Hi all,

I am using Window Vista x64 and I am getting kicked every time the server changes to a new map for "modified content".  I have no problem rejoining but it is extremely annoying.  I have installed the latest patch for window, BF2, and Punkbuster but so far no luck.  This has not happened in Window XP x64.  I checked numerous forums but no answer so far.  Any help would be much appreciated.
+590|6277|Kentucky, USA

Tried re-installing, then re-patching?
That's always a first for issues like this.
Good luck.
Tried like 20 times already.  Same problem.
Playstation 3 Junkie
+20|5878|Iron Gater
Vista is just a whore, i hate it beyond all belief and reason.
Be Eazy!
update punkbuster at

that should work.

Beer*Abuser wrote:

update punkbuster at

that should work.
Did it like a dozen times.  Same problem.
Be Eazy!
damn, sorry to hear that man. I really wish I could help. I'm not that computer smart tbh but I do know a little and tried to help. The only other things I could think of is do a virus scan and see if anything comes up, or do a system restore of your whole computer. That usually helps most problems.
Just reformat the damn thing so no virus at all.  Oh well guess I will wait until the next patch.
You can try to run it as Administrator
After you get kicked and you attempt to rejoin does it load fine from there? If you load a map before the server is ready, you will get kicked and that is the message you'll receive. If this is the case for you, the only fix for it, to my knowledge, is to some how slow your computer down, lol. Every time I format I'll have the same problem until I start to install/download lots of stuff to my HDD, which slows down the "Verifying Client Data" part.
Oisín | Irishpride
+118|5932|Dublin, Ireland
Reinstall and download the patch again from a different source.
Fission Mailed

Oisín | Irishpride wrote:

Reinstall and download the patch again from a different source.
If he didn't install the patch properly, he wouldn't even be able to play. xXDomination's right, if your computer loads the map before the server's ready, it'll kick you for modified content.

Spoiler (highlight to read):
although you've probably never experienced that Irish cause your computer's shit <3
pub hero!
+603|6719|the land of bourbon
this happens to me quite a bit.  but i can usually rejoin the server in less than a minute, so it's not a huge deal.
Oisín | Irishpride
+118|5932|Dublin, Ireland

ebug9 wrote:

Oisín | Irishpride wrote:

Reinstall and download the patch again from a different source.
If he didn't install the patch properly, he wouldn't even be able to play. xXDomination's right, if your computer loads the map before the server's ready, it'll kick you for modified content.

Spoiler (highlight to read):
although you've probably never experienced that Irish cause your computer's shit <3
Haha, you cunt!


xXDomination wrote:

After you get kicked and you attempt to rejoin does it load fine from there? If you load a map before the server is ready, you will get kicked and that is the message you'll receive. If this is the case for you, the only fix for it, to my knowledge, is to some how slow your computer down, lol. Every time I format I'll have the same problem until I start to install/download lots of stuff to my HDD, which slows down the "Verifying Client Data" part.
Yes, after getting kicked I can rejoin just fine.  I heard about this problem but if that's the case, the same problem should exist in Win XP as well but it doesn't.  It must be something to do with Vista.  Someone has suggested a reg edit for a similar problem with BF2142.  I might have to adapt it to BF2.

1. Go to the start menu and select "Run".
2. In The Box that pops up type "regedit".
3. This has opened the registry. Don't ask what it is, because it's kinda complex.
4. If you need to make a back up select "File" and then the 2nd option named "Export". Select where you want the backup and then save it.
5. Over on the left is a frame with all the registry "Folders" for lack of a better word. The third(or so) one should be "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE". Next to it , on the left, is a plus sign. Click on it to expand it.
6. Click the plus (+) sign next to "Software".
7. Click the plus (+) sign next to "Electronic Arts".
8. Click the plus (+) sign next to "EA GAMES". Yes, it is in capitals.
9. Click the plus (+) sign next to "Battlefield 2142".
10. Find the registry key(entry) called Version.
11. Right click on it and select "Modify".
12. Modify it to 1.10
13. Exit the registry editor.
14. Install the latest official patch.
15. Try to join the server again.

Did it work? If so, GREAT! If not, there is one last thing to try. It is probably the longest and hardest thing, but here goes.

The first step is to manually uninstall 2142. Here are the steps taken from the EA support site:

To delete the configuration files and local copy of your account:

1. Click the Start button on the Windows Taskbar.
2. Select My Documents.
3. Right-click the Battlefield 2142 folder and select Delete.

To delete the game files (in the default location):

1. Click the Start button on the Windows Taskbar.
2. Select My Computer.
3. Double-click the C:drive.
4. Double-click the Program Files folder.
5. Double-click the EA GAMES folder.
6. Right-click the Battlefield 2142 folder and select Delete.
7. Go to the following folder: C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information (If you cannot find this folder you may have to go to Tools > Folder Settings and click the setting to SHOW hidden folders.)
8. Right-click the folder named {ED50ECE9-EC54-4C05-B5ED-EE4741A9F2EC} and select Delete.
9. Close all open windows.
10. Right-click the Recycle Bin and select Empty Recycle Bin.

To edit the registry and remove Battlefield 2142:

1. Click the Start button on the Windows Taskbar.
2. Select Run.
3. Type regedit in the text field and click OK.
4. Click File and select Export.
5. Name the file Backup and make sure the Export Range is set to All.
6. Click Save; you will now be returned to the Registry Editor window.
7. Click the plus (+) sign next to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
8. Click the plus (+) sign next to Software.
9. Click the plus (+) sign next to EA GAMES.
10. Right-click the Battlefield 2142 folder and select Delete.
11. Back under Software, click the plus (+) sign next to Electronic Arts.
12. Click the plus (+) sign next to EA GAMES.
13. Right-click the Battlefield 2142 folder and select Delete.
14. Just above EA GAMES, you will see a folder named EA CORE. Click the plus (+) sign next to EA CORE.
15. Click the plus (+) sign next to INSTALLED GAMES.
16. Click the plus (+) sign next to EA GAMES.
17. Right-click and select Delete on any Battlefield 2142 folders.
18. Click the plus (+) sign next to Microsoft.
19. Click the plus (+) sign next to Windows.
20. Click the plus (+) sign next to CurrentVersion.
21. Click the plus (+) sign next to Uninstall.
22. Right-click the key named {ED50ECE9-EC54-4C05-B5ED-EE4741A9F2EC} and select Delete.
23. A Confirm Key Delete window will appear, choose Yes.
24. Close the WindowsRegistry Editor.

Battlefield 2142 should now be completely removed from your system.

From here you may now install 2142 again. Install the latest patch. Install Northern Strike if needed. If you installed Northern Strike then reinstall the latest patch. Start the game and try the server again.

Any registry guru here?  How can I modifiy this to work with BF2?
Missing, Presumed Dead

vucanes wrote:

xXDomination wrote:

After you get kicked and you attempt to rejoin does it load fine from there? If you load a map before the server is ready, you will get kicked and that is the message you'll receive. If this is the case for you, the only fix for it, to my knowledge, is to some how slow your computer down, lol. Every time I format I'll have the same problem until I start to install/download lots of stuff to my HDD, which slows down the "Verifying Client Data" part.
Yes, after getting kicked I can rejoin just fine.  I heard about this problem but if that's the case, the same problem should exist in Win XP as well but it doesn't.  It must be something to do with Vista.  Someone has suggested a reg edit for a similar problem with BF2142.  I might have to adapt it to BF2.

1. Go to the start menu and select "Run".
2. In The Box that pops up type "regedit".
3. This has opened the registry. Don't ask what it is, because it's kinda complex.
4. If you need to make a back up select "File" and then the 2nd option named "Export". Select where you want the backup and then save it.
5. Over on the left is a frame with all the registry "Folders" for lack of a better word. The third(or so) one should be "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE". Next to it , on the left, is a plus sign. Click on it to expand it.
6. Click the plus (+) sign next to "Software".
7. Click the plus (+) sign next to "Electronic Arts".
8. Click the plus (+) sign next to "EA GAMES". Yes, it is in capitals.
9. Click the plus (+) sign next to "Battlefield 2142".
10. Find the registry key(entry) called Version.
11. Right click on it and select "Modify".
12. Modify it to 1.10
13. Exit the registry editor.
14. Install the latest official patch.
15. Try to join the server again.

Did it work? If so, GREAT! If not, there is one last thing to try. It is probably the longest and hardest thing, but here goes.

The first step is to manually uninstall 2142. Here are the steps taken from the EA support site:

To delete the configuration files and local copy of your account:

1. Click the Start button on the Windows Taskbar.
2. Select My Documents.
3. Right-click the Battlefield 2142 folder and select Delete.

To delete the game files (in the default location):

1. Click the Start button on the Windows Taskbar.
2. Select My Computer.
3. Double-click the C:drive.
4. Double-click the Program Files folder.
5. Double-click the EA GAMES folder.
6. Right-click the Battlefield 2142 folder and select Delete.
7. Go to the following folder: C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information (If you cannot find this folder you may have to go to Tools > Folder Settings and click the setting to SHOW hidden folders.)
8. Right-click the folder named {ED50ECE9-EC54-4C05-B5ED-EE4741A9F2EC} and select Delete.
9. Close all open windows.
10. Right-click the Recycle Bin and select Empty Recycle Bin.

To edit the registry and remove Battlefield 2142:

1. Click the Start button on the Windows Taskbar.
2. Select Run.
3. Type regedit in the text field and click OK.
4. Click File and select Export.
5. Name the file Backup and make sure the Export Range is set to All.
6. Click Save; you will now be returned to the Registry Editor window.
7. Click the plus (+) sign next to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
8. Click the plus (+) sign next to Software.
9. Click the plus (+) sign next to EA GAMES.
10. Right-click the Battlefield 2142 folder and select Delete.
11. Back under Software, click the plus (+) sign next to Electronic Arts.
12. Click the plus (+) sign next to EA GAMES.
13. Right-click the Battlefield 2142 folder and select Delete.
14. Just above EA GAMES, you will see a folder named EA CORE. Click the plus (+) sign next to EA CORE.
15. Click the plus (+) sign next to INSTALLED GAMES.
16. Click the plus (+) sign next to EA GAMES.
17. Right-click and select Delete on any Battlefield 2142 folders.
18. Click the plus (+) sign next to Microsoft.
19. Click the plus (+) sign next to Windows.
20. Click the plus (+) sign next to CurrentVersion.
21. Click the plus (+) sign next to Uninstall.
22. Right-click the key named {ED50ECE9-EC54-4C05-B5ED-EE4741A9F2EC} and select Delete.
23. A Confirm Key Delete window will appear, choose Yes.
24. Close the WindowsRegistry Editor.

Battlefield 2142 should now be completely removed from your system.

From here you may now install 2142 again. Install the latest patch. Install Northern Strike if needed. If you installed Northern Strike then reinstall the latest patch. Start the game and try the server again.

Any registry guru here?  How can I modifiy this to work with BF2?
Exactly the same principle:

(thats an old topic now), so if you have EF/AF/SF installed, its a similar process. EA's support-site (no login req'd) has the full list for a complete manual uninstall and reinstall.

vucanes wrote:

xXDomination wrote:

After you get kicked and you attempt to rejoin does it load fine from there? If you load a map before the server is ready, you will get kicked and that is the message you'll receive. If this is the case for you, the only fix for it, to my knowledge, is to some how slow your computer down, lol. Every time I format I'll have the same problem until I start to install/download lots of stuff to my HDD, which slows down the "Verifying Client Data" part.
I heard about this problem but if that's the case, the same problem should exist in Win XP as well but it doesn't.  It must be something to do with Vista.
I use windows XP and as mentioned above, I get the same problem every time I format my HDD. Don't know if that helps or not, but the problem definitely does occur in windows XP.
Official EVGA Fanboy
+94|6451|SC | USA |

xXDomination wrote:

After you get kicked and you attempt to rejoin does it load fine from there? If you load a map before the server is ready, you will get kicked and that is the message you'll receive. If this is the case for you, the only fix for it, to my knowledge, is to some how slow your computer down, lol. Every time I format I'll have the same problem until I start to install/download lots of stuff to my HDD, which slows down the "Verifying Client Data" part.
Fuck thats why lol.

Only downside to a velociraptor tbh.

ebug9 wrote:

Oisín | Irishpride wrote:

Reinstall and download the patch again from a different source.
If he didn't install the patch properly, he wouldn't even be able to play. xXDomination's right, if your computer loads the map before the server's ready, it'll kick you for modified content.

Spoiler (highlight to read):
although you've probably never experienced that Irish cause your computer's shit <3
Yes I have the same problem, I have the RaptorX 10k RPM drive, 8gig of ram and everytime theres a map change I get kicked for MC, some servers kick but on some I have a 20/30sec wait for it to catch up.
+783|7181|Reykjavík, Iceland.
Same prob here, I load maps in around 5 seconds and then I get kicked, but I can usually get back in before anyone else does, but 50% of the time I will be on the other team . Any way to slow loading times down a wee bit?
the reason why is "if you have a high end system", you are loading the map faster than the server. There isnt a fix for this.
be nice
+2,646|6791|The Twilight Zone

bf2gammer wrote:

the reason why is "if you have a high end system", you are loading the map faster than the server. There isnt a fix for this.
lol srsly?
Official EVGA Fanboy
+94|6451|SC | USA |
I might have a fix.

I've noticed tabbing out of BF2 while loading causes it to pause. Tab out for 5-10 sec while loading may be?

However if you are tabbed long you get a PB heartbeats stopped kick. (30-60 sec tabbed time)
Playstation 3 Junkie
+20|5878|Iron Gater

iNfinity. wrote:

You can try to run it as Administrator
This could deffinatly be the problem. To expand on this go into properties, and there is a box you can check that will run the game as an administrator each time you start it.
+783|7181|Reykjavík, Iceland.

Morbid_Hunger wrote:

iNfinity. wrote:

You can try to run it as Administrator
This could deffinatly be the problem. To expand on this go into properties, and there is a box you can check that will run the game as an administrator each time you start it.
No difference whatsoever, I have tried everything. It's definitely caused by loading faster than the server, since it only seems to happen to people with raptors and/or shitloads of RAM.

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