lol that's pretty good. Should've burst into a rousing chorus of "kick me baby one more time".
I've been kicked for numerous 'interesting' reasons after admins were in a bad mood. Usual candidates include:
- Base rape. I was on the other side of the map and hadn't gone near uncaps.
- High ping. I had 30-40 ping tops.
- Excessive Teamkilling. 0 Tks, 0 team damage. You do the maths.
- Stealing vehicles. I got to the chopper first and took off with a friend then killed the other chopper crews repeatedly.
- "Cheating" because I kept on spotting stuff behind me in a jet. I explained to the admin that I was in the rear view and it was possible to spot this way, but nope, they just moaned about it for ages until an admin finally had enough and kicked me, despite the explanation.
- ... and my favourite "killing too much infantry" -- I was in the Mi-28 and my gunner had 70 kills with about 100 tickets left, so the admins kicked us. We weren't camping the TV station because it got capped, and the dumbasses on the other team were too busy complaining to man the AA, use vodniks or send some AT missiles at us. That would be too sensible. Instead they cried and the server went IO shortly thereafter. Oh dear, oh dear.
To be fair, at least the last lot were honest. Most server admins are remarkably restrained, but it's only natural that some arse-candle will get their nose bent out of shape and kick people they don't want on their server regardless of what's actually happening
When I get kicked/banned and I was doing something I should not have been doing (e.g. blocked a jet once on |2es because I hit a UAV and got a bit pissed off when I didn't get it next time around), I always hold my hands up and apologise, though.