Well I was bored and was surfing Youtube when I found a guide on how to shutdown a computer using a cell phone and twitter. This may be useful to a lot of people that forget to turn off their computer or are just to get off the couch and click start and shutdown. This may be old, but I have no idea, I thought it was pretty cool though.
Also, for all of you people that don't like to shut down your computer you can also put it into sleep mode. The video doesn't show how to do this, but I figured it out quite easily.
You have to open up a new text document and put %windir%\System32\rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState and name the file something like standby.bat or whatever is easiest for you. So then if you want to put your computer into standby you just use your cell phone and text standby, or whatever you named your .bat file, to your twitter account and it will put it into sleep mode. Hope some of you find this useful.
Also, for all of you people that don't like to shut down your computer you can also put it into sleep mode. The video doesn't show how to do this, but I figured it out quite easily.
You have to open up a new text document and put %windir%\System32\rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState and name the file something like standby.bat or whatever is easiest for you. So then if you want to put your computer into standby you just use your cell phone and text standby, or whatever you named your .bat file, to your twitter account and it will put it into sleep mode. Hope some of you find this useful.