I just got this game (totally legally you must understand) and am having trouble with witches. Every time I try to sneak past they notice me, and everytime I try to blow the proverbial shit outta them they don't die before decking me.
Dont aim your flashlight at them, they will get pissed and attack you, otherwise sneak up with shotgun and aim for head and be quick. You only have a few seconds.
Use a shotgun. Autoshotgun preferable, in case you screw up. Walk up to her. When she stands up to face you, put the center of the crosshair on the top of her head -- and pull the trigger. You want to hit the head only, not the neck or body.
This will also get you the cr0wnd achievement.
Sydney wrote:
Are you sure she is a witch? Does she weigh as much as a duck?
Sorry, had to get that in there
Burn her! Burn her! (with Molotovs and automatic weapons fire...)
Safety tip: the Mini-14 single shot rifle in L4D will NOT do enough damage in even the most perfect headshot to kill a witch. An autoshotgun at point blank, however, will.
If you have no shotgun the Hunting Rifle can still be useful. With an initial headshot you can send her careening back a fair way and give your teammates a good opportunity to shower her with bullets before she even starts to run your way. Make sure the dude doing the initial shooting can A) aim B) hide behind the others and if necessary, C) run like fuck.
If you have no shotgun the Hunting Rifle can still be useful. With an initial headshot you can send her careening back a fair way and give your teammates a good opportunity to shower her with bullets before she even starts to run your way. Make sure the dude doing the initial shooting can A) aim B) hide behind the others and if necessary, C) run like fuck.
But walking right up to the big bad witch, with your best "Biatch... please..." swagger - then dropping her with one casual shot is .. fun
Especially if you're in a PUG with a bunch of people who are all "witch! witch! turn off your light! turn off your light! oh noes!!"
If you have no shotgun the Hunting Rifle can still be useful. With an initial headshot you can send her careening back a fair way and give your teammates a good opportunity to shower her with bullets before she even starts to run your way. Make sure the dude doing the initial shooting can A) aim B) hide behind the others and if necessary, C) run like fuck.
But walking right up to the big bad witch, with your best "Biatch... please..." swagger - then dropping her with one casual shot is .. fun
Especially if you're in a PUG with a bunch of people who are all "witch! witch! turn off your light! turn off your light! oh noes!!"
Helps to have your mates right behind you covering you should it all go tits up. I have concluded that the Witch has around 1000hp-ish, so pump loadsa shotgun rounds into her.
Use a shotgun. Autoshotgun preferable, in case you screw up. Walk up to her. When she stands up to face you, put the center of the crosshair on the top of her head -- and pull the trigger. You want to hit the head only, not the neck or body.
This will also get you the cr0wnd achievement.
Sydney wrote:
Are you sure she is a witch? Does she weigh as much as a duck?
Sorry, had to get that in there
Burn her! Burn her! (with Molotovs and automatic weapons fire...)
Safety tip: the Mini-14 single shot rifle in L4D will NOT do enough damage in even the most perfect headshot to kill a witch. An autoshotgun at point blank, however, will.
Worked like a charm. Did my crowned achievement yesterday! Thx, +1 to you!
Dont aim your flashlight at them, they will get pissed and attack you, otherwise sneak up with shotgun and aim for head and be quick. You only have a few seconds.