
You haven't known true hell in 'nilla HoI4 until you try to desegregate in your US playthrough and end up with Confederacy 2.0. The congress and the senate are handled approval and disapproval of an action is handled through seemingly complete RNG, with a lot of "up to" nonsense. This is something you shouldn't be able to savescum (not that you can in ironman), but I guess you can savescum. There is no finesse with politicking the legislature, you just click a button that lobbies them. Maybe Paradox intended to put more detail into the states in some DLC that was never released.

I figured out some more unit management and was able to position units better this time. I still need to figure out a way to stop my units from attacking the enemy automatically since that is wasting resources. There is probably some unit management mechanic I don't fully understand yet. Otherwise this game requires a lot more micromanagement than EU4 and CK2/3. Speaking of CK3, I forgot I even have that game. Waiting on the next big expansion.
There definitely is. Play around with the bars on selected armies and make sure there aren't any conflicts between subordinate divisions you're trying to control and their "HQ's" settings.

Try finishing the Maginot Line and having your Frenchmen squat there, no step forward. Don't forget your AA.


Making another mention in favor of UMC mod. It sure is nice to not have to vanilla-choose two out of radar, sonar, or fire-control systems when you're outfitting your ship.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I have been using the Frontline mechanic. That seems to be what causes the automatic attacks for my units and is also responsible for the AI doing the unit shuffling. I tried using the defense sector today and that was pretty successful against the Germans. I feel that my units held better. Also, where can you see the supply limit for a province? It would help if I knew exactly how many men I can squeeze along the border tiles if I decide to micro it.

Thank you.

If they're not cooperating you could use the nuclear option and clear their orders, assign them to something else, take whatever organization hit it throws at you and hope it works. I meddle in my armies a lot so I try and push my generals to get organizational speed perks.

For the other thing, keep an eye on infrastructure pathway between your victory points and where you have armies defending.

Paradox wikis is still a pretty good resource to pick up on stuff that the game sweeps under the rug, although I've admittedly not sat down and "read the whole manual." Ain't nobody got time for that.


I've also picked up a lot from youtube videos along the lines of army and navy compositions that work for the game but might not always make sense from a historical perspective. Germany hint: drown the ocean in mines.

Followup from https://hoi4.paradoxwikis.com/Land_units#Combat_stats -

Combat width. Represents the room that the division takes up while fighting at the front line. In order to fit into battle, the division needs to fit into the combat width provided by the battlefield (typically 80 width). The less width that each division takes, the more divisions that can fire upon the enemy at the same time. However, making many thin divisions also has it's tradeoffs. Different battalion types increase the combat width of a division by a different amount. For example, infantry and armored battalions use 2 width, artillery battalions use 3 width, and anti-tank and anti-air battalions use 1 width. Support companies do not increase the combat width of a division (see Divisions for details). The Mass Assault doctrine tree has options that reduce the combat width of infantry battalions (from 2 width to 1.6 width). The Field Marshal Offensive Doctrine trait also reduces combat width when on the attack. The sum of all Battalions. Combat width notes:

- The normal maximum combat width provided by the battlefield is 80.
- If attacking divisions come from more than one province, then another 40 width is added to the battlefield for each province.
- Due to the above battlefield width numbers, divisions widths of 10, 20, and 40 tend to be common. However, numbers divisible by 4 will also work well.
- Only full divisions can join a fight.
- Fielding more divisions than the battlefield width supports will result in penalties. When this happens, the Battle Interface will automatically put these extra divisons into reserve.
- Frontage Reduction can reduce the amount of width taken up by divisions, thus allowing more to be used or slightly bigger divisions to be fielded.

It would be cool if this was like the Playstation system where their system of achievements (trophies) actually built to something.
One nice thing about Steam achievements being worth about as much as a dry fart is that you generally don't have to worry about homebrew modifications or ones from third party sites tagging your account, using anything like "achievements purity" ("they have value, you know!") as a justification. I think it makes more sense that way on PC. Steam seems fairly open to them, but I'm not sure where uplay, origin, etc. stand.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
So I am doing a 3rd playthrough at the Soviet Union. Do you guys actually read the post I make with pictures and all that or is it getting memory holed like Uzique's love letters to Dilbert?

I knew of the wiki. The paradox wiki for HOI4 isn't great. Again, it is not as complete as EU4's or CK's. I don't think it is updated much despite.

Not 100% word-for-word. I skim through most of them, (though that doesn't mean I'm not paying attention).

HoI4 feels a bit like a forgotten game. Wiki's a start, but there's substantial guides on specific aspects on youtube (watch out for obsolete ones). Some of the stuff there might help. You can sink a couple hundred hours into the game and overlook some mechanics.

It sounds like you had the Eurasian situation more or less sorted in one playthrough. If you want to try taking shots at the US try starting from Alaska, Greenland, or the Caribbean. Alternatively supply from Africa to the Panama Canal, then work/build your way up. Transport planes and air superiority are your friend, as well as the AI being so horrible at being America.


SuperJail Warden wrote:

I have been using the Frontline mechanic. That seems to be what causes the automatic attacks for my units and is also responsible for the AI doing the unit shuffling. I tried using the defense sector today and that was pretty successful against the Germans. I feel that my units held better. Also, where can you see the supply limit for a province? It would help if I knew exactly how many men I can squeeze along the border tiles if I decide to micro it.

Thank you.
I don't know where exactly you're at in terms of drawing lines, orders, and giving units time for planning. But getting a handle on that, including like learning combat width (picking between 20/40 etc.) and what to do with the army types you start with before you get the XP to edit or add new division types so you use everything to its best capacity is pretty important. Germany again for example, some people at the line drawing stage will just make a big front against Poland and spear towards Warsaw. Lots of wasted, awkward momentum that could be used in capping the north and south victory points more quickly and getting a faster capitulation. Grab those, collapse on Warsaw. Pretty easy.

The whole fronts system does feel very unintuitive. I get that it's a complicated game, but things do sometimes seem needlessly so.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
In my final playthrough I am on now as the Soviet Union I did a much better job stunting the Japanese as planned so I think I will be pretty set once Germans invade. I have no plans to do the U.S. Managing navies in a war in EU4 is a nightmare. I have no interest in learning how to manage navies in a game I already know is inferior to EU4 in almost every way.

Other thoughts: It's crazy how small the Soviet Union's mission trees are compared to everyone else. It's like the only thing they give you to do is wait before the Germans invade. Also, I agree with some people online that have argued that the developers seem to have buffed the Germans to make them more competitive than they were. The Soviet Union had 30,000 tanks at start of the invasion in real life. Their production capabilities were far beyond the Germans though the inverse is true in the game it seems. Also India has a 69% reduction in manpower national spirit penalty despite having the largest volunteer army in World War 2. I know it would be hard for German and Japanese players to have to fight endless waves of Indian rifle divisions but Hitler felt the same way.

Also I got another shiny achievement. Life can sometimes be good.

Managing navies is actually easier than the armies. Less strategy to sort through. If you don't want to mess with it, you can just have a fleet of trade-interdiction minelayers or something.

Again, one thing UMC does is fill in a lot of the sparse national focus trees. Before HoI4 was out, I was eager for the concept as it was introduced, but it was pretty much a skeleton implementation.

Also annoying when Paradox can't be assed to even finish the silhouettes and models or even names for national units, for major nations, even in DLC.

And speaking of research, the slot limit is pretty dumb. Sort of like the annoyance I had at Rome 2's different building types all sharing the same low-capped slot. You can't tell me that the admiralty has to stop studying naval doctrine because we're making a new rifle now. Would love an overhaul to that.

Hate/love, I guess.

e: I should add that one of the mods adds battlefield music to the in-game jukebox, lol.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
@Newbie, please let me know if this strategy makes sense. I will spare you many screenshots and a reading assignment.

The map looks weird but we are all Axis.
Basically the last enemy left is the U.K. and U.S. The vast amount of my resources are tied up in a prolonged Battle of Britain. I can create jets as as fast as the British shoot them down and I can even sneak an atomic bomb across the border but my paratroopers just disappear if I try to send them on a landing mission. I guess I just can't maintain high enough air superiority.
So my plan at this point is to starve the British for resources to prevent them from rebuilding their air force. To that end I am chipping away at their colonial empire. I invaded Iraq, and Siam in order to give me land routes to their Asia colonies. I plan on going to war on Saudi Arabia next to give me access to their Gulf Colonies. I am sending my Panzers to Africa to take out their colonies there in order to get the resources. Is this a good plan or will the U.S. just give them enough lend lease airplanes to replenish their forces?

Also other tidbits, I am promoting fascism in Portugal and Brazil. At what percent does an nonaligned country become fascist? Also, the U.K. is slowly turning to communism. I know that a country will not change their faction if they change ideology but at some point will it make sense to promote fascism there and trigger a civil war through a coup or should I focus on promoting fascism in other countries that have resources to further starve the British?

And finally I know you will suggest uses console commands but I only do Iron Man and am cleaning up when it comes to shiny achievements.
I want the achievement of conquering the U.K. as Germany but I don't think I will make it by 1948 when the game ends.

You can skip some of the attrition by encircling the UK with naval mines. Germany should already be partway down the trade interdiction doctrine path. I know a faction leader can lose that status if defeated, so maybe the same is true if they succumb to revolution. Enough nukes should shatter their unity in short order. It should work, but it would definitely be faster if you could take some land there and strike out for strategic points.

If you can manage to snag an island close to the US you could use that as a base for mining missions (Caribbean is great). High lvl naval forts and anti air on those little sandbars is a tough shell to crack, and can be a good bridgehead.

If you want to keep playing you should crack open a recent tutorial on naval mechanics and fleet compositions.

Don't forget to use that air experience to upgrade your planes. Sometimes I forget I'm producing fighters and end up with like 2000 5/5/5/5 aircraft in reserve.

Remember to respect your planning phases.

Probably mentioned before, but I think there's a scenario somewhere on the Steam Workshop for Man in High Castle if you want to carry on, but I don't know if it's currently up to date.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Going to try the KaiserReich mod next. DesertFox would probably really like that since it tries to simulate a world if Germany won World War 1. Final thoughts on HOI4: The late game needs works. It sucks that you can add fancy things like modern battle tanks and jet fighters to your armies but by the time that stuff becomes relevant, the game is over.

HoI4 needs work across the board. UI improvements, optional automations, AI strategy. But that's like...work. Why should paradox do that when they could sell a $5 pack that changes the name and generic icon for US light tank v to "Sheridan" or whatever it is they've done over the years.

To an even greater extent than Mount & Blade, mods are really the best hope for getting something you want out of it. There's even a rough-around-the-edges Lord of the Rings one if you want to go completely off the rails.

In other news, new trailer dropped for AoE4.

It looks quite pretty but man, like Total War, just more of the same.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6936|United States of America
I picked this username before Wehraboos were a thing and I get to regret that decision more and more as time passes.

Last edited by DesertFox- (2021-04-14 14:25:49)


A furry avatar would do much to assuage suspicions.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
Funny all the complaints I see about aoe4 call it an ugly mobile game with unit colors that are way too bright.

I'm hesitant on it but my main issue with looks is building sizes. I liked aoe2 best. 1/3/m were all small

I don't know about "way too bright," I remember AoE2 as very colorful at times as well.

It really does have a bit of a mobile look to it, though, and I can't exactly put my finger on it. Even the trailer was paced similarly to other mobile game ads I've seen. Maybe that it just looks at once dated and really smoothed out.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
We've come full circle. mobile games ripped off AoE and now it's ripping off of them
mmmf mmmf mmmf

"Knowing the Empire, I expect they're using these jamming vessels to disrupt our long-range comms."
No screenshot but that line is awful. The dialogue and voice acting in SW Squadrons is trash.
My VR blacked out on one mission and on restart an AI wingman ran into me.

It's cool having VR Star Wars flying but I'm sure Xwing was better. Rogue Squadron sure as hell was, their missions had a unique story but it also had movie battles. This has nothing really, EA games are light on content.

Last edited by RTHKI (2021-04-14 17:40:36)


I know I've been grumbling about games not changing, but it's kind of cool to see the old briefing room style kept from the old X-Wing/TIE Fighter games.

It is a bad line (the rebellion isn't above terrorism for their own ends, but the empire using jamming systems? despicable!), but that makes it even more Star Wars.


Anyway, if Squadrons brings VR to the table for the franchise, then that's cool I guess. I look forward to the next one in 2045.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
Another line that got me was
"Even their astromech got dusted. Such brutality."
uh yea most things get destroyed when you blow a spaceship up.

tl;dr, rebellion is space taliban.

Why would they care about an astromech? Both sides treat droids like subcreatures. For all their ai, they might as well be a shipment of toaster ovens.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
Stellaris dlc/patch came out and you no longer see all of your contact's territory and see their fleet power/economy/tech vs yours without the spy system or diplomacy. I love that. Maybe listening posts and such help too duno.

That should have been a vanilla mechanic long ago.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Anyone besides newbie try the Kaiserreich mod for Hearts of Iron 4? It's basically Hearts of Iron 4 if Germany had won World War 1.
I gave one taste playthrough as the 2nd Reich and enjoyed it. Would anyone be interested in seeing/reading a hate playthrough of it this weekend if I take the screenshots? Would you be okay with having another thread for Paradox Playthroughs?
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
You Cucks

Last edited by SuperJail Warden (2021-04-19 10:02:49)


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