Same, here, always up for a laugh.
guys, i just found out that im pro in apc, so im lead chopper(lulz, ill get owned by everyone), backup APC/TANK(varies) and backup commander, well actually anyone can be anything on our team as long as we have fun, but dont worry, our team will go 0-8 season 7.
o_0 choppers! sign me up!
Signing up tonight
If you post on the CAL forums teams will pretty much immediately pick you up.
try #bf2pro on irc
what irc server ?
challenge bf2stwoblacklines wrote:
what irc server ?
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
anybody sick team need a player? im not arsed about the hours or ping add me on xfire b1ackhawk123