.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:
I was thinking today of how to exploit these new changes and i came up with....how about using cover at long ranges and not engaging targets until they are close to you and doing a jump/crouch move instead of a jump/prone. I never go out in the open anymore, back when going prone ment 100% accuracy i could school most targets (even snipers) even at long range (not extreme range). Now there really is no defense against being out in the open if you stop ur dead because no matter what you do ur accuracy sucks, you just gotta get behind some cover. Also i figured if i see someone go prone to take advantage of it and stand still and crouch because his bullets are gonna be flying all over the place for about 5 seconds. I dont have an SS to prove it but i ended up 55-10 on this map of blue pearl. But this is 5 minuites into being on the AMERICAN team. I picked up an AK after 5 kills. THE AK47 IS THE BEST GUN IN THE GAME NOW.
http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/7725/screen001im.jpgThis game is all muscle memory, i just adjusted it on a few different aspects and after a 2 year break i top the server by 30 points.....goddamn i might have to get back into this game.
K, I realize I'm reviving a super old thread, and people are anal about that but I don't care.
I also realize that all the "pros" and "legends" will denounce my opinion because I'm a n00b who never posts BUT:
I dont see how showing us that screenshot is supposed to be impressive. Any half-ass who sort of knows what he's doing can go 27-1 against a team that doesn't know what they're doing.