Mass Media Casualty


I have seen this subject discussed many times on different topics, however I believe it is my duty to teach people how to not only use Claymores, but more importantly, how to avoid being killed by them. The use section will be small, because everyone will have their own way, and nothing is foolproof, but on how to avoid being killed by them, I am a professional. The last time I was killed by a Claymore was when I was a PFC, and it's not that I'm not in contact with them, it's that I know how to not die when faced by them.


Snipers use Claymores predominantly to defend their position. They protect the Sniper, who's attention is focused in another direction, from someone sneaking up behind them in order to kill them. Claymores can also be used to restrict access to certain areas, although this is the way many Claymores end up killing teammates. This can not be avoided as there will always be the odd person barreling in to a place with disregard to their safety.

Deploying Claymores is not really a problem, everything can be effective, or annoying when an oblivious teammate finds the front of one. Nothing can stop this, except the second section, which I stress on you to read and consider.

Also you can use Claymores to blow up enemy light transports. Lay them on the side of the road and unless a teammate sets it off first, or the enemy goes a different way, (or the damn thing dosn't go off,) in the new patch you will be able to pick it up, and try again later.

Claymores - How not to Die.

This should be really simple, but is constantly ignored. There are obvious places to plant Claymores, really obvious. They are at the top of ladders, around corners, (not too often,) and on top of stairs, they can be defending commander assets from single Special Operations soldiers. Think where you would put a Claymore, and it's not that hard. I think you would put on at the top of a high ladder, or you would put on where you know people constantly go through, (the latter not realy a big issue, as Snipers will not want friendlies killed,but keep it in mind.) They lurk on the top of stairs; you know this, so why do you insist on barreling up ladders, or running up stairs, (a safety hazard for another unrelated reason too,) to set them off? Use caution and you will never be killed, (over a hundred hours since I started doing this and I still havn't been killed by one.)

When you climb a ladder, stop before you reach the top, slowly edge your head over the top to actually see if you are going to climb into the blast radius of a Claymore. You can see a lot by just sticking your head over the top, I promise the Claymore won't blow. When/if you see it, leave it. Climb down, or slide down, (hold shift as you decend,) the ladder. You do not want to go up there. Now you have two things on your side. One, you're still alive, two you know where an enemy Sniper is. If you can, try lobbing grenades to where you believe this Sniper to be. You can also move to a position where you may be able to see the Sniper, and shoot him. You can take your time because the Sniper will not know that you know he is there. If you set it off on the other hand, he would know, that you know, that he is there, (am I going to fast for you?)

Nevertheless, if you kill him or not, you know he's there, and you did not die! How cool is that? You just saved yourself one death and fifteen seconds of waiting! Although it took a paragraph to explain, I promise it takes only two seconds to save yourself a death, and deny your enemy a kill. That's a net gain of thirteen seconds for you. This also helps if it's a friendly Claymore, with the added bonus that the Sniper on top will not try to kill you later, (unless you do set of the Claymore, and punish for a teamkill maybe.)

Another option is to hit 'c', (the view button,) to change to third person view while on a ladder. You'll be able to see potential threats easier, but it is not nessisary. Use if you don't like the idea of edging your head over the top of a ladder.

In one round of Mashtuur City I saw two team mates disregard their safety and barrel up into waiting Claymores, (one of them was mine, even after I caps-typed a 'watch out' message. He didn't punish thankfully.) The one who died from an enemy Claymore could have waited a few seconds and he could have made it without dying, as earlier I had spotted the Claymore, and shot the perpetrator.

Treat every ladder as having a Claymore on the top.

Stairs: Very similar to ladders. You can slowly asend stairs and spot a Claymore before it fills your face with shrapnel. You can them go out of the buliding and then see if you can't shoot the Sniper on top or it. If you then shoot him and you have to go up the stairs, wait until it dissapears. If you can't kill anyone, forget about it. Stay out of the Snipers way and he'll probably be killed by someone else, (see if you can't tell your teammates about him though.)

Even better, if you happen to be an Engineer, stay where you first spotted the Claymore, (do not jump to see it or you will die,) and take out your wrench. You will be in range to defuse the mine, and then go up to shoot the layer of the mine, (if he's still there.) It works, I promise, I have experience, and after defusing the Claymore I decided to shoot the Sniper in the head with my shotgun, (the last thing he was expecting.)

Another tip for both these scenarios is to use a dim-witted teammate as a mine sweeper. On Leviathan once I knew there were two Snipers and a Claymore on the top of the crane-thing/cargo-ship-loader-thing. I saw it and decided to go down the ladder. Luckily, there was a teammate behind me on the ladder who also wanted to kill the Snipers. He barreled on up there and got killed, while I was free to climb the rest of the way, and stab the two Snipers.
However, this isn't a great tactic, as the Sniper will know that their Claymore was set off, and possibly run to replace it.

Claymores can also be around corners. Now this is simple, and should happen whenever you go around a corner. Use caution! There could be a Claymore, some C4, a group of enemy soldiers or even a fucking tank waiting to kill you. Use your judgement on how to confront these situations. Find a different way around, or throw grenades, do something to assure you don't get killed. However, Claymores arn't often around corners as Snipers try to avoid unnessisary teamkills.

All of these tactics can be used to avoid being killed by friendly mines too, (except the mine-sweeper one.) So just don't be stupid. If you are killed by any friendly mine, I'm sorry to say but it is your fault. You can use all the reasoning you need but it's your fault, (actually there are some grey areas so don't quote me on that.)

I hope to see none of you caught in my Claymores anytime soon okay? Unless your an enemy, then go right ahead.
Fuck, what have I done?

Play loud,


Last edited by Tyferra (2006-01-23 19:08:32)

[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Microsoft Poster Child
+83|7008|Vancouver BC Canada
Good guide. Didn't know Engineers could defuse claymores too. I would love playing sniper, if it wern't for those stupid teammates running into my frickin claymores. I swear somtimes they must TRY to be teamkilled, big capital letter warning and what not. I think it should tell you how you were teamkilled too, "SoAndSo [Teamkills, Claymore] Noob", or something.

good post, good post, nice details, nice details.

Just messin with ya.
Mass Media Casualty

I'm sure it's a really funny joke and I just don't get it...
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
sticky request!!!
+17|7107|Dayton, Ohio
excellent post.  i, as a predominent engineer player, love to find claymoes at the top of stairs.  i greatly enjoy defusing them (wish an engi got points for defusing an enemy explosive ordinance), and proceeding to greet the layer of said claymores.  it brings me great pleasure in putting a silent end to an enemy sniper with my knife.  i almost hate it when they hear me sneaking up on them after the defuse.  that forces me to waste a couple of jackhammer rounds on them while they try to pull their pistol out.
+62|6992|Adelaide, Australia
Just thought I'd add something you didn't mention:

While climbing a ladder, hit C or F10 to switch to third person view. You'll be able to spot any claymores much more easily.
+9|7152|6,000 ft & falling......weeeee
i normally defuse clays with grenades....

the_outsider38 wrote:

Good guide. Didn't know Engineers could defuse claymores too. I would love playing sniper, if it wern't for those stupid teammates running into my frickin claymores. I swear somtimes they must TRY to be teamkilled, big capital letter warning and what not. I think it should tell you how you were teamkilled too, "SoAndSo [Teamkills, Claymore] Noob", or something.
You can change your settings so you can see how people were teamkilled.

Go to: (or to where its installed)
C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2\mods\bf2\Localization\English

Open 'English.utxt' in notepad

Find this line and change it from:


It will now show the weapon used to teamkill
+5|7054|Clinton, MD, USA
I learned how to do this a long time ago.
The Mas
+311|7002|NYC, a place to live

enterprizer wrote:

Click on "Search" and type "expert explosives". I just did it and it returned half a dozen guides for getting the expert explosives badge.
And get your keyboard fixed--it looks like the caps lock key is stuck.
You might want to add another way of avoiding claymores in Special Forces I figured out.  You can use grapling hook not only to avoid claymores located at the top of ladders, but also on stairs.  When you notice the claymore, throw your grapling hook up the set of stairs and climb up.  It never detonates the clamore no matter how close you get!
Mass Media Casualty

Woah, I made this thread AGES ago... almost a year. Yep. Definatly out of date.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
+127|6658|Twyford, UK
A good guide, but I do this anyway after the first few times I got hit by them.

Is everyone else incapable of learning from experience, or something? This guide should not be needed, yet it seems to be.

Also, you ruined my chance of getting my sniper badge, since I can't seem to hit a damn thing with a sniper rifle.

san4 wrote:

And get your keyboard fixed--it looks like the caps lock key is stuck.
How can you say my keyboard's caps-lock key is stuck when towards the end of my post, i changed to small letter?
The Mas
+311|7002|NYC, a place to live

enterprizer wrote:

san4 wrote:

And get your keyboard fixed--it looks like the caps lock key is stuck.
How can you say my keyboard's caps-lock key is stuck when towards the end of my post, i changed to small letter?
lol! Intermittent problem.
/̵͇̿̿/'̿'̿ ̿

Ty wrote:

Woah, I made this thread AGES ago... almost a year. Yep. Definatly out of date.
Whew...thought I had deja vu or something until I looked at the OP's date lol
hey guys...

I was wondering...


I hardly get killed by claymores either, but I just wish there was a way to spot them on the map so my idiot teammates (despite numerous warnings) won't run into them.
+127|6658|Twyford, UK
I have proven that the engineer mine removal tactic works, by way of uprooting mines on Jalalabad.

The armour whore I'd been trailing in a buggy was very grateful, just as he was when he was repaired all the way through the subsequent tank battle.
Unfortunately, someone spawned and shot me shortly afterwards.

Last edited by Skorpy-chan (2007-01-13 16:51:47)

There are some instances when the claymore explodes, but doesn't kill you. The fuzzy disorientation is still there, but you take little or no damage. I'm not exactly sure what makes the claymore do this, but I noticed that it happens mostly when the claymore is facing up a hill near the top and someone runs over the top. The guy running over sets off the claymore, but sometimes, no kill.
Sometimes, if you have good cover, you can detonate the claymore and take a lot of damage but not die. I haven't practised this actually, but for example, if it's the kind of building like the one just northeast of hotel in Strike at Karkand, I've had it happen. The claymore is located to your right when you climb up the stairs to the room, and you have the wall partly cover you, it detonates but you don't die. Not a tactic I really recoomend, just some trivial information

Oh, one easy to way to clean claymores are vehicles. If you have some friend on vehicle, ask him or her to drive over it (only if they have tank or apc, or they are really dump ). Also, if the claymore is on simple place, you can take a jeep, speed up so that the claymore is either on your left or right, and jump out the car and let it go with its own speed and detonate the claymore.  This tactic works only on claymores on easy positions. I think it is safer to drive so the claymore will be on your right, since when you jump out a car you will be positioned on the left if you're on driver seat.

hutchy52 wrote:

the_outsider38 wrote:

Good guide. Didn't know Engineers could defuse claymores too. I would love playing sniper, if it wern't for those stupid teammates running into my frickin claymores. I swear somtimes they must TRY to be teamkilled, big capital letter warning and what not. I think it should tell you how you were teamkilled too, "SoAndSo [Teamkills, Claymore] Noob", or something.
You can change your settings so you can see how people were teamkilled.

Go to: (or to where its installed)
C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2\mods\bf2\Localization\English

Open 'English.utxt' in notepad

Find this line and change it from:


It will now show the weapon used to teamkill
Cool, does this anger Punkbuster though?

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