OK, I've been turning this over in my head and been unable to come up with a solid answer, just a guess.
Is a lower clock quad core processor from Intel faster than a higher-end dual core? Say, the Q versus the E-series. Which one would actually be faster and more useful? I am guessing the quad, simply because of the extra cores, but at the same time, if it can't process the info as quickly as the E in terms of clock speed, would the extra 2 cores really make all that huge of a difference?
Is a lower clock quad core processor from Intel faster than a higher-end dual core? Say, the Q versus the E-series. Which one would actually be faster and more useful? I am guessing the quad, simply because of the extra cores, but at the same time, if it can't process the info as quickly as the E in terms of clock speed, would the extra 2 cores really make all that huge of a difference?