I've read her character design was based on the voice actor.RTHKI wrote:
Let's be real newb she looked weird. So did the male lead cause his jaw isn't symmetrical or something I forget, it looked so weird in motion.
It was a mild annoyance and didn't rate the game lower cause of it.
Now Battlefront 2 the female character death screams were kinda weird they were so high pitched and loud v the male ones.

Also re: asymmetry, in character design, it's a way to make your characters look more "real." Crooked nose, offset jaw, whatever.
Here's the Joker:

I mean unless you work in 3d animation or something, but of course we're talking about the angry gamer/anime nerds who make angry noises about someone's elbows being two degrees too pointy.uziq wrote:
i've said this here before, but: nobody who gets laid often can possibly give a fuck about this shit. nobody who has healthy, constructive, positive relationships with women gets angry about women characters in star wars movies, or playable female characters in battlefield games, or pronouns, or whatever the fuck.