plundering yee booty
+510|5787|Ventura, California
I mind it. We can look around in real life, unlike in the game. I know you can look around but you can't do many maneuvers while in cam mode. Think of F12 as the solution to that. Either way it made dog fighting a lot better. In this game dog fighting sucks.
And above your tomb, the stars will belong to us.
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7027|Purplicious Wisconsin

-Sh1fty- wrote:

I mind it. We can look around in real life, unlike in the game. I know you can look around but you can't do many maneuvers while in cam mode. Think of F12 as the solution to that. Either way it made dog fighting a lot better. In this game dog fighting sucks.
If you want the most awesome dogfighting, you should play bf1942. Had your lovely F12 view, you could only use machine guns on aircraft(none of this constant lock on crap) and Anti-aircraft emplacements were just guns. Also, in order to increase aircraft speed you had to dive, turning and going up slowed down your aircraft. The bomber aircraft had gunners to help fight off aircraft behind you. Overall, it was awesome.

Last edited by War Man (2012-09-09 17:50:55)

The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.

War Man wrote:

If you want the most awesome dogfighting, you should play bf1942.
warman, i think i just agreed with you for the first time in 6+ years.
+572|6972|BC, Canada
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Wrench turnin' fool
Sun even shines on a dog's butt once in a while.
"Raise the flag high! Let the degenerates know who comes to claim their lives this day!"
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
Does the pope shit in the woods?

War Man wrote:

I didn't mind the lack of F12 view, it's more realistic ya know. Anyway, bf1942 was the best battlefield game, that took some real skill.
none in hardcore i think

Spearhead wrote:

We're only going to get a real Battlefield game when they either go back to making PC exclusives OR when the consoles can handle 64 players.
Good games come from the community; all bf games have been basking in light of bf2 which was possible by mod makers in the first place
plundering yee booty
+510|5787|Ventura, California

jsnipy wrote:

Spearhead wrote:

We're only going to get a real Battlefield game when they either go back to making PC exclusives OR when the consoles can handle 64 players.
Good games come from the community; all bf games have been basking in light of bf2 which was possible by mod makers in the first place
true! All the good mods and stuff, always come from the community. Shame another community can't make a legit popular game, again. I'd like to see another BF2.
And above your tomb, the stars will belong to us.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7003|Tampa Bay Florida

jsnipy wrote:

Spearhead wrote:

We're only going to get a real Battlefield game when they either go back to making PC exclusives OR when the consoles can handle 64 players.
Good games come from the community; all bf games have been basking in light of bf2 which was possible by mod makers in the first place
True dat

If only Valve bought out DICE.  If only....
+22|7000|Philadelphia, PA

Doperwt. wrote:

well they should give choppers 5 to 10 flares they can use at any time, without reload time. Afterwards they have to fly back to their chopperpad to reload these, which takes time. This way the chopper is more safe and not above the battlefield the whole time. They fucked up the vehicles with the infinite ammo.
I've said this since BC2.  Aerial vehicles should be required to reload over friendly airpads.  This was an important feature of BF2, for the reasons you stated above.
That Guy
+236|5349|Massachusetts, USA

Spearhead wrote:

jsnipy wrote:

Spearhead wrote:

We're only going to get a real Battlefield game when they either go back to making PC exclusives OR when the consoles can handle 64 players.
Good games come from the community; all bf games have been basking in light of bf2 which was possible by mod makers in the first place
True dat

If only Valve bought out DICE.  If only....
Battlefield with hats, i don't think so.
If the women don't find ya handsome. They should at least find ya handy.
+3,936|6813|so randum
how to get mortar kills in their current state:

be US on metro, have them camped


21 killstreak lol, ignoring the fact it takes 3 near hits (or 2 direct), those fucking snipers don't even try and move. non HC fwiw
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
The A W S M F O X
I Won't Deny It

-Sh1fty- wrote:

The A W S M F O X wrote:

-Sh1fty- wrote:

DICE did 9/11

Still can't get over how ruined helicopters are. A good pair should be nearly unstoppable except from jets and AA. Stingers are killing me more and more. Never seen so many Stingerpusses as my friends and I call them. I'm not looking forward to anything except the snow map in Armored Kill.
"Stingerpusses"??? I suppose everyone should just bend over if the enemy gets in a helicopter and not use something soley designed to stop them? Do you even think when you type, or just let your primal urges take over and hope for the best? You're exactly the kind of "community" member that ruins a game with your un-informed opinions and retard level "input". Get some brains kid.
No sir, you're the one with no brain. On xbox 360 it's 12v12. That means if a few people aren't playing the objective, that team is pretty much screwed. There are CIT-Vs and SOFLAMs, to designate helicopters. There's javelins and guided shells to take out those designated targets. Then there's high caliber belt-fed weapons and opposing air power to take out enemy helis. But noooo, they take out their fucking stingers, stand in one spot not running around the map to actually be useful, and spam stingers. People who play like that are shit and therefore aptly dubbed Stingerpusses.

If you're a stingerpuss, turn away from your vile sin, heathen.

Also, switching a SMAW, RPG-7, or Javelin for a weapon you can only use against air-vehicles is a bad decision. You need to be able to take out armor.

Quit being a condescending stingerpuss
Ok kid, whatever helps you sleep at night. I didn't read any of that either.

Depends on team, some carry at some carry AA.

Sure it is possible to knock down low hanging fruit with a SMAW\RPG, or trust that a recon can keep a soflam up most of the time, but why bother to make that your primary defense against air rape?
+572|6972|BC, Canada
+3,936|6813|so randum
ac130 is made of paper :S
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
that bad?
+3,936|6813|so randum
yup. one jet can drop it in two gun bursts lol, which you can easily do in one pass.
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
lol that sucks i'm at 50% DL right now
+572|6972|BC, Canada
Yeah, the AC130 is weak, you can just tail it with the chopper and kill it quick. It usually doesn't last more than a half pass around the map. If nobody is flying on the other team though you can rack up kills quick, especially on rush.
+22|7000|Philadelphia, PA
I swear the Gunship was put in to pacify the n00b jet pilots to give them a chance to earn some unlocks.

They need to buff the AA cannons on the AC130, make the more powerful and/or allow faster spinning around.  That will discourage the slow moving pilots or ACs from camping the tail of the gunship.
Go Cougs!
+695|6604|Washington St.
Sounds like if there's nobody else in the air than the AC130 murders fools. If there are other planes then it gets shot down quick.
Far be for me to say but is this not balanced?
+3,936|6813|so randum
really don't understand the arty at all either lol
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
+3,936|6813|so randum
like the rockets seem to land wherever they want, and normally quite off to the right of what you're aiming at.
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella

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