I started off a round at Gulf of Oman on the MEC side as the only Squad Leader with no commander.  When I realized we didn't have a commander, I became the commander.  I saw a couple of lone wolves capping a flag and gave them the UAV.  One became a squad leader. For the next 5 minutes or so he got all of my support.  As other players realized they had a commander and one that was giving support, they formed more squads.  We went from losing to winning about half way through the round.  About 3/4th of the way through we had kicked the US back to there carrier only. 

I had a little trouble with a couple of pesky spec ops guys, but once I got them killed and kicked back across the map it was much easier to concentrate totally on commanding. 

I won the gold with a score of 130 after doubling.
+2|7036|Sacramento, California

RGPFish wrote:

Ever tried being on a server in Karkand, losing as the MEC side but throughout the entire game, never losing the Hotel... After reading a post on this I tried it, and it happened to me.
I really avoid playing MEC commander at Karkand. The US side just has to capture and hold the back MEC base to win. They will get nearly all the armor, and keep the MEC commander's assets out of commission for the whole game.

MEC can win Karkand only if they play as a team, or are much better than the US side.

To win as MEC on a 64 player map:
You can afford to give up everything on the hotel side of the river, as long you blow up the bridge and defend the river crossing. The US side will try to force their way across the river, and MEC has the high ground. Just send a squad back across the river every once in a while to capture a control point. The US will have to defend them; you have split their forces, even if you never capture a single flag. MEC then has both the high ground and a fire power advantage on their side of the river.

To win as the US commander:
You just need to get a squad to capture a flag across the river while MEC is still defending the Hotel, a much easier job. It may be easier to capture Suburbs first as a stepping stone, but a smart MEC team might have a welcoming committee for you.
+1|6989|Kihei, Maui (hawaii yo!)
I was messing around on wake island as USMC and noticed we had no commander about a quarter of the way into it. So I figured why not and grabbed it.

Turns out I had 1 freakin squad the whole map. But my god what an awesome squad they were (6 guys, 2 in an attack chopper, a 3rd in a jet, and the SL and 2 guys running around capping flags like crazy). I was "tasking & voicing" the whole time (the SL didn't want to talk to me, all he would do is hit pageup/down).

But I gave that squad my full support - arti, UAV, scans, warned them of a squad trying to flank them from the beach (that was an awesome firefight to watch from the commander screen). The MEC had a decent chopper pilot who kept giving us grief, so I ended up hopping in a jet and taking him out (yes I know commanders shouldn't fly, but I did it for the team lol ... and ended up with my basic aviator badge).

In the end, we won by 44 points, and the final 2 guys to die got chased INTO THE OCEAN and were trying to swim to the other side of the island ... I put a UAV over them and the chopper pilot finished them off.

I just wish I had more squads, so we could've pulled the win faster
I think there is a commander order that everyone hears that screams "SQUAD UP and get into SQUADS PEOPLE" however I may have misheard the "Divide up and form Two squads command".

VOIP can be very important for commanders as it allows you the chance to convince and coerce your team. Unless you have good players or competition players on side many people play this game as if it were quake and lookfor the biggest firefights not the tactical advantages.

Best advice I can offer is to try to control the map not your team. If you can make the team understand the strategic importance of holding certain areas(tell them that where all the kills are) then you may win easier.

On Kharkand there are 3 basic areas that must be held straight away by MEC if you want to hold all spawns.
The left, centre and right sides.
The centre is a straight street by street fight but the left and right flank can be held by MG's and sniper fire easily. The main thing is that you have to watch for the flankers. Try playing engineer and mine both the left and right hand routes to stop a hummer/APC from rushing past. Also blow the bridge and mine the waterway.

Finally, dont be shy to lead the way personally,m use the UAV and arty fire to your advantage. If the team looks at the minimap and sees the commander fighting out the back on their own his/her they might feel guilty and reinforce you.

Nobody said command was easy but it is the most satisfying when you get it right. Do yourself and favour and buy a USB mic and headset. IT will change your gaming experience.
+18|6952|hamilton, scotland
This is a nice guide for people who want to be commanders,. However all to often im sqaud leader and request orders from the commander with no reponse, they are too busy fighting.
+4|6919|winston salem,nc
I see alot of post about commander to squad but what about squad leader to squad members. if the entire squad is jus willy nilly all over the map then they are not effective at all. and try looking at what the squad has before you spawn in as the 6th support guy, a medic might be needed and if you come in as a medic how bout stayin by the squad leader. he is the most important member of the team as you want have to run to far if you die, as long as he doesnt get overzealous and die himself. anyways thats my couple of cents worth.
+20|7013|Chch, New Zealand

FirePhoenix wrote:

This is a nice guide for people who want to be commanders,. However all to often im sqaud leader and request orders from the commander with no reponse, they are too busy fighting.
Fuck thats anoying. When i'm comander, the only times i "fight" is when where I am is being attacked. If the fight comes to me i'll fight, as comander i never go looking for it. (unles playing 16 player map)

NZDeathBoy wrote:

FirePhoenix wrote:

This is a nice guide for people who want to be commanders,. However all to often im sqaud leader and request orders from the commander with no reponse, they are too busy fighting.
Fuck thats anoying. When i'm comander, the only times i "fight" is when where I am is being attacked. If the fight comes to me i'll fight, as comander i never go looking for it. (unles playing 16 player map)
NZ you correct in fighting only when the fight comes to you.  You do your team more good acting as a Spotter and providing other support via UAV, Arty and Supplies.  Being a fighting commander is hard to do even on a 16 player server.  I have been getting a lot of practice as a fighting commander on a 16 player server.  While I'm getting better at it, I still don't like it.
Commanders please read this thread. I don't care if you "Commander block" my gold if you use these techniques! lol
Songhua Stalemate and Mashtuur City are probably the 2 hardest maps to command on, when playing on any size server.  You are almost required to be a fighting commander the entire round.  I was playing Songhua Stalemate when the following situation arose.  The team I was on started complaining about how I was commanding.  My reply was to ask for what you want.  I was fighting for my life at the time trying to defend a base from attacking enemy forcers.  We actually won that round once they started asking for what they needed.  I was also able to move to an lightly travelled area of the map with some cover to command more and fight less.

Last edited by DSRTurtle (2006-05-23 07:38:39)

+35|6875|E 2/351 Camp Anaconda
Very good post mate. I wish all BF2 players can read and understand your words of wisdom. I use to play as a commander sometimes, but lately no one is listening the orders and the result is our team lose the game. I was playing SL couple of nights ago, when I had really good squad. We was attacking one of the flags on Tarrba Quarry and 2 of the squad members was wounded, 1 low on ammo, so I request supplies. The commander said - NO supplies   OK. Few minutes later defending the flag, I request UAV to see what side the enemy is concentrating the push so I can give orders to the squad, NO UAV. Every time you ask for something the answer was NO NO NO, WTF ... he is flying in a plane - noob.
But hey out there are some great commanders and I have to salute them. Without them we're nothing.

Please past, present and future commanders read this article.
Semper Fi Out!
+6|6999|Marietta, GA (near Atlanta)
Yup... that was awesome...
though sometimes giving orders as a commander isn't always necessary.
For example, when ur MEC commander defending hotel, if you have a good team, all you need to do is to spot targets trying to loop around and cap flags in the back and use uav's as the good players usually go out of the way to take them out.
Once the game progresses, commanding is a must though in maps such as karkand, players usually always scramble for the  nearest enemy flag so you'd only need to give commands if you want a squad to loop around and cap other flags or to defend a point.

There are many commanders who sit around with the command panel open all day...that's not a bad thing...
but if you really think about it, a commander has a lot of time in between waiting for uav's and arty to load back up and issuing orders. What I do is, either be sniper or AT and I just pick a flag in the back, usually a flag the enemy loops around to cap first and I just sit their and command.
once people do start flanking ur defense, at least you are there to take some of them out. I've tried sticking on the right side on karkand taking out people trying to get to the bridge
Also, with the added vehicle drop function commanders can just drop a car near themselves and drive to defend a flag in the back.
Though what I said isn't very good cuz that takes away from time commanding, sometimes it's necessary when you have a team that doesn't give a damn about your commands.

Also some players criticize commanders for "spotting all day and not doing 'real' commanding," I say that's total bs as spotting allows the commander's team to see targets w/ an uav (sometimes if you spot targets rapidly it can save the day or "expand" a uav's coverage via spotting)
+-1|6934|The netherlands ^^
Great post!

and the comments on it too I learned allot of this one:)

I see myself as an commander newbie so I got some nice extra thinking of things like this

But mostly when I send a  squad out for orders and they follow them I drop arty on the spot to weaken it up as said before I told them that 2 times on VoIP and they still run into the arty.

Mission failed...

And then I get like half of the squad whining stupid commander donĀ“t throw arty on your own men! :S
+101|6989|Southern California
I hope this thread helps Squad Leaders too.

Orders should flow down but can also travel up the chain-of-command. SLs task your squads! It is helpfull to have the directional line to your next objective to help people understand where left and right is!  Teamwork-wise, the best SLs are those who request arty strikes, UAVs, Supplies, set objectives and communicate to their people. Don't worry about refusals just let the CO know what you need - it is his job to figure out how to get it to you.

Squad Leaders when a Commander warns you of an arty strike VoIP/Type the warning on to your Squad Members. They dont always pay attention to the minimap manuever graphics.

Last edited by OpsChief (2006-06-09 14:06:47)

+31|6830|Olathe, KS, USA
Dude, well done. If I catch you on BF2, I will follow your orders to Virtual Hell and back!
+101|6989|Southern California

Dakota2x wrote:

Dude, well done. If I catch you on BF2, I will follow your orders to Virtual Hell and back!
Thank you, I wish I could lead you there and back, but the paperwork has been piling up back in the command bunker.....

I play at the www.theholybrotherhood.com ranked server usually.  In your BF2 game browser Search for servername: =THB=  or by map type: Karkand+Sharqi+Oman

Dune great book

Last edited by OpsChief (2006-06-24 12:26:34)

Good job. Well written and thoughtful. I can only say ... add more.

PLEASE I need help.The Problem is---->I think three weeks ago my frames begin to fall doww.Normaly i have 70 to 80 frames,now when i go into the game my frames fall down about 10 to 20 frames.So you can not play anymore.Why is this happend-i hope some one can help me-and sry my english is not so good cause iam from austria-pls help me
Nice post OPSCHIEF. Some very clear and easy tips for budding commanders, and for those who 'think' they can command.
Like to add that communication should be two-way as much as possible.
Squad leaders need to use the 'attack this target' command for their squads more often. This not only allows the squad to coordinate themselves but it will also let the commander know where they are headed next.
I will always ask bomber pilots to become squad leaders (there are still enough squad leader slots for the rest of the team as long as they aren't all 1 or 2 man squads) and place attack targets for the pilots on enemy AA or tanks/APS's. Place the 'attack this target' command point then immediately 'spot' the target (ie. enemy AA spotted) and pretty soon your pilots will be going exactly where you need them most.
Tip for squad leaders : put the squad leader in the pilot seat of the bomber and rotate the rest of the squad through the second seat of the bomber. If you have a good pilot you can put an entire squad anywhere on the map very quickly and each time someone in the squad dies the gunner ejects, letting the spawning squadmate pop up in the 2nd seat in the bomber. Cannot beat this for rapid deployment of a squad.
My major whine (sorry) about some commanders is the guys who take command at the start of a round and when the going gets hot or they start to lose they resign mid-round. If you are going to command, have some balls and take responsibility for the position. If your team happens to be losing. Communicate more, be more strategic or simply try harder. Do not abandon the commander role just beacuse you are not winning and drop your team in an even deeper hole with no commander.
To determine how good a commander you are do this simple sum.
(Teamwork score + combat score + commander score) minus (global score).
The result will be the number of command points you have had doubled due to winning the round.
Doubled command points do not count towards global score, only the single points.
Some simple maths will allow you to determine how many command points you have from rounds you've won, and how many from rounds you've lost.
EG. I assume OPSCHIEF this is your player name too as the command stats for this player are pretty awesome.
Teamwork score (8080) + Combat score (30794) + Commander score (11509) = 50563
50563 - global score (44974) = 5586
5586 x 2 = 11172 (this is the DOUBLED command points figure for rounds WON)
Command points (11509) minus 11172 = 337 (points earned in rounds LOST as commander)
Rounds won as commander (5586 single points, 11172 doubled points)
Rounds lost as commander (337 single points)
Nice work commander Opschief!!!!
+101|6989|Southern California

Thanks for the comments and discussion. Opschief is also my BF2 game name. It's been awhile since I relooked this topic. In my first six months of BF2 I commanded maybe 75% of the time but I loved playing with the tanks and PKMs and finally got out there to raise some hell and increase my combat score when everyone and their brother outranked (and thus bumping) me because command-only rank in BF2 comes realllll slowwwwww no matter how good one's command ratio was. Fun times.

Good Luck and have fun,


(27th)Kaptyn wrote:

Nice post OPSCHIEF. Some very clear and easy tips for budding commanders, and for those who 'think' they can command.
Like to add that communication should be two-way as much as possible.
Squad leaders need to use the 'attack this target' command for their squads more often. This not only allows the squad to coordinate themselves but it will also let the commander know where they are headed next.
I will always ask bomber pilots to become squad leaders (there are still enough squad leader slots for the rest of the team as long as they aren't all 1 or 2 man squads) and place attack targets for the pilots on enemy AA or tanks/APS's. Place the 'attack this target' command point then immediately 'spot' the target (ie. enemy AA spotted) and pretty soon your pilots will be going exactly where you need them most.
Tip for squad leaders : put the squad leader in the pilot seat of the bomber and rotate the rest of the squad through the second seat of the bomber. If you have a good pilot you can put an entire squad anywhere on the map very quickly and each time someone in the squad dies the gunner ejects, letting the spawning squadmate pop up in the 2nd seat in the bomber. Cannot beat this for rapid deployment of a squad.
My major whine (sorry) about some commanders is the guys who take command at the start of a round and when the going gets hot or they start to lose they resign mid-round. If you are going to command, have some balls and take responsibility for the position. If your team happens to be losing. Communicate more, be more strategic or simply try harder. Do not abandon the commander role just beacuse you are not winning and drop your team in an even deeper hole with no commander.
To determine how good a commander you are do this simple sum.
(Teamwork score + combat score + commander score) minus (global score).
The result will be the number of command points you have had doubled due to winning the round.
Doubled command points do not count towards global score, only the single points.
Some simple maths will allow you to determine how many command points you have from rounds you've won, and how many from rounds you've lost.
EG. I assume OPSCHIEF this is your player name too as the command stats for this player are pretty awesome.
Teamwork score (8080) + Combat score (30794) + Commander score (11509) = 50563
50563 - global score (44974) = 5586
5586 x 2 = 11172 (this is the DOUBLED command points figure for rounds WON)
Command points (11509) minus 11172 = 337 (points earned in rounds LOST as commander)
Rounds won as commander (5586 single points, 11172 doubled points)
Rounds lost as commander (337 single points)
Nice work commander Opschief!!!!

Last edited by OpsChief (2008-07-20 18:17:32)


(27th)Kaptyn wrote:

To determine how good a commander you are do this simple sum.
(Teamwork score + combat score + commander score) minus (global score).
The result will be the number of command points you have had doubled due to winning the round.
Doubled command points do not count towards global score, only the single points.
Some simple maths will allow you to determine how many command points you have from rounds you've won, and how many from rounds you've lost.
EG. I assume OPSCHIEF this is your player name too as the command stats for this player are pretty awesome.
Teamwork score (8080) + Combat score (30794) + Commander score (11509) = 50563
50563 - global score (44974) = 5586
5586 x 2 = 11172 (this is the DOUBLED command points figure for rounds WON)
Command points (11509) minus 11172 = 337 (points earned in rounds LOST as commander)
Rounds won as commander (5586 single points, 11172 doubled points)
Rounds lost as commander (337 single points)
Nice work commander Opschief!!!!
The math doesn't work out right.  I came out with a value of 352 for my scores.  I know that I have lost rounds as commander with more than 352 points total.

Last edited by DSRTurtle (2008-07-21 04:17:04)

DSRTurtle, just checked and yes you come out at 352 (losing points).
I'm pretty sure that is why the totals don't add up (ie. doubled points don't add to global score).
If there is some other reason I'd like to know what it is.
Just read the global stats rules and they say that the reason the points don't add up is due to negative points scoring activities (TK's, vehicle/team damage and suicides) but those figures don't explain the shortfall accurately on most players stats even with all TK's being punished either (just checked 10 or so random players) so I have to admit to being a bit stumped if its not the doubled commander points thing.

(27th)Kaptyn wrote:

Just read the global stats rules and they say that the reason the points don't add up is due to negative points scoring activities (TK's, vehicle/team damage and suicides) but those figures don't explain the shortfall accurately on most players stats even with all TK's being punished either (just checked 10 or so random players) so I have to admit to being a bit stumped if its not the doubled commander points thing.
I know the team points don't add up right.  A lot of times on 16 player maps and occassionally some largers when the server first goes ranked people will be fighting commanders.  One of the stats that is not listed or displayed properly is that of neutralized cps.  I can't count the number of times  I would have neutralized a flag to then die by chopper or being bombed.

You don't credit for capturing or defending flags as team points when your commander, but it appears they are added to those stats when you do capture or defend a flag.

Last edited by DSRTurtle (2008-07-23 13:18:42)

When I play as commander I am more of a supporter than a commander, because either

a) the squads don't follow my orders (one thing that annoys me most is when the other team has captured all the flags and both teams battle for the last remaining one.  I try to send squads to capture deserted enemy flags and they say 'yes, sir!' but don't do anything.)


b) I have one or more good squads that try to capture flags on their own and keep the game dynamic. In that case I try to support them as much as I can (Try to direct them to deserted flags, use UAV on more important flags and try to spot enemies on less important ones by scan or zooming in).

I usually only give orders when I need someone to defend a flag. On maps where air jets and/or helis are available and the pilots are in squads I assign them to protect the flag while spotting the enenies approaching it continuously. Additionally I will send a well timed arty strike on the flag.

I really would like a feature to demote a squad leader or disband a squad. After all, I am the commander and should have the authority.

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