Hi, I made a thread on the EAUK forums about an idea I had. Try to read the whole thing before you tear me apart . Posts here or there would be welcome. I seriously think it would improve the game.

Spidery Yoda wrote:

Hi everyone. Long time Battlefield player here etc.

So I was thinking. Lately i've been playing vehicle maps with my brother, and we've found that if one of us isn't a Medic, over time our health will go down and we'd end up stuck with 2-3 bars each. This happens a lot in the game. Why does nearly everybody play as a Medic? Because due to the health system, every other class has a very finite life expectancy. You can pick up Medic's kits to heal yourself, but that depends on playing against Medics.

Because of this, one of us always has to go Medic. And on vehicle maps that severely limits our effectiveness. Other games either have health kits scattered around the levels (e.g. UT, Team Fortress etc), or regenerating health (Halo, CoD4 etc). Now health kits wouldn't fit in very well with the game but the latter could be looked at.

Now before you stop reading right here and telling me that health regeneration sucks, and it doesn't fit in with Battlefield, and that it would ruin infantry fighting, or anything like that. Hear me out. I agree with you, it does suck. It makes gamaes like CoD4 and Halo a simple case of hiding behind a rock for 5 seconds before you're at full health. I think it's stupid. I don't even like or play those games.

However, if toned down, it would help the problem that every class except Medic has, while still making Medic's an important part of the team. So here's my idea:

Every class regenerates 1 block of health every 5-10 seconds.

That's it. I'm sure you've found yourself wandering around as AT, Support or Assault, with health in the red and found that in that state you can do almost nothing, and yet this wandering around at minimal health can last for ages, until you finally meet somebody and die. Or when you fall off a low roof and lose a block of health, and it's just gone for the rest of your life.

This change wouldn't affect combat. It wouldn't make Medics worthless. It wouldn't make people invincible. However it would make playing classes other than Medic a lot less hassle, throughout the course of a long single life. Not only that but I reckon it wouldn't be too hard to implement, just make every weapon act like a slow medkit.


Every class regenerates 1 block of health every 5-10 seconds.

http://forums.electronicarts.co.uk/batt … st11647270

Last edited by Spidery_Yoda (2009-10-14 15:57:18)

Super Awesome Member
I agree. However whilst in combat I don't think it should apply. i.e every class regenerate 1 block of health every 5-10 seconds whilst not in combat. Just in case the extra block of health is regenerated during a firefight and decides the outcome.

Just kill a medic and temporarily swap kits.  Plenty of them around.

2nd option.  Squad up.  Die, respawn.  Tada.  Full health and full ammo.  What's the big deal.

I want my GL rounds to regenerate.

Last edited by Ilocano (2009-10-14 16:11:42)

Killing a Medic and taking his kit to revive yourself in vehicle maps isn't as easy as it sounds. And there are lots of occassions where you'll lose a few blocks of health over something stupid (running downstairs, falling a small distance, running along next to a teammate) and you're stuck with it.

Adding in a timer before the regen starts will make sure that weapons that are programmed to kill in a certain number of hits still will, meaning there are no drawbacks to the idea. Just convenience improvements.
Good suggestion but shouldnt apply on snipers and supports, for obvious reasons.
Jesus Christ. As usual I had given the EAUK users more credit than they're worth.

I'm getting responses like:

ninjaweedman wrote:

erm........................... go play COD4????????

GarryGanja wrote:

Hahahaha they got a name for you folks..................But you only found this out "lately", so Karkand has gotten boring to you?
You say is limits your "effectiveness", well you think that kind of playingstyle is effective, I think it's lame. If you can't play with a medic by your side, theres alot for you to learn in this game and gotta agree with ninjaweedman then COD is a nice game for you maybe.
Are these people even reading what i've written. I want to rage at them all but then of course i'll be the 'bad guy' and everyone else will just jump on the bandwagon and hate on the idea as well. Why do I even bother.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

The only problem with medics (as has always been in this game) is that a medic shouldn't be able to heal himself with his own med kits.

Get shot, take cover, throw bag, fight some more.

That's often the only thing a medic does.
Drop a supply crate if your commander isn't incompetent.

I liked the little ammo/med boxes in AIX. They were little sets of boxes usually placed around flags that resupplied/healed you as fast as someone holding a kit. I think they could be destroyed too, I don't remember.
Other classes have more armour in exchange for no healing ability/Other weapons that far outdo what a medic can.

Lame idea.
American Hillbilly
+12|7112|Long Beach, CA
I like the idea a lot.  I mainly play vehicle servers as well because infantry is super boring and mostly nade/claymore spam fests.  AT guys should get a good rate of replenishment due to their tough duty of taking down armor.  I hate when I am at 1 bar of health after narrowly defeating a tank only to have a short fall add another suicide to my stats.  Out of combat would need to be the key though.  Wonder how they could work that out thought, be interesting to see.

Last edited by ^DD^GRiPS (2009-10-14 20:38:13)

Speak softly and carry a Q10 Aluminum Bat
nah this is a horrible idea.  i mean, in all realism, reviving people as medics is kinda retarded because if someone has been shot in the head by a sniper or mowed down by a submachine gun, chances are that he isn't alive.  however, medikits are MUCH more realistic compared to regenerating health.  if anything, you should lose health over time due to bleeding.
got any popo lolo intersting?

rar...rakattack wrote:

nah this is a horrible idea.  i mean, in all realism, reviving people as medics is kinda retarded because if someone has been shot in the head by a sniper or mowed down by a submachine gun, chances are that he isn't alive.  however, medikits are MUCH more realistic compared to regenerating health.  if anything, you should lose health over time due to bleeding.
Go play PR
main battle tank karthus medikopter 117 megamegapowershot gg
Speak softly and carry a Q10 Aluminum Bat

DeathUnlimited wrote:

rar...rakattack wrote:

nah this is a horrible idea.  i mean, in all realism, reviving people as medics is kinda retarded because if someone has been shot in the head by a sniper or mowed down by a submachine gun, chances are that he isn't alive.  however, medikits are MUCH more realistic compared to regenerating health.  if anything, you should lose health over time due to bleeding.
Go play PR
i mean, the reviving is cool and all, but regaining health?  just plain stupid.
+303|6307|The pool
Regenerating health is what Heroes, COD4, and 1943 are for. No regen, it makes the game gayer

Last edited by Wallpaper (2009-10-14 22:15:20)

got any popo lolo intersting?

Read the OP post before going all "REGEN IS SHIT LOL GO PLAY COD4".
main battle tank karthus medikopter 117 megamegapowershot gg

Bandwagon. It's for cool people.
I think the 2142 medic hubs are pretty nifty.

Only one medic hub which slowly heals players in the vincinity.

= No insta-heal like in BF2.

It's sometimes frustrating having a shootout with an enemy standing on 8 medic bags...
Is a not bad idea, but you could hardly change the core mechanics of the game now.
I'm Jamesey
Do a Research Noob
The health system in bf2 is the worst ever

spawn anything but medic and a random bump in the ground or a teammate sprinting near you takes more than 2 bars of health off and you're dead instantly from a sniper footshot
be nice
+2,646|6767|The Twilight Zone
Every class regenerates 1 block of health every 5-10 seconds.
I don't like the idea. I'm not chasing a sniper who is avoiding me to regenerate. Hide and seek? No thanks.
Fantasma Parastasie
Wow .sup that's a very retarded post
sophisticated slacker
+334|6637|Graz, Austria
Health regeneration is a good idea, but it should not happen magically for every soldier on the field.
My idea is, allow slow health regeneration in every vehicle!

It is only logical and highly probable that every vehicle has a small first-aid box on board.
Heck, even civilian cars have (or should have) one by law in most countries.

So, you're a wounded (non-medic) soldier and enter a vehicle and get healed slowly.
If a medic is also on board, healing should be faster as usual and the medic should still get his healing points (and the driver his special ability points).

Also, it would be nice if such first-aid kits were mounted in obvious locations in the main base of each team, for example on the heli pad trailers, on the airfield hangars or on those small buildings/tents near the vehicle areas.
This would allow wounded soldiers to retreat for healing in most cases if they have no medic around, while still being a longer more tedious way, balancing the quicker respawn.
Health regen in vehicles is a good idea. Someone posted that on SPUF too. I remember in Desert Combat you'd get health in the back of the Bradley APC. In fact I like it more than my idea.

baggs wrote:

Is a not bad idea, but you could hardly change the core mechanics of the game now.
That doesn't stop DICE doing it

Last edited by Spidery_Yoda (2009-10-15 04:37:17)

Fantasma Parastasie
wow globefish that's a very good post
Boat sig is not there anymore

globefish23 wrote:

Also, it would be nice if such first-aid kits were mounted in obvious locations in the main base of each team, for example on the heli pad trailers, on the airfield hangars or on those small buildings/tents near the vehicle areas.
This would allow wounded soldiers to retreat for healing in most cases if they have no medic around, while still being a longer more tedious way, balancing the quicker respawn.
I agree with this, though for obvious reasons it should not work for the enemy team, even if it's a cappable back base.

I dunno if regenerating health is a good idea, especially if it's added into the game at this stage. It's one of the things that makes firefights so worrying - if you do get hit you won't be able to get health back unless theres a medic around which, unless it's an infantry-centric map like kark, there most likely won't be.
Even if it is slow - one bar every 10 seconds - it would only be 3 minutes until they're back to full health. Not in the same league as the 5 seconds in COD/Halo, but still not that long in terms of gametime.

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