ASUS VH226H Black 21.5" $209.99
I didn't know ASUS made LCD's but I love ASUS and I love the look of this one, so should I do it?
Last edited by TheEternalPessimist (2009-01-04 14:52:27)
Last edited by phishman420 (2009-01-04 14:56:47)
The image quality is simply better, the panels are manufactured to a higher quality and the warranty I think is longer. Plus it's not really any more expensive.Im_Dooomed wrote:
Whats the ASCR all about? I noticed that ASUS u posted was (ASCR 12000 : 1) and that samsung just says 20000:1(1000:1)
And I don't see what in particular makes that Samsung a better monitor then the ASUS other then, the brand name and associated quality that comes with it?
T200HD only does 1680x1050, wont do 1080p. It does 720p/1080i. Same as what I posted, without the DVBTV reciever and the t200hd has a cheaper 10k:1 panel.CapnNismo wrote:
If you want full HD, take a look at the Samsung T200HD. It's a 20", but still gives a really nice picture.
Last edited by TheEternalPessimist (2009-01-04 15:12:26)
I'm liking the 1920x1080 better.phishman420 wrote:
Last edited by Im_Dooomed (2009-01-04 15:18:46)
You're referring to that samsung that is full 1080p HD?TheEternalPessimist wrote:
It'll look small, thats 24" res on something that isn't even 22", up to you though, it's negligable desktop space gain and more stress on your graphics card in games, if it's not being attached to something like a bluray player it's 99.9% pointless.
None of the Samsungs in this thread do 1080p. Only the Asus you posted.Im_Dooomed wrote:
You're referring to that samsung that is full 1080p HD?TheEternalPessimist wrote:
It'll look small, thats 24" res on something that isn't even 22", up to you though, it's negligable desktop space gain and more stress on your graphics card in games, if it's not being attached to something like a bluray player it's 99.9% pointless.
Last edited by TheEternalPessimist (2009-01-04 15:31:23)
Sooo you're saying its not a good idea to purchase it because of this?TheEternalPessimist wrote:
Apart from the odd purpose built HD monitor like the one in the OP, which just squashes a big res onto a small screen.
And tbh, one of those reasons for me is looks. I like the ASUS much better. I'm a bit of a minimalist. It's look appeals to me because of that. And, why not have a monitor that can do 1080p? I might buy a PS3 or xbox 360 one dayTheEternalPessimist wrote:
it falls down on the other reasons to buy a monitor.
Text can look way messed up on a resolution too big for a monitor, and a ditto on the graphics card bit.TheEternalPessimist wrote:
It'll look small, thats 24" res on something that isn't even 22", up to you though, it's negligable desktop space gain and more stress on your graphics card in games, if it's not being attached to something like a bluray player it's 99.9% pointless.
One point of complaint: 5ms response.TheEternalPessimist wrote:
Its a bog standard TN panel TFT monitor, there's nothing wrong with it just the viewing angles are a bit crappy, which is no big deal as long as you're sat in font of it.
EDIT: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a … Tpk=2233BW <-- way better, still TN so the same viewing angle thing going on but it's a better quality screen, unless you need 1080p HD (not to be confused with 1080i which this monitor does easily), which you wont unless it's for a PS3 etc..
Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2009-01-05 00:12:43)
Where do you sit?TheEternalPessimist wrote:
there's nothing wrong with it just the viewing angles are a bit crappy, which is no big deal as long as you're sat in font of it.
More than 150° apparently.cospengle wrote:
Where do you sit?TheEternalPessimist wrote:
there's nothing wrong with it just the viewing angles are a bit crappy, which is no big deal as long as you're sat in font of it.
1920x1080 doesn't look bad on a 22". There are Dell laptops which ship with 17" 1920x1200 screens. Ok, that might be pushing it a bit, but not on a 22". Having that res/size can also do good for gaming, as the pixel density is so high that you won't need any AA unless you're sitting 15cm from the screen.TheEternalPessimist wrote:
None of the Samsungs in this thread do 1080p. Only the Asus you posted.Im_Dooomed wrote:
You're referring to that samsung that is full 1080p HD?TheEternalPessimist wrote:
It'll look small, thats 24" res on something that isn't even 22", up to you though, it's negligable desktop space gain and more stress on your graphics card in games, if it's not being attached to something like a bluray player it's 99.9% pointless.
1920x1080 = 1080p
Any resolution lower will be rescaled 720p/1080i.
Almost nothing below 24" has a standard native resolution that will handle 1080p without rescaling it down. Apart from the odd purpose built HD monitor like the one in the OP, which just squashes a big res onto a small screen.
EDIT: OK I just noticed the 2233BW is also cheaper after the rebate as well as being better for image quality.
You simply don't need 1920x1080 unless you;re connecting it to a 1080p source (PC doesn't count it'll make jack all difference to that).
22 inch = baaad.phishman420 wrote:
Eh?Finray wrote:
22 inch = baaad.phishman420 wrote:
I watch DVDs in bed, it's about 50* to the left, my current S-PVA monitor does that no problem, my new one thats coming is a TN panel, i'll have to move it otherwise the image will look shit, it's no great hardship. And the image degrades as soon as you are anything but straight on, leaning left a bit will throw the colours off slightly (only a problem if you do graphics work, which I do, which is why I'm keeping my old S-PVA monitor too).Cheez wrote:
More than 150° apparently.cospengle wrote:
Where do you sit?TheEternalPessimist wrote:
there's nothing wrong with it just the viewing angles are a bit crappy, which is no big deal as long as you're sat in font of it.
Last edited by TheEternalPessimist (2009-01-05 07:41:11)
urritephishman420 wrote:
24" FTW amirite?
It's odd, my 24" Packard Bell, which can't possibly have any expensive panel (All I know is that it's a TN), is barely effected by viewing angles at all. Only thing that happens when you go to the far side is a little loss in contrast.TheEternalPessimist wrote:
I watch DVDs in bed, it's about 50* to the left, my current S-PVA monitor does that no problem, my new one thats coming is a TN panel, i'll have to move it otherwise the image will look shit, it's no great hardship. And the image degrades as soon as you are anything but straight on, leaning left a bit will throw the colours off slightly (only a problem if you do graphics work, which I do, which is why I'm keeping my old S-PVA monitor too).Cheez wrote:
More than 150° apparently.cospengle wrote:
Where do you sit?
Last edited by Freezer7Pro (2009-01-05 07:52:54)