jord wrote:
VicktorVauhn wrote:
jord wrote:
It's not a question of being retarded, computer don't like me. There's a 90% chance it wouldn't work, and I'd be stuck without a computer for however long. You also have to be tech savvy, of which I am not. I'd probably miss about 3 vital parts, only computer part I know is the fan...
There are only like 4 parts in there lol....It IS a question of not being retarded because computer parts don't have opinion, there are a billion guides to what parts to get on this website alone, let alone the internet...
I didn't know any of that either, so I read for 2 days... and here I am using the computer I built.
Seriously, an Ikea desk is at least 10X more difficult then a computer... Hell the BBQ I bought from walmart was harder.
Whilst an IKEA desk may be easier, it's a lot cheaper if you break any parts or mess it up. I might look at building my own now it's apparently so easy, but what about all the wires and stuff?
As far as wires go:
Really there is only a wire from the CPU heat sink fan to the MOBO, One from the On/off and reset buttons and the wires coming off of the Power supply. All the ones that plug into your mother board will be shown in your mother boards manual, and are actually labeled on the board itself.
The wires off the power supply run to all your stuff like hard drives, DVD drives, Video card, Case fans... but all of those actually use the same connector type and voltage so its not like you need to know what plugs into where... If it fits its pretty much right. Also from Power supply to mother board, but that is a completely different connector that won't fit on anything else, can only attach one way, and may very well be color coded?
It saves a lot of money, yes there is a chance that a part will come DOA, but thats the same will any thing... and the chance is pretty low. It can be kinda a head ache at that point but if you got another computer to look at this forum, and know how to use google...
There really are not that many components. Spend a day or so researching what is needed on here, then make sure to post up link to everything before you actually buy.