1st thing 1st. My comp = boat anchor.
AMD 3200+
Antec 450W (true 450W) not SLI ready
Kingston Value RAM 2 GIG
LG optical drive
+ BFG 9600 OC (replaced my 8600 MSI who burned because its MSI)
I did change my case because no audio ports on front and USB.
Dirt cheap at 20$ at a local store next to my place. (Lyncsys or something like that)
When remounting in the new case, I had primarily reversed the power swithc cable and the HD led.
Got that fixed in minutes fired up and then bipbipbipbiiiiiiiip!
Now what happened, I was thinking, but had my answer when I saw the monitor power light flashing. vid card not posting.
Okay I looked at connections, is the card well inserted, pull out the 6 pins extra power connector, put it back into place.
I shaked other stuff all around to make sure nothing was loose.
The problem if it's one is the following;
Powered it up again & then it posted but before to get to the window where it shows ports, drives, memory and all (Black screen).
It prompted me with a CMOS message that was asking to load default PRESS F1 or else not sure anymore of the other choices.
I pressed F1. loaded up for a little bit longer than usual and there was Windows loading screen.
The time is now 20 mins in advance, weird.
Basically did i do well to press F1?
Couldn't try any games yet but my machine seems to run smooth.
Should I expect more than just a 20 min difference trouble or not?
Thanks in advance.
AMD 3200+
Antec 450W (true 450W) not SLI ready
Kingston Value RAM 2 GIG
LG optical drive
+ BFG 9600 OC (replaced my 8600 MSI who burned because its MSI)
I did change my case because no audio ports on front and USB.
Dirt cheap at 20$ at a local store next to my place. (Lyncsys or something like that)
When remounting in the new case, I had primarily reversed the power swithc cable and the HD led.
Got that fixed in minutes fired up and then bipbipbipbiiiiiiiip!
Now what happened, I was thinking, but had my answer when I saw the monitor power light flashing. vid card not posting.
Okay I looked at connections, is the card well inserted, pull out the 6 pins extra power connector, put it back into place.
I shaked other stuff all around to make sure nothing was loose.
The problem if it's one is the following;
Powered it up again & then it posted but before to get to the window where it shows ports, drives, memory and all (Black screen).
It prompted me with a CMOS message that was asking to load default PRESS F1 or else not sure anymore of the other choices.
I pressed F1. loaded up for a little bit longer than usual and there was Windows loading screen.
The time is now 20 mins in advance, weird.
Basically did i do well to press F1?
Couldn't try any games yet but my machine seems to run smooth.
Should I expect more than just a 20 min difference trouble or not?
Thanks in advance.