27 hours in a week. Lolz.Well I suppose the first notable thing would be my 2 Nova and a Falcon capture.
I got the Falcon and the Nova in the same fight, and on the way home I got another Nova. Caught by a Buster with only 6 Beta PACs!
So that turned into a cool 2 million. I think at this point I only had a Wheat Farm M in Argon Prime.
(Me being a proud parent of my first Station, and my first station-made million).
So I bought a Rimes Fact and joint it onto the Wheat Farm and put a Cattle Ranch in Home of Light.
Sidenote: I saw a UFO
But it was 22 kM away so no upclose screenie.
Then a Pirate dropped an "Unknown Object"
Which turned out to be some kind of missile.
Really slow, and when it got shot about 3 km from me it blew up my ship. (Falcon, 2x 25MJ shields) so it was something bloody powerful.
I capped a few more ships, some Busters and a couple of Falcons, enough to buy myself a Cattle Ranch/Cahoona Bakery complex which I put in Red Light. Turns out there's 7 stations there that need Meatsteak Cahoonas, and no Cahoona Bakery. Nice little sector for profit. So by this time I had a Wheat/Rimes Fact complex in Argon Prime, Cattle Ranch in Home of Light (Krazed said it was a good idea, works quite well), and a Cattle Ranch/Cahoona Bakery complex in Red Light.
After I had put these stations in and given them credits and ships, I left them to it. I began my quest of capturing every free ship in the universe. My first recommendation would be to go to Freedom's Reach and get the starburst. Fully upgraded, it can do 1,140 m/s. Fantastic ship, only drawbacks are severe lack of sheilds and no weapons. Then go to Xenon Sector beside it and get the Scorpion Raider and sell it for some nice credits. From there, world/universe is your oyster. I decided to get the Falcon Sentinal from Unknown Sector beside another Xenon Sector. Goddamn, that was a scary half hour. I took my Starburst there, from Argon Prime to Getsu Fune it took about 5-10 minutes. Without sector loading through gates it'd take even less time. (This is with SETA of course). So yeah, passing through a Xenon Sector infected with nearing 400 ships when you're in a tiddly M5 with no sheilds or weapons, and you go through a gate and meet a Xenon Q, yeah, kinda scary. Coming back, in a ship that does only
43 m/s is even scarier though. But it was really worth it. The Falcon Sentinal has space for
two 125MJ sheilds. That thing is inde-fucking-structable.
So I then took my recently acquired Falcon Sentinal to LooManckStrat's Legacy for a Mamba (M3). I was greeted by this..
For the Falcon, think that, times by about 4, and add capital ships.
I sold the Mamba, since it was shitter than my Falcon in every aspect. Also, I was going for the Nova. Goddamn, the Nova was a cluster fuck. I took my Starburst to the required sector, just to explore it. Then I jumpdrived into the sector in my Falcon. I told my Starburst to go back to Argon Prime (which it did in about 3 seconds) and then swapped my Jumpdrive to the Nova. I then started the labourious quest of getting my 73 m/s Falcon through two unknown sectors, covering well over 400KM and then through a Pirate sector with about as many Pirates as seen in the above screenie.
By the time I got home to Argon Prime I had amassed a large number of credits, so I bought a Space Fuel L and put it in Herrons Nebula. One thing to say about that:
Fuck me. It's a fucking GOLDMINE. That thing will make me (SETA'd of course) about 100,000cr every five minutes. So once that made me another million I bought a Wheat Farm L from Light of Heart and transported it all the way to Herrons Nebula and added that onto the Space Fuel factory. Now I don't need to worry about buying Wheat. Fantastic, now it makes me about 200,000cr/5 mins. That was last night, I left the SETA on overnight, but the game crashed. I tried again today, but I got the same crash. Shame, I ran some rough numbers and figured out that the Space Fuel complex alone would have made me 30 million cr overnight.
Future plans? Probably a Solar PP L to add to the Space Fuel complex.
I love how I've sunk so much time and effort into this, and I've only just scratched the surface of this game. I love it.