Just because it's not a console 'port' dosen't mean it won't play like a console game brah.Jaekus wrote:
Oh, definitely. I've just read one too many purist comments to not make one in reply.
I think much of BC2's problems come from the fact it is a console port. Something that BF3 is not.
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bf3 WILL be a a console port no matter how much they market it as a pc game. would be really naive to believe dice will ever make a pc game again.
main battle tank karthus medikopter 117 megamegapowershot gg
bf3 isn't a console port..
frostbite ring a bell?HaiBai wrote:
bf3 isn't a console port..
yeah it's a 100% console engine if you haven't realized that yet.
main battle tank karthus medikopter 117 megamegapowershot gg
i cant wait to see all the tears when this game is actually released and is predictably under-par
bookmark this post and quote it back to me all you like post-release
bookmark this post and quote it back to me all you like post-release
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
Very few games live up to their hype, but it doesn't mean that it won't be a great game. Anyway, i've read a lot of your posts Uzique, you don't seem to have a good thing to say about any game. So maybe for you, this won't live up to your 'high' standards.Uzique wrote:
i cant wait to see all the tears when this game is actually released and is predictably under-par
bookmark this post and quote it back to me all you like post-release
PC is lead version, it will be scaled down for consoles. I can find the quote if you don't believe me.DUnlimited wrote:
bf3 WILL be a a console port no matter how much they market it as a pc game. would be really naive to believe dice will ever make a pc game again.
Oh, I reckon it will be more like a PC game than BC2 is, that's for sure.TrashBlinD wrote:
Just because it's not a console 'port' dosen't mean it won't play like a console game brah.Jaekus wrote:
Oh, definitely. I've just read one too many purist comments to not make one in reply.
I think much of BC2's problems come from the fact it is a console port. Something that BF3 is not.
This might be true, but it will still have elements of gameplay that will appeal to the console market!Jaekus wrote:
PC is lead version, it will be scaled down for consoles. I can find the quote if you don't believe me.DUnlimited wrote:
bf3 WILL be a a console port no matter how much they market it as a pc game. would be really naive to believe dice will ever make a pc game again.
Of course, that's a given. There just seem to be too many people reckoning it will be exactly like BC2, and/or if it is not exactly like BF2 they're gonna get upset. I'm cautiously optimistic enough to believe it will fall somewhere between the two, ie. it will be a better PC game than BC2 is but with some elements from BC2, ie. not exactly like BF2.
They will take the best from both games. I think people need to put more faith in the devs, they're not idiots, regardless of what people think!
Can't please everyone and PC players will always find something to bitch about regardless.
hahaha i've seen the quotes all over. it's just that a console engine is a console engine. no one can make a pc game out of frostbite. besidesJaekus wrote:
PC is lead version, it will be scaled down for consoles. I can find the quote if you don't believe me.DUnlimited wrote:
bf3 WILL be a a console port no matter how much they market it as a pc game. would be really naive to believe dice will ever make a pc game again.
all the previews of bf3 have console stamped all over them.DUnlimited wrote:
would be really naive to believe dice will ever make a pc game again.
Last edited by DUnlimited (2011-05-08 17:11:25)
main battle tank karthus medikopter 117 megamegapowershot gg
Too true.Nic wrote:
Can't please everyone and PC players will always find something to bitch about regardless.
Call me naive if you wish, but they've remade the game engine, hopefully so it suits PC more.DUnlimited wrote:
hahaha i've seen the quotes all over. it's just that a console engine is a console engine. no one can make a pc game out of frostbite.Jaekus wrote:
PC is lead version, it will be scaled down for consoles. I can find the quote if you don't believe me.DUnlimited wrote:
bf3 WILL be a a console port no matter how much they market it as a pc game. would be really naive to believe dice will ever make a pc game again.
Oh, so you've played them game then?all the previews of bf3 have console stamped all over them.DUnlimited wrote:
would be really naive to believe dice will ever make a pc game again.
Have you played any game DICE has made in the past few years? Especially BC2 or even the horror that was Medal of Honor?Jaekus wrote:
Call me naive if you wish, but they've remade the game engine, hopefully so it suits PC more.DUnlimited wrote:
hahaha i've seen the quotes all over. it's just that a console engine is a console engine. no one can make a pc game out of frostbite.Jaekus wrote:
PC is lead version, it will be scaled down for consoles. I can find the quote if you don't believe me.Oh, so you've played them game then?all the previews of bf3 have console stamped all over them.DUnlimited wrote:
would be really naive to believe dice will ever make a pc game again.
Just because the game is called BF3 dosen't mean they'll go back to making proper PC games with an actual skill curve. Even 2142 was a significant step down from BF2 and that was before the consolization of BF even began.
Yes, I own BF Vietnam, BF2, 2142 and BC2. But this is just what I'm saying, if you're wanting BF2 reskinned you're going to be sorely disappointed. I believe it will be a swing towards that direction from BC2, but certainly not the same.
They said BC2 would be a true PC game, too...

If dice does kill the sandbox battlefield series I'm just hoping another developer will recognize the gap and at least try to fill it. It'd be great if dice recognizes their opportunity to keep the series alive and puts out a good successor. But at this point my expectation is that COD has forever destroyed sandbox shooters.
Pretty sure they used the same game engine as they made for Bad Company 1, for console only... at least with BF3 they've said they've remade the game engine, so it lends some faith towards it being more suited to PC.
There is a fair bit of talk about consoles but the interview is for XBOX by the looks of things.
His comment at the end "BF3 will be a more serious game ... some of the more hardcore elements of BF2 will be back in BF3"
What do you guys make of that? Interested.
His comment at the end "BF3 will be a more serious game ... some of the more hardcore elements of BF2 will be back in BF3"
What do you guys make of that? Interested.
Last edited by Jaekus (2011-05-09 03:40:23)
By hardcore BF2 elements he probably means you have to carefully place your shots from a safe distance, instead of just running in and spraying form the hip getting multikills
Although the trailer doesnt support my theory
The trailer is SP though. It will be interesting how MP turns out. The talk of large maps, jets and prone is good though. He even made reference to sandbox style gaming too.
They said similar things for BC2. Up-scaling it for PC´s and all. And Frostbite 2 isn´t a new engine, it´s an improved Frostbite 1.Jaekus wrote:
Pretty sure they used the same game engine as they made for Bad Company 1, for console only... at least with BF3 they've said they've remade the game engine, so it lends some faith towards it being more suited to PC.
I´m still hoping for a good Bf, but I won´t hold my breath.

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