SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Hearts of Iron IV is literally the worst strategy game I have ever played. I will openly admit that I am bad at it because if you air your grievances about the game in some space they will say "get good" as if fundamental parts of the game aren't broken or don't make sense. Even more annoying is when they cite completely wrong pop history to defend the game acting erratically or not working.

So let's begin:

I started off my first Iron Man campaign as Nazi Germany so I could win World War 2 and fulfill my life long dream of preventing myself from being born. I didn't take any screenshots of anything up until the point when the game went off the rails. I was actually having a lot of fun with it until that point.

So as Germany I was playing historically and peacefully absorbed Austria and Czechoslovakia and was preparing to invade Poland. So I setup my units around Poland but then got a message that Italy invaded Greece and Great Britain and France had joined in defending Greece. So far so good. World War 2 starts over Greece instead of Poland.

Here is where things started going crazy: France invades Germany and for some reason the game isn't letting me move my units in Poland to fight the French. This is a bug with a $20 DLC feature but basically the French conquer Germany while the German Army stays in Prussia.
Whatever, first time playing the game and I have a lot to learn? Something that also happened that was strange was the Netherland declared war on Germany at the same time and then Poland declares war on me too. After that the game explodes into countries joining the conflict and the name of the conflict changing rapidly. The Soviet Union invades Poland and joins the war on the side of the Axis but other countries are still randomly joining the war that keeps changing its name.

This is in October
In November the war has evolved into the Italian-American War because Great Britain called the U.S. into the war and Italy is the war leader for the Axis. There was no Pearl Harbor event. Great Britain just asked the U.S. to join and we did because history
At this point I am just watching the game play itself because Germany was totally occupied by France. Japan joins the war on the side of the Soviet-Axis alliance for some reason somehow Italy captures Paris which then reforms my country back into existence from literal nothingness.
Hitler is still alive and so are all of his generals and advisors because Hitler famously went into exile. I start to raise armies again and got lucky doing so because even though I was totally conquered and disappeared from the map, the game let me keep vast stockpiles of weapons I produced before the war.
I'm still not good at this game and the American-Dutch-and French armies push my reformed 5 divisions led by Rommel into Berlin.
The game still gives me access to vast stockpiles of weapons (they are in the cloud I guess) and I hold a sliver of territory someplace that allows me to actually raise armies in Berlin. So after awhile I have 15 new divisions in Berlin
I am still surrounded but I am undefeated because the enemy AI will not send in all of their divisions at once to kill me. Instead they are sending them in 1 at a time to fight my 5 then 10 then 15 sized army. This goes on forever until finally they manage to take the city and I disappear from the map again. But even though I literally do not have a single piece of land, the game allows you to keep researching tech which means I eventually begin to develop nuclear weapons while also not existing.
Eventually Italy is defeated and all of the Euro-Axis powers turn into democracies while the Allies and former Axis continue World War 2 agaisnt Japan and the Soviet Union. What this means practically is that I am given back almost all of my pre-World War 2 territory. France somehow actually loses land in the peace deal.
I am stronger and France is weaker despite the fact they conquered me twice. I am their 'puppet' but I get out of that by literally clicking one button because I had points saved up from when I let the game play itself.
The game then gives me an event to absorb Austria again.
At this point the game also gives me the to form the European Union?
Sure, why not. Who will stop me? I am still at war with the Soviet Union and since I am allies with Poland in this war, I can't invade them at this moment. I need to end World War 2 first. I noticed the British-Italian-French-Polish-American armies are stuck fighting Russia on the Polish border. I send some units over to see what is happens and there actually isn't much happening. Both sides are just shuffling units around the frontline while attrition destroys their armies. I check the game ledger and apparently the U.S. took 7 million casualties because they are letting their men freeze to death while shuffling around the Polish border.

So I am forced to raise armies again to start the invasion of the Soviet Union. It goes well actually since I have basically NATO on my side. I pushed back the Soviet armies to Moscow, Leningrad, and Stalingrad singlehandedly because my AI allies are still just shuffling their armies around the front not doing anything. I eventually capture all three major cities (the Nazis in real life captured none). The Soviet Union is still refusing to quit and I have nuclear weapons now. So I nuke Russia.
It looks really cool on the game map but doesn't actually do anything. It didn't kill any units or destroy the city infrastructure. So I nuke the city next to it and again nothing happens.
At this point I stopped really paying attention and the Russians got Moscow back because the AI management of my units is doing the same shuffling around the front and freeze thing my allies are doing. So I nuked Moscow next.
The Russian AI is still refusing to quit since it holds 30% of ''victory points" on the map. So I dropped 4 more Atomic bombs on each victory point city on the map and nothing happens still. I manually marched my freezing AI army to various victory points and nothing is happening still. I then see an Atomic bomb go off on a city I nuked once already. The AI got annoyed and started Atomic bombing places too. It was at this point that the Soviet Union surrendered. It took 8 Atomic bombs which is 6 too many.

So it is 1948 and we are still at war with Japan which is starting to get pushed back as a NATO-Russia alliance is invading Japanese occupied India. Okay, whatever. Good luck with that.

I do not recommend this game. I think get one of those fancy shiny achievements which is all I wanted in the first place.
More video game stuff I have been up to since Newbie banned me from the forum.

RTHKI carrying our Age of Empires team

Also I tried Final Fantasy 8 Remastered on the PC and RAGE quit 5 minutes into the game. On the remaster they did, they updated the character models and that is about it. They left the background original, battle background original, and most of the monsters are still old models.
^ That's a crime against humanity. There is one PC modder who set up a Patreon and has been working on a total remaster of the background of the entire game from start to finish. The community shouldn't have to do such a thing but this is where we are. Here is another example of how bad it is.

Top screenshot is from the Steam remaster.
and this one is from the Patreon remaster

Paradox forum users have never seemed that impressed with justifiable criticisms of either the games or their nickel-and-dime pricing. IIRC they won't take you seriously unless you go into your profile to extend your list of owned title epeen badges. Then it's "git gud." Disclaimer: probably "not all users."

HoI 4 has a few fix mods, but nothing that really seems to fundamentally address the clunky issues with the title. Setting the equipping and disposition of military forces is so unpleasant and unapproachable that I wish I could leave it entirely up to the AI (hopefully one that works) and just focus on economy and production.

It doesn't surprise me to learn that a modder is remastering a bad remaster. Bethesda rests on its laurels as well, but at least they don't get angry about mods like some companies will.

Something-something screenshot:
mmmf mmmf mmmf
I looked at the subreddit after macs post and many topics involved mods and how much better they are than the main game and how bad the HoI4 team is.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I am hoping Square Enix buys the mod from the guy and incorporates it into the full game as an update once he is done with it. Of course they won't but how nice that would be if they did. Valve is really nice to their modding community. They literally let people sell mods of their games on their platform.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
Do steam pics work? Edit: they seem to
BF2, one round of Gulf of Oman with AI. They broke and 4 of the 7 on my team were standing at the edge of the killzone. Then found these two staring at
each other.

Risk of Rain 2
Everything melted in <1sec in the end. Except the first two stages of the final boss. The last stage died instantly to my surprise.
About the most op I've been. It was close to crashing a couple times I think.

Last edited by RTHKI (2021-03-14 13:05:09)
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I saw you start up BF2 the other day and assumed you joined BF2 Hub. I might get back into that someday. I am sticking with FF8 even though it is making my eyes bleed and my heart hurt.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
I always had bf2hub instead of the other program
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I don't have BF2 Hub installed because I don't like having random third party software installed on my PC even if it is working as advertised. Whenever I bought hacks for BF4 after my month was over I would flash the drive and reinstall Windows to get rid of anything that it may leave behind.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Gave Hearts of Iron another chance. Fuck this stupid game.

Had a good time manually ordering Rommel around Spain in Panzer and SS divisions. That was a lot of fun.
I "got good" and was doing really well when World War 2 started and was well prepared. I allied with the Soviet Union and they invaded Poland and France, the U.K., and the United States declared war on them. Stalin then called me into the war. I figured the three of us would steam roll Europe and it was good well at first.

Before the war I built a bunch of forts, anti-air and tons of artillery units along the entirety of Germany's western border. I had good defense generals there and the troops were entrenched. My plan was to absorb the invasion from the French, Dutch, and Belgium and when the Soviets and me were done with the Polish, we would swing around and defeat the French while the Italians kept them busy. I had Erwin Rommel and Heinz Guderian in the east with my Panzers but Poland sucked and I decided to swing my Panzers west while Heinz Guderian used my mechanized infantry to mop up Poland. And it was going really well. The French got massacred attacking my fortified divisions.
The Luftwaffe was flying literally unopposed along the whole line. I 'got good'. I planned well.
I killed over 50,000 French but only lost 3,000 to them before Rommel got west.
I was having a lot of fun. Heinz Guderian and the mechanized infantry in Poland was doing well but I noticed the Soviet Union wasn't doing anything. They were doing that "shuffling" thing the AI always does. They shuffle their units along the entire front and don't do anything. So the Soviet are in a stalemate along the Polish border while Poland also does the shuffling thing. So I after I finish off Poland, the Soviet Union AI I guess didn't want to play the game anymore and Stalin gave Hitler control of his entire Army.
The Romanian AI also gave me control of their armies. I think the developers thought this was a way to get around the fact that the AI doesn't know how to fight war in a war game. Whatever, Rommel still has thousands of tanks and he just arrived in the Netherlands. He blast his way through the frontline and I send his straight to Amsterdam. He gets stopped in Amsterdam and this is the point I literally screamed at the computer.
3 French Divisions are already in Amsterdam. So my 31 divisions of mostly Panzers but also mechanized infantry and Soviet infantry get stopped in Amsterdam. The game bugs out at 94% and stays there while I try to send more wmen into the battle. It stays like this forever basically. The issue is that only 4 divisions are engaging the 3 divisions in Amsterdam. Okay, I can understand a bottleneck but what drove me crazy is the Rommel is not sending in his fully equipped Panzer divisions. He is sending in the weak units who get killed . Meanwhile, my armies are taking massive attrition because there are too many units on the tile. I try to pull off just the weak units but it makes the whole army pull off. When I try to reorganize the army, the game's auto management system starts sending units in all different directions away from the front. And to mask this all worse, the bad game diplomacy results in Denmark and Yugoslavia randomly joining the war against me while the Soviet Union is shuffling single divisions around Germany while Denmark invades me. At this point I quit.

Final Verdict: The game is a lot of fun until your game is ruined by bugs, shoddy AI, and poorly designed systems. I was having a blast up until the Soviet Union let me down and the game's unit management system took control away from me. The only way to make this work is if you literally micromanage everything at speed 1 and it still will let you down.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
I'm surprised you disliked it that much. I don't have much to say about it. I wanted to like it, played a few games but couldn't get into it.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
There's a lot I like about it but I just wish it worked correctly. It is the least functional of EU4, CK2/3, Stellaris.

Take a look around the steam workshop. It's how I keep HOI4 alive. The launcher makes it really easy to launch the game with whatever you want. Try the UMC overhaul modpack ( … 1424348644 also on moddb if you don't have a steam copy of hoi4 ). Barring that, there are others along similar lines, one for War of the Worlds I think, and some take place on an alien planet.

Totally with ya on things that they could have made better. There is so much detail in so many national focus trees that I wonder what the UI and AI people were thinking.

I think vanilla has smaller campaign areas available that eliminates the world stage. Would definitely recommend that to slower computers lol.

e: there's also most definitely weeb mods, maybe even gundams
e2: one criticism I have of UMC is some of the tech tree additions can be a little bland at times. paraphrased: radio 1942, radio 1944. great job /s. but it's an overall improvement I think.
e3: if you have a copy of the old Company of Heroes, give COH: Europe at War a look. Some of the tech trees and nations are restricted by theater and year range, so depending on where(/when) you're fighting you could have sherman fireflies or m3 grants.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I played 5 hours of Final Fantasy VIII and beat the game in record time even though the main story takes a minimum of 25 hours to beat.
Like all Final Fantasy games, FF8 has a minigame attached to it called Triple Triad. Basically you try to flip over the opponents cards with the cards you collect and you get to keep 1-5 of the cards after you win. The cards can then be refined into magic and other powerful items. The strongest cards are 'character cards' on the right with gold borders. You only get those by playing and beating certain strong opponents in the game. FF8's leveling system and stats system works in a weird way that actually punishes you for grind leveling but by grinding cards you can break the game's entire balance. After I collected some of the most powerful cards 5 hours into the game I got bored and quit. I was thinking about grinding cards while in virtual class but the Final Fantasy 8 remaster in all of its's glory doesn't include the ability to lower volume. Amazing remaster.

I now need to find my FF VIII PS1 disc and give it a hug.
I can put it next to my Metal Gear Solid case, the only other Playstation game I have ever kept.$pdp$
I am all that is MOD!

Was metal gear solid the one with the cut scene at the final boss, "after zimbabwe..."?

That was a good game, but super annoying to watch 100 times.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Talking about this?
I am all that is MOD!

I just realized it was "after Zanzibar", not Zimbabwe.

I'm not going to watch 15 mins of video game footage to figure out if thats the right one. I just remember after I'd fie fighting the final boss, it would go through a cinematic cut scene that you couldn't skip before letting you fight again.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Gave Hearts of Iron one last try. I won World War 2 in continental Europe but am stuck in an otherwise endless war? There is no way to negotiate peace and the U.S. will just keep landing troops in Europe to get killed forever? What?

The vanilla game can be pretty hopeless sometimes. I imagine, knowing paradox community, the subreddit has a number of niche memes on the ai.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I don't think the game has the capability to negotiate peace. I mean you either need total victory or have endless war. I am sure some dumbass will say "err that's history" but no it's not. Not even for World Wars.

Command list: or on the (longer link, so I just enter this one).

Use liberally to force things to make sense when you want them to. The AI seems to be much more willing to accept peace terms if you occupy a number of lands than when you just kill endless waves of soldiers. If you think it's gone far enough, just play around with "yesman" or "tag id" and write your own story that way. It's about as sad as bethesda relying on mods to fix its games, anyway.

FWP the 1984 mod crashes on me. Hope that gets fixed.

I've been playing around with millenium dawn for hoi4, which starts you at 2000 and goes to like 2030 or 2060 tech. You can have a Space Force if you want, though I think it just gives your existing armies special modifiers.

All the talk about the game has inspired me to play a bunch of it lately, and I'm reminded of its failings in my eyes. It took me all morning to manually set up the US fleets to compositions I wanted in a pre-WW2 playthrough with some naval tech already researched in. By the time that was done, I still had to assign admirals, and I hadn't even gotten to the army process. It shouldn't require that level of planning if the player doesn't want. The AI should be able to extrapolate what to do from a list of simpler instructions.

I was getting sick of clicking through the clunky interface before I realized it was noon. I want my three hours back. You can enter "observe" in the console to just watch the game pan out (save occasionally because it crashes periodically on full speed). I feel like there's a high learning curve, but the summit needs a fundamental rework.

For a purely storytelling tool, I recommend:

Corrupted's Cheat Decisions (1.10) … 2168552342

Which offers commands in the decision window that aren't available with the list of vanilla console commands I sent, in case you get tired of micromanaging chromium or whatever.

Mappa Mundi - Steam Version … 2403913303

Fun mapping tool, make custom stuff.

Watch 48 states battle to the death for imperial supremacy.


found a peace deals mod that may interest you as well, mac. 5 stars in over 800 ratings. Just overall check out some of the workshop items.

Peace Deals (Beta) … 2412445347


saves list can get pretty sloppy. the game makes no real effort to isolate them by mod state.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I don't like using mods. I only play IronMan too.

My fourth and I swear final try at Germany.
I have gotten pretty comfortable with using/abusing mechanics. I played a diplomatic game of keeping world tension under 25% in order to stop the allies from guaranteeing countries around me. I mostly just promoted Fascism and then asked countries to join the Axis once they had revolutions. Was going pretty good up until the Soviet Union declared war on me. They were not able to go through the Polish rump state so our armies got stalemated in Romania. Norway joined the war on my side a little later and I planned to slowly turn the countries around me fascist until I had enough of a grand army to invade the Soviet Union proper. I stopped playing when I got an alert that the U.S. was justifying war goals on me for reasons. I never went to war with anyone and am literally a victim of communist aggression.

It really is your loss. The mods are easy to install from workshop and toggle, and contribute so much to the game's otherwise bland play. Before you start another garbo vanilla playthrough at least give it a look. Literally just toggle on the ones you want, then go back to the home menu and launch.
23 mods installed, not 23 enabled

I might go see if there's one that does a better job of naming and iconing various historical, semi-historical, and made-up units. I know Paradox likes to release a game and then micro-DLC that particular detail over the years. A practice I see staunchly defended by Paradox fans who will pile anyone who so much as raises a finger. I guess that's just the reality of some games nowadays. Sims 4 costs like $700+ for the full package, IIRC dwarved by that one train game.

It really is a shame that they put so much basic content behind a paywall.


e2: I know you're playing ironman, but it doesn't sound like you're having fun. At least take a look around. It became a better game for me.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I will try the diplomacy mod when I get a chance. I mostly like the game with the exception of the lack of diplomatic options. I am much more likely to try mods with this game than EU4 or CK 2/3 since the achievements for this game are bizarre and difficult. And I did very well stacking EU4 and CK2 achievements.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Help! Help! I am a cuck.

So I have still been keeping at HOI4. I bought the latest major DLC which means I am all caught up with major expansions. I was able to score two more shiny achievements. It would be cool if this was like the Playstation system where their system of achievements (trophies) actually built to something.
Steam asked me if I would like to update my negative review to positive since I put in 40 more hours into the stupid game. The following screenshot is from my game on Thursday. My first try at the Soviet Union. I tried to bring Trotsky to power in the Soviet Union and it worked. This should have been an achievement. I really wanted to do this since Trotsky would have totally been a better leader than Stalin in World War 2. (Ask me about this in the World War 2 thread for a +1)
In Thursday's game I managed to absorb the Blitzkrieg reasonably well. We took 3:1 losses against the Germans but they got nowhere near Leningrad, Moscow, and Stalingrad. So we did better than the real USSR. The frontline eventually got frozen in Belarus. The Germans stopped trying to attack since I guess I had too much manpower and stuff and they were also fighting allied naval invasions all over Western Europe. Eventually the game's AI decided that stationing 100's of Germans division to keep the Eastern Front frozen was more important than stopping the allied naval invasions all over western Europe. Not the dumbest move since I did have at one point 10,000,000 manpower. I eventually stopped the playthrough in 1944 once my built up armies made a breakthrough in Romania. I didn't like that the Japanese defeated China and was tying up American resources so in the next playthrough I wanted to make sure I stunted the Japanese so the U.S. can save my ass.

This is from Today's playthrough
I didn't try to overthrow Stalin this time and it allowed me to pour more resources into stopping the Japanese and building up. The Germans are now invading but are pushing me back slower which makes sense since I have 6 million men on the front. (IRL Soviet Union had 3 ml.). I figured out some more unit management and was able to position units better this time. I still need to figure out a way to stop my units from attacking the enemy automatically since that is wasting resources. There is probably some unit management mechanic I don't fully understand yet. Otherwise this game requires a lot more micromanagement than EU4 and CK2/3. Speaking of CK3, I forgot I even have that game. Waiting on the next big expansion.

Other nerd shit: Magic the Gathering Arena. I was very happy how this game turned out. I was able to stack 3 planeswalkers (the things on the right). Those are hard to get even one on a board and keep it alive. I also beat a player using a $45 meta card as his main. I hate playing against that card.

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