grandmaster league revivalist

RDMC wrote:

Sisco wrote:

Nic wrote:

srs for sure.... every sever seems full of people crying about this weapon, or that weapon, hopping or camping. spawnkilling or spamming. And if for heavens sake, you come in first or get a few HS, your hacking, because you know, you could never kill such and such random pub dude. Then theres the noob shit...
And that is different from online console gaming how? PC gaming people type that shit to one another. In console gaming some 12 year old will shout it through your surround set.
Sounds like fun.

To stick on topic somewhat:

Mass Effect 2 - Shadowbroker DLC: 8/10
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6878|Area 51

Sisco wrote:

RDMC wrote:

Sisco wrote:

And that is different from online console gaming how? PC gaming people type that shit to one another. In console gaming some 12 year old will shout it through your surround set.
Sounds like fun.

To stick on topic somewhat:

Mass Effect 2 - Shadowbroker DLC: 8/10
Oh really is quite alot of fun. Hearing the screeching voice of a 12 year old through some crappy PS3 microphone while you are playing on a ridiculously high volume. I'd recommend it to anyone, most enjoyable experience ever.

Stupid keyboard is stuck
+32|5323|Ontario, Canada

Killing floor. Checking to see if it got better since the patches. Definitely better, still pretty good game, but a little too chaotic, even for a zombie game, due to the generally small maps. Weapons should have more recoil. Liked the new weapon additions, but some are too overpowered or too underpowered. Otherwise, 7.5/10. DEFINITELY more fun with friends.

I played some Uncharted 2 online last weekend, for the first time since a month or two after it came out. They had a 5x XP/Cash thing going on, so I figured I might as well give it a shot. It actually wasn't all that bad. It was nice to be earning a crap ton of money to buy useful perks and whatnot instead of feeling like you don't play the game enough to unlock any of the good stuff, and would just have to stick it out for a long time before the potential to be decent was finally there. But now that it's back to the normal amount of xp, not really worth playing a whole lot, tbh.

However, there is still one major thing holding it back. It's on a console. Now, I'm not a super-die-hard PC fanboy who rails on consoles any chance I get. But aiming with a little joystick instead of a mouse is annoying. You see people everywhere and have the reaction and brain process, but your motor skills can't keep up. That could be remedied by buying a mouse+keyboard for the PS3, but I'm not wasting that much money to play a game or two online.

Furthermore, there is one thing that can't be remedied as easily, and that's the style of play that console players use. There were a few lucky rounds where people were using a mic and coordinating teamwork, but for the most part, console players are the most unaware bunch of players ever. Only focused on what's going on right in front of them and not concerned about the big picture. But I think I've gone on that rant before...

All in all, 7.5/10 experience.

Medal of Honor 2010 - 3/10

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

After enduring this glitchfest of a game with grenades bouncing off invisible walls into your face, things being immune to everything unless you use a specific weapon and endlessly respawning enemies over 99% of the game, you get this line of dialog:

Dude 1: "This isn't how it ends."
Dude 2: "No, it isn't."
Fade to American jingoist spoogefest that shits all over the lives, contributions and dignity of anybody not in the military.
Fade to indecipherable scene that may or may not supposed to be a cliffhanger.
Fade to credits.


This is honestly the most disappointed I've been in a game since...forever. And I don't think it's because I'm becoming jaded.

un13; dst thread wrote:

Do. Not. Want.

I've heard of a shooter on rails, but your neck's on fucking rails in this thing. Every time the game wants you to look at something, it forces you to. While people order you to get on the gun or get up to the point, you're busy locked in place watching other assholes die while you brush dirt off your sleeves.

This game is SO awful that I can't even imagine real terrorists would want to play it if it had airliners flying into buildings.
e: The limited edition is also fucking pathetic. They could have packaged it with goat shit and it would have been a step up from...nothing. But I guess I should say one nice thing about the game: it got me access to the Battlefield 3 beta.

Lost Eden: 9/10

Great example of the old adventure genre.
Project Reality .957                            8.5/10
X-Com: UFO Defense/Enemy Unknown 10/10
CoH                                                  8.5/10
grandmaster league revivalist
Hellgate London - 6/10

I actually had a great deal of fun in Hellgate London. What ruined it for me was the elitist microtransaction system. Creating new areas that you had to pay extra to get into was a horrible thing to do to the community.
grandmaster league revivalist

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

I actually had a great deal of fun in Hellgate London. What ruined it for me was the elitist microtransaction system. Creating new areas that you had to pay extra to get into was a horrible thing to do to the community.
Funny thing is, when it got released I torrented it and played it in SP with like 2 characters.
Then I did not touch it for a year or so, until a good friend of mine bought it in some sale and asked whether I would like to play with him. At that time it was already clear the servers would be shut down, so we had like two or three months left of online playtime.
Got to lvl 15 or something, but my Engie was vastly superior to his blademaster. Was pwning shit left and right, before he even got in range, made him a bit mad. Was good fun though

I thought the online system was okay. You paid a monthly fee like in WoW and got regular new content updates. But you could play vanilla without paying anything. Never got premium myself, but it seemed to be good content they added according to many players.
Problem is that there were quite some issues that needed fixing before cashing in which drove many players away.
I do feel sorry for the guys who paid for a lifetime subscription though. That must suck

Madden 11 (PS3): laggy/10
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6878|Area 51

I suck at it/10.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


It would be a 10/10 if they didnt make you pay for items.
Project Reality 0.95 (9/10)
still a great mod.

on topic plz
+93|6986|Alaska, mother fucker.
Trackmania : United Nations 8/10.

For a free game it's sure as hell worth it (dl on steam). Basically its like, Formula 1, hot wheels and the speed racer movie all put into one.  People make their own tracks, so you never play the same one twice and there are a SHIT TON of people playing it.  Highly recommend it.
Feeding the Cats.
+761|5281|Dundee, Scotland.
Fallout: New Vegas. I've never played a Fallout game before, and I FUCKING love this game. 8/10, two points off for being insanely addicting, and glitched as hell.
for a fatty you're a serious intellectual lightweight.
+244|7002|arica harbour
Nba 2K11, awesome game. 9.5/10

Eufloria - 7/10

I'd really love it, but it's kind of on the easy side. Not a problem if you're going for casual games. I suppose what really nips at me is that it seems they're charging maybe twice what it's worth. Crashed once, but I think that was just my system's fault.

jsnipy wrote:

on topic plz
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Eufloria - 7/10

I'd really love it, but it's kind of on the easy side. Not a problem if you're going for casual games. I suppose what really nips at me is that it seems they're charging maybe twice what it's worth. Crashed once, but I think that was just my system's fault.
Indy games aren't perfect.

It gets a lot harder towards the last couple of levels tbh, and dark matter mode is harder again.

Yeah. I just wish [most] indie games stayed indie priced.
grandmaster league revivalist
I love the design in EUfloria, I jsut wish they would add a quicksave or freesave function. Last time I played it crashed on me after 2 hours of playtime in a level and I couldn´t be arsed to start all of that again. Havn´t played since
I got it off a deal on steam for 8€, seemed okay for me.

I almost hung it up on a crash too. Just start the level again. It'll probably be a bit different and you can try a different strategy.
+1,411|7055|FUCK UBISOFT

I played that shit when it was dyson. It was ok.

Miggle wrote:

I played that shit when it was dyson. It was ok.
They made a number of improvements. The procedural animation looks much better.

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