So basically the memory on my Ge Force GO 7600 GS is dead, on digonostic it showed fuck loads of errors and when i load into windows i get a parity bit error.
Can someone find me a graphics card that will fit a dell inspiron 9400, quite cheap, in UK. Would do this myself but am having to use my PS3 to do this, so its pretty slow already and the browser doesnt work with half the java/PHP things on the web. Gotta get this laptop fixed fast so I can finish my dissertation after lab closing times.
Can someone find me a graphics card that will fit a dell inspiron 9400, quite cheap, in UK. Would do this myself but am having to use my PS3 to do this, so its pretty slow already and the browser doesnt work with half the java/PHP things on the web. Gotta get this laptop fixed fast so I can finish my dissertation after lab closing times.