The successor of the great Overlord is released!
You haven't lived until you've stained the snow with some High Definition seal brains, trust us.
Take a look at THE OVERLORD SHOW and buy your very own Minion!
Why a minion, you ask? Here´s an excerpt from the Q&A:
Are Minions child-friendly?
That depends on how fast your child can run.
I have a cat, can I have a Minion too?
Minions will have no problems with any other pet you may have. Please note this may not work the other way round.
Are Minions carbon neutral?
Although Minions are clean and efficient, a lot of what they do results in smoke and fire, which has been known to make Mother Earth cry. But burnt down villages produce zero emissions, so in a way they're eco warriors.

If you´re interested now, try the demo! Available through the website and Steam. Hilariously fun and poilitically incorrect! A refreshingly different kind of game!
And to kill some time (and seals) while waiting try this fun Flash game:
For referance concerning it´s predecessor, check out this thread:
Overlord at Bf2s
I´m totally hyped for this game. I absolutely love the first one. It´s well done, damn funny and nicely different. Can´t wait for my copy to arrive!
What about you? Anyone interested? Already playing?
You haven't lived until you've stained the snow with some High Definition seal brains, trust us.
Take a look at THE OVERLORD SHOW and buy your very own Minion!
Why a minion, you ask? Here´s an excerpt from the Q&A:
Are Minions child-friendly?
That depends on how fast your child can run.
I have a cat, can I have a Minion too?
Minions will have no problems with any other pet you may have. Please note this may not work the other way round.
Are Minions carbon neutral?
Although Minions are clean and efficient, a lot of what they do results in smoke and fire, which has been known to make Mother Earth cry. But burnt down villages produce zero emissions, so in a way they're eco warriors.

If you´re interested now, try the demo! Available through the website and Steam. Hilariously fun and poilitically incorrect! A refreshingly different kind of game!
And to kill some time (and seals) while waiting try this fun Flash game:
For referance concerning it´s predecessor, check out this thread:
Overlord at Bf2s
I´m totally hyped for this game. I absolutely love the first one. It´s well done, damn funny and nicely different. Can´t wait for my copy to arrive!
What about you? Anyone interested? Already playing?