Two shots with the scattergun it's more like 4 for me.Acreta wrote:
While i do agree with you completly that this is an absolute joke, wait till they announce how much % it will take down the scouts speed by. Right now, scout has the advantage to get on top of the heavies head, without jumping off anything, jump on their head and 2 shot them with the scattergun for a quick and satisfying kill. See, the KGB's would be a godsend for scouts in the form of a bat, but it hits 75% slower.Mutantsteak wrote:
Fuck, David P would support me, Scout is fucked. The game wasn't meant to completely give a certain class no chance against another, and thats what they are doingBratwurstschnecke wrote:
Add the word "fuck" a few times and you sound like david.p. Unlocks don't change the class, they just give the player more options. The default minigun will still be the better choice in most situations.
Or...each successful hit with the bat unlock increases speed by 50% for 2 seconds methinks, and it stacks.
Right now the scout has a major disadvantage over other classes as it cannot be tanked. All other classes can be tanked, unless they don't really need it like spy and engy. Scout CAN be tanked, but medics can't keep up with it, and its speed is actually no benefit due to heavies being able to STAND there and shoot, demos use stickies in advance of the scout running (and the splash damage kills the scout), soldiers just have to shoot and they KNOW splash damage will kill them.
Contrary to popular belief the scout IS at a major disadvantage, its just people don't say it because they aren't the ones who play scout.
Anyway shup
Taking bets on tonight's announcement... media, new game mode + 5 arenas, last unlock?
Taking bets on tonight's announcement... media, new game mode + 5 arenas, last unlock?
Two unlock announcements in a row? The last unlock will probably be Tuesday. I think they might announce the new gamemode or another payload map.
Another payload map? ?!?!?!Fat_Swinub wrote:
Two unlock announcements in a row? The last unlock will probably be Tuesday. I think they might announce the new gamemode or another payload map.
New weapon looks shit.
how much damage does a minigun bullet do?about 5 or 10 hp? wrote:
how much damage does a minigun bullet do?about 5 or 10 hp?
Point Blank: 50-55 Crit: 105
Medium: 5-30 Crit: 105
Long Range: 5-10 Crit: 30
Well so far it's been:
So having another weapon would break the cycle.
So having another weapon would break the cycle.
so wat lolSpidery_Yoda wrote:
Well so far it's been:
So having another weapon would break the cycle.
Well someone just made a list of all the rumours for the new game mode. … p?t=715698 … p?t=715698
Thoughts?BnetTheAwesome;8020807 wrote:
Here is a compilation of the many rumors circulating the net about the new gametype and it's maps.
*Called "Arena"
*Badlands/Well/Granary being remade
*New environment: Woodlands
*I've had conflicting reports from various beta testers. One said there would be a desert themed map called Grax and the other could be the new environment, but I see others saying both will feature the new environment. Guess we'll have to see
*Perma Sudden Death with no medkits (Medics are VERY important)
*Default 5v5 teams. Allows for team scrambling when a team wins 5 in a row. Losing team sits out in spectator.
*A CP in the middle can go live and capping it wins (Discourages turtling)
*A new crit gauge that shows what your crit chance is
Keep in mind I'm the same guy who compiled the rumored info about Heavy unlocks and turned out to be right, so don't disown me completely. Keep in mind that these are RUMORS and are to be treated as such.
Speculate away.
Could be total bullshit, who knows?
I don't really like it though. Doesn't seem very original.
I don't really like it though. Doesn't seem very original.
It could be made up but i'm inclined to believe it. Like the guy said he posted rumours about the unlocks too and they turned out to be spot on.
No I don't think it's very original either. I was hoping for something.. grander than team dm. I'm a little underwhelmed.
But depending on the maps and what the actual details are it could be pretty fun. Spies and Snipers will have a huge role to play in SD, and just now most servers don't run it. Hydro is at its best when it's SD too. It could be a lot of fun.
No I don't think it's very original either. I was hoping for something.. grander than team dm. I'm a little underwhelmed.
But depending on the maps and what the actual details are it could be pretty fun. Spies and Snipers will have a huge role to play in SD, and just now most servers don't run it. Hydro is at its best when it's SD too. It could be a lot of fun.
Last edited by Spidery_Yoda (2008-08-18 08:52:52)
I remember them saying that they were experimenting with letting players know their crit chance. I hope that 5v5 stuff is for consoles or something.
sandwich launcher, you wait

Are they late or something?
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Coming tomorrow at 11AM - Coming tomorrow at 2PMUzique wrote:
... No they're on time
They've very late
kerry got banned so we need someone to update the thread
Last edited by Mutantsteak (2008-08-18 15:49:05)

Probably because they're trying to figure out what to do since everyone knows about the Sandvich. That was seriously a stupid move revealing those achievements early. They should have revealed half of them at the start, half at the end.
When you consider that they took ten years to make TF2 in the first place, they're actually on-schedule right now.Spidery_Yoda wrote:
They've very late
Maybe they did that on purpose to have people guessing on how the sandwich will be implementedPoseidon wrote:
Probably because they're trying to figure out what to do since everyone knows about the Sandvich. That was seriously a stupid move revealing those achievements early. They should have revealed half of them at the start, half at the end.

I think they did it deliberately as well. They said they liked all the flare gun speculation after the Meet the Sniper vid and said they wanted to do something similar with the next update (ie this one).
Same with the new environment in the background of the Natascha page.
Same with the new environment in the background of the Natascha page.
Update the thread with whatMutantsteak wrote:
kerry got banned so we need someone to update the thread
Last edited by Spidery_Yoda (2008-08-18 15:53:22)
he was linking to each individual link, whatever we'll liveSpidery_Yoda wrote:
I think they did it deliberately as well. They said they liked all the flare gun speculation after the Meet the Sniper vid and said they wanted to do something similar with the next update (ie this one).
Same with the new environment in the background of the Natascha page.Update the thread with whatMutantsteak wrote:
kerry got banned so we need someone to update the thread