I've got 2 1GB SD memory cards used in a digital camera. The cards were originally formatted using the camera (Nikon CoolPix L18.) So I'm deleting older photos off the memory card, and I'm noticing the properties of the card, the card is formatted in FAT, and I notice that I can reformat the card in NTFS, FAT, FAT32 and exFAT. I'm also noticing there are different "allocation unit size" it's currently set at 16 kilobytes. Not sure I understand what the "allocation unit size" is/means.
My question... with an SD memory card, is there any advantage to reformatting it to NTFS, FAT32, or any others that I mentioned above? Should I just leave it set at FAT? Will reformatting to say NTFS allow more pictures to be held on each card? The pictures average about 2.0MB each in FAT format.
My question... with an SD memory card, is there any advantage to reformatting it to NTFS, FAT32, or any others that I mentioned above? Should I just leave it set at FAT? Will reformatting to say NTFS allow more pictures to be held on each card? The pictures average about 2.0MB each in FAT format.