I'll see this if I get 'round to it. Mid-semester break soon so I probably will. The editor of the magazine I contribute to, (whose first name is Jackson while my first name is Peter,) said it was the best movie of the year, another review I read said it has plot holes the size of that big ship of theirs, (which apparently is more of an intergalactic liferaft than an Independance Day type building-blaster.) I suppose I'll just see it and make my own judgement.
The film style looks very similar to the Halo "teasers" Jackson made for fun, however I don't think that Halo is at the forefront of his mind right now. I mean he's finishing up "The Lovely Bones" at the moment, he's working on writing "The Hobbit" with Guillermo del Toro, he's still working on "The Dambusters" and he's also working on his Tintin trilogy... the dude keeps busy y'know.
Don't know if it'll even be Jackson who eventually does Halo, (and I'm pretty sure it'll be done one day.) A shame too, when it was announced some friends of mine decided that when it was being made we'd rock on over to his house and ask for jobs as extras.
One thing though - Jackson is working with Spielberg on Tintin and Speilberg recently expressed interest in restarting the Halo project. We'll see what develops eh.