.
- Claymores can kill enemies in an FAV/DPV
- Do not be predictable, try to vary what you do and where you attack
- If on a bombing run, and somebody starts to lock onto you, check F12 quickly, and if it is a jet, pull out of your bombing run immediatly. Dont flare straight away, only use flares when missiles have been released from the enemy jet (no point flaring if hes not going to fire...)
- Friendly AA missiles CAN track your jet: beware of this
- Teamplaying is NOT limited to reviving, healing and resupplying.
- SF is actually a lot better than people give it credit for: the maps are much better balanced than vanilla
- Flashbangs are next to useless unless you can hit somebody in the face with one
- The Benelli M4 autoshotgun can be used at medium range to great effect, unlike the jackhammer/DAO
- There is already a PLA infantry map: its called Great Wall