Got this today, is this a joke or what?
I'm writing to let you know that you have been specially selected to
participate in the second phase of testing at trackr. The site is nearing
completion and I want to get more feedback from people.
Your BF2S account has been ported over to Trackr, but the password has
had to change (change it later!). You can login with these details:
User: Jage
Pass: ---
Please leave as much feedback as you can. Be aware, of course, there
are still some rough edges around the site. I would reccommend, though,
that you at least check out these areas:
Events -
We'll be able to create a calendar of events which users can
sign up for!
Groups -
Create and join groups which open up special, private forums and
sometimes grant special permissions
Library -
Greatly expanding upon the BF2S Wiki, the library sports a interface
for creating reference material for any game we want now!
Galleries! -
Upload your computer specs, compare with others, and show off
your desktops (more galleries to open upon requests )
- Jeff Minard
Last edited by Jage (2008-07-27 09:06:53)