+45|6181|123 | 456 | 789 | Δ
I've been using the same old monitor for ages now (17" LCD 1280x1024) but its on it's way out, plus it's old- 25ms response time, shitty make- Goodmans.
To be fair it's lasted me almost 4 years and hasn't been too bad, but seeing as it's on it's way out, I need to upgrade.

My budget is strictly £120 and I'm looking for a 22" widescreen with 1680x1050 resolution.

I look at a Samsung (btw eBuyer is cheapest out of all the sites in UK)- http://www.ebuyer.com/product/145316

But I read bad reviews on it from pretty much everyone about the colours fading etc, so the Samsung is out of the question. -edit- the Samsung is now out of stock, there was only 1 left anyway.

There are really only 2 other monitors in my budget that are worth buying (judging by reviews) and they are both LG, they both had good reviews from everyone saying picture quality is great for the price etc. They are both similar price- 1 being £117 the other being £119.

The £119 one- http://www.ebuyer.com/product/152124
Has DVI port and a VGA, so would be good for any future products I buy, but it looks a bit more old fashioned than the one below. I read good reviews on them both, all saying picture quality is good but I read 1 review of someone who has both monitors, saying that the one below (£117 one) had a slightly better picture (contrast), so is DVI that important or not? I know it's digital vs analog and digital is easier, sharper etc but that's what's making it a hard choice for me.

The £117 one- http://www.ebuyer.com/product/143050
Has no DVI port, only VGA, so not going to be very future proof, and I read up on DVI vs VGA and while there isn't supposed to be any real noticeable difference, DVI is still obviously a better choice if you had to choose between the 2. But this one is supposed to have slightly better picture quality compared to the one above, (plus it looks more modern).
So which one do you think I should go for? I know they're both pretty similar but I need help choosing as I'm buying it tomorrow.
I have been thinking more about the £119 one with DVI slot.

Also, as I've been playing on a 17" 1280x1024 for years, I'm not used to widescreen.
My hardware will be fine for playing BF2 at 1680x1050 as I play on all low anyway and get constant 100fps on 1280 res, plus BF2 is the only game I play, just that and web browsing.

But can BF2 run at a native res of 1680x1050? I heard of widescreen fixer but didn't know if it "upscaled the image" from a lower resolution? Making it a bit dodgy.
Also will I lose anything from the screen? I can't imagine playing as a sniper in widescreen, do you get more FOV to the left and right (so you can see more?) I just pictured scoping in with a sniper and either the circle around the crosshairs being an oval shape, or having normal shape crosshairs with a bit more black around the left and right of them, I don't know how it will work.

Both the monitors I mentioned have a 4:3 switch so if the 1680x1050 res fails I can play 1280x1024 100% properly with black boxes surrounding the screen, but obviously I don't want to be doing that if I can be playing properly at the monitors native res.

Sorry for such a long post, just doing my head in which one to go for, as like I said I'm ordering it tomorrow as I urgently need a new one, any help would be good cheers

Last edited by H3RB4L ABU53 (2009-07-15 14:05:26)

Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
1.5 can run 1680x1050 natively. Otherwise you need to had +szx 1680 +szy 1050 after the "target" in the properties of the BF2 shortcut.

Also the widescreen for both is currently just a crop, not true widescreen (though DICE says the final version of 1.5 will have true widescreen), so you need to get the widescreen fixer.
+45|6181|123 | 456 | 789 | Δ
Ok, well that's about the only thing in 1.5 I will be looking forward to lol as it won't be too long until it's out it doesn't bother me, but in the meantime (1.41) using the widescreen fixer, what do you mean by crop? If I add +szx 1680 +szy 1050 to the shortcut target, will it still be more than playable and look decent enough at that res?
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

H3RB4L ABU53 wrote:

Ok, well that's about the only thing in 1.5 I will be looking forward to lol as it won't be too long until it's out it doesn't bother me, but in the meantime (1.41) using the widescreen fixer, what do you mean by crop? If I add +szx 1680 +szy 1050 to the shortcut target, will it still be more than playable and look decent enough at that res?
Yes, to run it at 1680x1050 you just need to edit the shortcut target, however you need to run the widescreen fixer to get proper widescreen.
+45|6181|123 | 456 | 789 | Δ
lol sorry, I thought the "widescreen fixer" was to add +szx 1680 +szy 1050 to the shortcut target, or is widescreen fixer an actual program you run to enable proper widescreen when you add the +szx 1680 +szy 1050 commands?
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

H3RB4L ABU53 wrote:

lol sorry, I thought the "widescreen fixer" was to add +szx 1680 +szy 1050 to the shortcut target, or is widescreen fixer an actual program you run to enable proper widescreen when you add the +szx 1680 +szy 1050 commands?
Yeah, widescreen fixer is a program that fixes the FOV so that it gives proper 8:5 wide-screen, as opposed to simply cropping the 4:3 like the +szx/+szy hack does.
+45|6181|123 | 456 | 789 | Δ
Ok, thanks for the help, so with the widescreen fixer program, I don't need to edit the shortcut commands? Or will I need to do that as well?

I decided I'm prob going to go for the £117 monitor without the DVI now, it looks newer generation and apparently you can only get 60HZ out of DVI,  as you can get the full 75HZ out of a VGA with no noticeable loss in picture quality (apparently) so sounds like a better buy- haven't read anyone who dislikes it in any way.
If it's that close then it probably doesn't matter which you choose
+45|6181|123 | 456 | 789 | Δ
Yea, it was pretty pointless of me to post if I answered my own question lol but I wanted to know the BF2 stuff anyway
Plus I know they're both similar monitors basically, apart from looks, but I didn't want to just choose a random one if I found out I'd be better with DVI in the long run

Last edited by H3RB4L ABU53 (2009-07-15 14:53:09)

sophisticated slacker
+334|6637|Graz, Austria
Why not going for 1920*1080 (Full HD)?
I bought a 22" BenQ TFT screen with that resolution in January and the prices for such a monitor have dropped to your budget since then.

DoctaStrangelove wrote:

H3RB4L ABU53 wrote:

lol sorry, I thought the "widescreen fixer" was to add +szx 1680 +szy 1050 to the shortcut target, or is widescreen fixer an actual program you run to enable proper widescreen when you add the +szx 1680 +szy 1050 commands?
Yeah, widescreen fixer is a program that fixes the FOV so that it gives proper 8:5 wide-screen, as opposed to simply cropping the 4:3 like the +szx/+szy hack does.
The widescreen fixer currently does not work for any of the 1.50 betas. At least for me.
But as the final 1.50 is said to be released within the next two weeks, I can live with that.
+45|6181|123 | 456 | 789 | Δ
Ok I got the monitor, first started up BF2 without changing anything (still at 1280x1024 from the last monitor) and had windows res at 1680x1050.
BF2 came out stretched like I thought, so pressed the 4:3 in wide button on monitor and runs run at 1280 res with black bars either side fine.

Tried the shortcut target +widescreen 1 +szx 1680 +szy 1050 and it didn't seem to do anything, still looked like 1280x1024 resolution and came out stretched.

Tried the shortcut targets above, but with the widecreen fixer, the widescreen fixer works, giving me no stretching and extra view at the sides but it doesn't seem like it's running at 1680 res.

In the video options 1680 isn't available, it still says 1280x1024, any ideas?
sophisticated slacker
+334|6637|Graz, Austria
Do not change the resolution in BF2's options after you've started it with the +szx +szy command line parameters.

The widescreen fixer isn't responsible for the resolution at all, AFIK. It only adapts the FOV.
By using the hotkey you can switch back and forth between the two FOVs, but the resolution doesn't change.

Some people say that you have to exchange the +fullscreen parameter with +widescreen, but others say it doesn't matter.
I use the former and it has always worked fine (in 1.41 that is).
+45|6181|123 | 456 | 789 | Δ
Yea I'm using 1.41 I got it to work I just replaced +fullscreen 1 with +widecreen 1 and added the 1680x1050 commands it looks really sharp compared to my old 1280 res with the widescreen fixer, is there a way to make it enable automatically when you start it? Because I sometimes forget to press the ";" key when I start playing.
I did have a CTD once I think it was the widescreen fixer because I never normally get them, can't wait for 1.5 to support it properly though
all grown up now (its boring)
FWIW i have owned a 17" NEC/Mitsibushi flat screened CRT, a 22" LG 22SRL or something, the one with a tv tuner built in, and then a 24" Samsung SM something or other plus+. In order of image quality :

NEC - LG - Samsung.

Didnt get on with samsung at all, tons of ghosting and you had to sit facing it directly to see dark movies, and change in angle and your stuffed.

Im going for twin dell 22's next though im tempted by a single 24" NEC. NEC are teh best!
sophisticated slacker
+334|6637|Graz, Austria

H3RB4L ABU53 wrote:

is there a way to make it enable automatically when you start it? Because I sometimes forget to press the ";" key when I start playing.
Not that I know of.
I think it can only be enabled once it detects the game running.
(Maybe using Autohotkey you could create a script that launches your game, followed by the widecreen fixer's hotkey after a certain delay, allowing your game to start first.)

With the later/latest version, you can however, add a shortcut to your start-up folder to launch the fixer with windows.
If you change Minimize=1 in the wsf.ini you can make it launch minimized to the tray.
In that ini you can also change the hotkey. I use 111, which is the / on the numpad.
+45|6181|123 | 456 | 789 | Δ
Ok, well I'm leaving it as the way it is seeing as 1.5 shouldn't bee too long

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