Hello guises
Well, I've got a problem. I searched for some similar topics but nothing was found, so yeah.
My problem is, that everything I try to download via uTorrent and some torrentsiteiwonttellyoubecauseiwouldhurtthebf2rules, is freaking slow.
I get 30-60kb/s, sometimes (rarely) the download speed goes up to 100 or 150 but then down again.
I tried to change the upload limit from 12kb/s, to 30kb/s and to 60kb/s but nothing really happend.
I wouldn't really care if I'd download a single CD but the thing is I'm trying to download something that has 3,42GB and it'll take years with that speed.
Screenie for seeders and other shit: (right click > view image)
Serious help will be rewarded with 1+
Well, I've got a problem. I searched for some similar topics but nothing was found, so yeah.
My problem is, that everything I try to download via uTorrent and some torrentsiteiwonttellyoubecauseiwouldhurtthebf2rules, is freaking slow.
I get 30-60kb/s, sometimes (rarely) the download speed goes up to 100 or 150 but then down again.
I tried to change the upload limit from 12kb/s, to 30kb/s and to 60kb/s but nothing really happend.
I wouldn't really care if I'd download a single CD but the thing is I'm trying to download something that has 3,42GB and it'll take years with that speed.
Screenie for seeders and other shit: (right click > view image)
Serious help will be rewarded with 1+