grandmaster league revivalist
Hm, I started with trading myself and using about 8 Mk3´s. The first million came quick this way so I build a wheatfarm (only 360k) to start. I added farms until they could support my distillery (3 M farms for one L distillery).
I then added factory by factory, selling all the intermediate goods, until the complex could uphold himself.

I´ve now started to litter the universe with small drug complexes to get my first TL.
The one in "Atreus´Clouds" runs smooth by now, so I´ve set up a Weedcomplex in "Elena´s Fortune":

Bought my first "real" M3 right after, a Paranid Perseus:
Great Hunter-Killer, veeerrry small cargo hold though

Totally unrelated: I gots hit by a rockets, now I is on fire. In space:
grandmaster league revivalist
Haha, captured a Pirate Nova the other day:
Stats are worse than the regular Nova, but the paintjob is fuckin

By the by, how is the rest of you holding up? Mastered the first huge curbs?
I am Canadian
+72|6572|B.C. Canada
I havent had a chance to sit and play the game for more than 10 mins at a time as my brother is in town and we been busy fishing and shit. Once his holidays are done though I am going to sit my ass in front of the computer for a whole day and try and get over the learning hump. So far the game is fun but overwhelming.
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|7093|Great Brown North
and terran conflict is on the way to me, my torrent was all kinds of fucked up, having to start over now
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6101|Catherine Black

krazed wrote:

and terran conflict is on the way to me, my torrent was all kinds of fucked up, having to start over now
To go My Documents, look for an Egosoft folder, your save is in there.
grandmaster league revivalist

trex1210 wrote:

I havent had a chance to sit and play the game for more than 10 mins at a time as my brother is in town and we been busy fishing and shit. Once his holidays are done though I am going to sit my ass in front of the computer for a whole day and try and get over the learning hump. So far the game is fun but overwhelming.
Reallife huh? I remember there was something similar I had some time ago. Before my space faring days...

krazed wrote:

and terran conflict is on the way to me, my torrent was all kinds of fucked up, having to start over now
Be sure to get the upcoming 2.5 patch. It´s due for release soon.

Last edited by Sisco10 (2009-09-15 00:14:43)
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6101|Catherine Black

Sisco10 wrote:

Haha, captured a Pirate Nova the other day: … hot07a.jpg
Stats are worse than the regular Nova, but the paintjob is fuckin

By the by, how is the rest of you holding up? Mastered the first huge curbs?
I was taking out a Pirate Nova with my M4 .. he surrendered while I was firing off a stream, last plasma hit it and it blew up.
grandmaster league revivalist

Finray wrote:

Sisco10 wrote:

Haha, captured a Pirate Nova the other day: … hot07a.jpg
Stats are worse than the regular Nova, but the paintjob is fuckin

By the by, how is the rest of you holding up? Mastered the first huge curbs?
I was taking out a Pirate Nova with my M4 .. he surrendered while I was firing off a stream, last plasma hit it and it blew up.
Same thing happened to me with a Xenon M. Pissed me off.
But you´re not missing out on the pirate Nova. It´s top speed lies at 98 m/s. Even my newly obtained Elephant is faster! Speaking of which:

It´s so much faster to build complexes now!
Yes I Do
+44|6933|Auteuil, Laval
Elephant is nice cargo space, the Orca is even better but a monster to move around. 

When doing pirate raid in some sectors like Loomankstrat, I use to park the elephant just on the other side of the portal then when I capture a ship I just send it to dock with it and I can continue the fight.  Then I select the most healthy one, repair it and make it defend me.  After 4 to 5 raids I end up with a couple of nice ships with enough credit from the sold ships to repair and equip the nice ones.  Well maybe not completely equipped.  Same goes when I do Xenon raids.
grandmaster league revivalist

Jean_Peste_tu? wrote:

Elephant is nice cargo space, the Orca is even better but a monster to move around. 

When doing pirate raid in some sectors like Loomankstrat, I use to park the elephant just on the other side of the portal then when I capture a ship I just send it to dock with it and I can continue the fight.  Then I select the most healthy one, repair it and make it defend me.  After 4 to 5 raids I end up with a couple of nice ships with enough credit from the sold ships to repair and equip the nice ones.  Well maybe not completely equipped.  Same goes when I do Xenon raids.
That´s acutally a clever tactic. I always cursed when I sent one of the damaged captured ships to the yard, only to find it destroyed half-way there Have to try it. With a jupdrive I would be in the next ship yard in an istant.

Next capital ship on my list is the Argon Zentaur. Together with my TL and a few captured/bought M3/M4´s I should be able to finish the Bala Gi missions in a coup de main!! Can´t wait!
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6101|Catherine Black
I loved getting the Argon Mamoth (when I scripted back in X2) and going through gates, crashing into about 5 M5s and destroying them without scratching my ship.

Puts your rep down quite quickly though
Yes I Do
+44|6933|Auteuil, Laval

Sisco10 wrote:

Jean_Peste_tu? wrote:

Elephant is nice cargo space, the Orca is even better but a monster to move around. 

When doing pirate raid in some sectors like Loomankstrat, I use to park the elephant just on the other side of the portal then when I capture a ship I just send it to dock with it and I can continue the fight.  Then I select the most healthy one, repair it and make it defend me.  After 4 to 5 raids I end up with a couple of nice ships with enough credit from the sold ships to repair and equip the nice ones.  Well maybe not completely equipped.  Same goes when I do Xenon raids.
That´s acutally a clever tactic. I always cursed when I sent one of the damaged captured ships to the yard, only to find it destroyed half-way there Have to try it. With a jupdrive I would be in the next ship yard in an istant.

Next capital ship on my list is the Argon Zentaur. Together with my TL and a few captured/bought M3/M4´s I should be able to finish the Bala Gi missions in a coup de main!! Can´t wait!
Just keep a couple of ship around your transport vessel to defend it while you rape the face of those Pirates / Xenons.
When you will go get the M7 class vessel bring a couple or more fighter to defend your Centaure.
grandmaster league revivalist
Haha, got my first Zentaur yesterday!
I think it´s one of the most beautiful ships in the game. Always reminds me of the Nautilus. <3

Used it first to tuck on of my mines in "Elena´s Fortune" to my complex:
That must have been the most annoying hour since like ever

But after endless flying and killing of annyoing pirates, the Hyperion is now mine! And that ship indeed does rape face!!
But tugging her along through the sectors was completely retarded. I lost her twice while going through a jumpgate.

Anyways, after some trying, I´ll say the M6 isn´t really meant for dofighting. Its turning too slow and thank god the Zentaur at least got some turrets! They do make excellent sector patrols though, especially out-of-sector. Will get another one and station them in Elenas fortune, to kill of pirates who frequently venture there.
Or to guard my TL while invading the pirates. Xenon sectors are a bit too tough for me still (I looked into "Sector 347" in the course of the Bala Gi missions, and they had like 6 carriers and 8 destroyers there!)

@finny: Yeah, killed two Boron Dolphins yesterday right after jumping in a sector. Well, they smelled fishy anyways, lol.
Yes I Do
+44|6933|Auteuil, Laval

Sisco10 wrote:

Anyways, after some trying, I´ll say the M6 isn´t really meant for dofighting. Its turning too slow and thank god the Zentaur at least got some turrets! They do make excellent sector patrols though, especially out-of-sector. Will get another one and station them in Elenas fortune, to kill of pirates who frequently venture there.
Or to guard my TL while invading the pirates. Xenon sectors are a bit too tough for me still (I looked into "Sector 347" in the course of the Bala Gi missions, and they had like 6 carriers and 8 destroyers there!)

@finny: Yeah, killed two Boron Dolphins yesterday right after jumping in a sector. Well, they smelled fishy anyways, lol.
When doing the Bla-Gi mission you were given a M3+ fighter, did you chose the Eclips?  Anyway with an Fully equipped Eclipse I can take down those pesty carriers and destroyers!  No joke! 
If I'm able to capture a Xenon LX it's even better you have more turret working for you.  5 x 25MJ shield on the LX instead of 1 x 125MJ on the Eclipse (Going by memory here).  It's better cause if they hit the shield generator when you have no more shiled you still can have 4 x 25MJ working.

When you approach an heavy Xenon vessel you have to get over the top of it then dive in.   When you are only a couple of meters over it's turrets can't reach you.  By doing circular motion, flying in circle you can take down those big ships.  The other fighter will try to get you but if you are, and you have to be, on a continuous movement you will not be harmed.  These other ones willl actually hit the big ship you are hovering over.  But when it dies, warp out, you don't want to be alone with a pletore of figther on your back.
i cind of want but torrents are bad
I'm moving to Brazil
hahaha she goes at least my search for hard khock(cock) will take me through a beautiful universe lol
+35|6993|let op drempels
I'm interested in this game, but i can't find any sites to buy it. If somebody has a site that sells and ships it to europe (Netherlands), link plz and are there expansion for this game, cause then i'll just look around for some sort of gold pack including em all.
grandmaster league revivalist

GR34 wrote:

i cind of want but torrents are bad

gameaddict wrote:

I'm interested in this game, but i can't find any sites to buy it. If somebody has a site that sells and ships it to europe (Netherlands), link plz and are there expansion for this game, cause then i'll just look around for some sort of gold pack including em all.
For the both of you:
I´m not sure if sends into the netherlands, but they should: Its just 4€, 10 for the Collectors Edition
20$ on Well worth the price imo, you get hundreds of hours outta it.
Expensions are the Terran Conflict. There is the Aldrin Edition (Linky), but its rather expensive due to the high price of TC. But in there is everything, including latest patches and bonus missions.

@Jean: I tried that, the problem was that the "corridor" in which I am able to move above the xenon capital ship is rather narrow and while I did not get hit by its own turrets, the other big ships blast me to pieces. They are just a real big clusterfuck, like all in one place. I gave up after a few tries.
But I´m close to my own HQ, will then reverse engineer the Hyperion, build a few of those and go back kicking ass!
I chose the Eclipse, yes (which looks like a cockroach btw ), but havn´t been able to test it much yet. The Hyperion kinda blows everything outta space before I´m able to get into it´s seat.
Still need to get my hands on a LX though. Heard they are the awesomnestss!
grandmaster league revivalist
So, I´m about to receive my very own Headquarter. Tips on where to place it?
I thought "Split Fire". Asteroids to build up a small energy and weapons/shield complex, close to main sectors with supply docks and all necessities for ship construction. Plus "Elena´s Fortune" is close and rich with asteroids, as is "Ore Belt" ofc.
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6101|Catherine Black

Sisco10 wrote:

So, I´m about to receive my very own Headquarter. Tips on where to place it?
I thought "Split Fire". Asteroids to build up a small energy and weapons/shield complex, close to main sectors with supply docks and all necessities for ship construction. Plus "Elena´s Fortune" is close and rich with asteroids, as is "Ore Belt" ofc.
Why not Home of Light? Ore Belt for ore, Argon Prime for protection.
grandmaster league revivalist

Finray wrote:

Sisco10 wrote:

So, I´m about to receive my very own Headquarter. Tips on where to place it?
I thought "Split Fire". Asteroids to build up a small energy and weapons/shield complex, close to main sectors with supply docks and all necessities for ship construction. Plus "Elena´s Fortune" is close and rich with asteroids, as is "Ore Belt" ofc.
Why not Home of Light? Ore Belt for ore, Argon Prime for protection.
Was thinking of that too, TerraCorp HQ close, as is Goner Temple. But the secotr itself is too crowded. The HQ´s huge, I´m afraid of performance.
I got a standard complex in "Seizewell" (around 20 factories) and it´s already lagging. Now with the HQ plus a small energy suplly complex it might fuck it up.
Northern numpty
+194|6760|Boulder, CO
Yay, i've now got 10 sector / universe traders and i've just opened up my first silicon mine on the 64 yield asteroid in ore belt. I've given it two Mercyurys to use as its pack mules / bitches.

Feck, just realised i forgot to give them jump drives...

EDIT: The hell, if i set a mercury's home base to my silicon mine and tell it to buy ware for the best price it then just flies around the universe saying its going to buy stuff but never doing so.

Last edited by Noobeater (2009-09-20 13:20:56)

grandmaster league revivalist

Noobeater wrote:

Yay, i've now got 10 sector / universe traders and i've just opened up my first silicon mine on the 64 yield asteroid in ore belt. I've given it two Mercyurys to use as its pack mules / bitches.

Feck, just realised i forgot to give them jump drives...

EDIT: The hell, if i set a mercury's home base to my silicon mine and tell it to buy ware for the best price it then just flies around the universe saying its going to buy stuff but never doing so.
You need to transfer money to the mine, so the freighters can buy shit. And you need to set the prices for buying resources and the max jumps right. IN Ore belt you should be able to buy energy cells for a max of 16 with no more than 2 jumps. Matter of fact, your frighters will likely buy in secotr most of the time.

As for the jumpdrive, they won´t use it if you don´t use an extra script. In Vanilla at least. Dunno about the english name, should be something like "Commercial Agent" or similar. Look for it if oyu play TC. If you play vanilla, go get the bonus pack, it´s included in there.
The Agent rises in rank and level, getting new abilities with each, selling and buying whats necessary. On the highest one (!) is able to supply a mega-complex of 40 or more stations!

Placed my HQ in Split Fire btw:

Started to reverse engineer all the ships (including Xenon L & M ) I deemed worthy keeping so far. Looked like a pilgrimage, once I gave them the order to fly from my TL to the HQ
I found my copy of the game!!! but there was no disk . I never played it i guess it was one I bought and forgot about. Which version is better terrain or reunion

Last edited by GR34 (2009-09-21 18:13:14)

Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|7093|Great Brown North
my game still isnt here yet

how long does the REing take in TC?

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