N64 Controller to USB
I have a controller, and have an emulator, If I plug my controller into the converter and then the converter into my PC, can I use it in an emulator?
If It's not Plug & Play do you think I would be allowed to assign keystrokes to each button and then use it in an emulator?
Analog Stick Left: LEFT ARROW KEY
A Button: X
B Button: C
Z Trigger: Z
I know you guys dont manufacture it, but I have no experience whatsoever with PC console controllers, if you cant say for sure do you think it might be a possibility?
I didn't address the seller yet because I'd think he/she wouldn't know the specifics of that - If I don't get any responses ill do the last resort and contact the seller, so don't bitch.
I have a controller, and have an emulator, If I plug my controller into the converter and then the converter into my PC, can I use it in an emulator?
If It's not Plug & Play do you think I would be allowed to assign keystrokes to each button and then use it in an emulator?
Analog Stick Left: LEFT ARROW KEY
A Button: X
B Button: C
Z Trigger: Z
I know you guys dont manufacture it, but I have no experience whatsoever with PC console controllers, if you cant say for sure do you think it might be a possibility?
I didn't address the seller yet because I'd think he/she wouldn't know the specifics of that - If I don't get any responses ill do the last resort and contact the seller, so don't bitch.