I bought a new proccesor then a new motherboard and new ram. Popped everything together in hopes it would work. No it didn't. So then i bought a new power supply, did it work? Nope still didnt work. So i RMA'd it and got another one. Still didn't work. Ok then it must be my motherboard. So i go out and buy a new motherboard... Will it work now? Fuck no nexus you can't have a computer of course i wont work for you.
So my question is, Why the fuck aren't i getting any video to my monitor? I've done everything, I've used a 2 video cards, onboard video, bought a new motherboard and i still have no clue what to do. Is my power supply to shitty to power even the simplest of things? It's a 550 Watt single rail PS.
So my question is, Why the fuck aren't i getting any video to my monitor? I've done everything, I've used a 2 video cards, onboard video, bought a new motherboard and i still have no clue what to do. Is my power supply to shitty to power even the simplest of things? It's a 550 Watt single rail PS.