Artifice of Eternity
Yo, same thing happens to me, but only with vape. When I pack the glass blunt and do mini-bowls of flower I'm in bed by a respectable 11pm without fail.

You think there's anything to that difference?
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I think the marijuana vape juice is refined in a way to remove the sleepy chemicals and up the psychoactive stuff. So you end up ingesting a crackhead quantity of psychoactive chemicals due to vapes also not making you cough and choke. It's actually troubling that such a thing exist if you think about it.
Artifice of Eternity
That's the best theory I've heard on the matter. Let the records show that the matter is now resolved and Mac has been awarded one karma point as compensation.
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Throat and lung burn out was God's all natural way of telling you to stop smoking weed for the day. But now we have taken God out of schools and our vapes are too strong for this generation of immunocompromised children.
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6101|Catherine Black
shit I thought this was old drama you's were on about. Jay tryna dox folk? Why?
Artifice of Eternity

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Throat and lung burn out was God's all natural way of telling you to stop smoking weed for the day. But now we have taken God out of schools and our vapes are too strong for this generation of immunocompromised children.
Personally, I think we can't leave unspoken the impact of parenting on this generation of vapers. Awarding trophies for each minor attempt at an achievement, regardless of success, has created a youth driven by the cheap thrill of a pat on the head. It's resulted in situation where our children, the future of this planet, are blowing massive clouds and hitting the vape at an unsustainable rate. We need negative reinforcement to put our society back on track and let the children know that it's ok to only suck juice at an amateur level.
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
Artifice of Eternity

Finray wrote:

shit I thought this was old drama you's were on about. Jay tryna dox folk? Why?
I think it all got deleted (rightfully), but to back-fill the story:

•Jay has been threatening to dox Mac and impact his personal life through posts and DMs for several years
•In the Summer of 2020, Mac picked up a stone and assumed the role of David, posting research showing that he knows where Jay lives (Google street view and all)
•Jay has since left the site, presumably to nurse his COVID-19 damaged lungs and plot a course of action
•The Membership waits with baited breath
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6101|Catherine Black
Oh damn that's juicy

based MacB
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
It's a lot less dramatic than that. This is the last time I spoke to Jay like a day after that happened.

Jay wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Good afternoon Jay,

I hope you are having a pleasant Sunday. I think we can agree that the other day we said and threatened some awful things on each other that was way overboard. It would be pretty smart for both of us to just stop posting here and move on with our lives but neither one of us wants to give up the company of the other members. I think we should agree to tone down the hostility and not try to blow up the other's life. So I guess I  would have to say sorry about the other day. But you also need to acknowledge that threatening to dox me in the first place was a silly thing to do and brought about my overreaction. You can't just threaten someone like that and expect them to not retaliate. And you should also realize that me sending you a PM and not doing what I said I could do and more is a sign I don't want to ruin you and just want to get on with life. I am an older more mature person if you can believe it. If this was 2014 and we had that old group and personalities on the forum, things would have gone badly.

I plan to take a step back from this forum anyway and I am sure the other day took some of the fun out of things for you too. So feel free to clear the air and let's just move on.

P.S., You did get a very good deal on your home. If I was lost and drove by the place I would assume you lived in a million dollar home. A nice fence and remote controlled gate would make it look even better too. You should consider it.
I never had any intention to actually dox you. What would I gain? I started making the threat to get you to stop posting some of your more offensive stuff. After that, I made the threat every once in a while just to fuck with you. Obviously, I pushed it too far and I apologize for that.

I'm happy to take a step back from the forum. I've already said everything that I wanted to say a long time ago and now it's incredibly boring. Even making fun of uzi lost its charm. As far as I know, you did no permanent harm, so I'm willing to drop it all. You didn't post anything that anyone with my name and a google search couldn't find in a few minutes anyway. It's not like I ever tried to hide anything here. I've learned that I should've been less open.

Thanks. It's been a lot of work, but I enjoy it. There was a fence with a gate when I moved in, but I removed it because I wanted the house to feel more open and welcoming.
He sounded conciliatory. And I am sincere in my desire to keep peace between all of God's creatures. But I don't know. It could be a trap. He could still be plotting and I just won't know until it is too late.
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6101|Catherine Black
awww that's the nicest corrospondence I've ever seen on this site
Artifice of Eternity
Thank-you for posting that, Mac. This provides a great deal of closure.

If Jay does read this, I wish him all the best. At the worst of times we locked horns, and at the best of times we gangbanged Mac's stupid theories on Catholicism and the need for a resurgence of theocracy. I think we can all agree that that shit is wack.
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Pochsy wrote:

Thank-you for posting that, Mac. This provides a great deal of closure.

If Jay does read this, I wish him all the best. At the worst of times we locked horns, and at the best of times we gangbanged Mac's stupid theories on Catholicism and the need for a resurgence of theocracy. I think we can all agree that that shit is wack.
I disagree. We need to rectify the mistakes of the Trump era by a establishing a Spanish Inquisition staffed by the Mexicans from their new monasteries on the border we will build and Mexico will pay for. The new supreme court MILF is a fundamentalist Catholic so she would be cool with it.
Artifice of Eternity
I question whether the Mexican brand of Catholicism will result in an Inquisition effectual enough to inform a policy future distinct from the direction set out by the Orange Goon. Mexican Catholicism has in many ways retained its fidelity to the teaching of the Roman Catholic church of Rome, under the leadership of a Pope blazing a new path admired by Catholics around the globe, but the issue I see is that Mexican traditional values have been grafted onto the beautiful evergreen tree of True Catholicism. In essence, I don't know that we can trust the Aztec influence on Mexican theocratic thought.


Last edited by Pochsy (2020-10-17 07:14:35)

The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Pochsy wrote:

I question whether the Mexican brand of Catholicism will result in an Inquisition effectual enough to inform a policy future distinct from the direction set out by the Orange Goon. Mexican Catholicism has in many ways retained its fidelity to the teaching of the Roman Catholic church of Rome, under the leadership of a Pope blazing a new path admired by Catholics around the globe, but the issue I see is that Mexican traditional values have been grafted onto the beautiful evergreen tree of True Catholicism. In essence, I don't know that we can trust the Aztec influence on Mexican theocratic thought.

*Serious Face*

It's true that Catholicism in Mexico/Latin America is distinct from Catholicism as practiced by European Americans. Latin American Catholicism has more in common with the rural peasant Catholicism of Southern Europe and Poland. European American Catholics have had so much pro-capitalism indoctrination that their outlook is not functionally not very different from Protestants Americans. American Evangelicalism is a proxy for capitalism anyway. I think we need our communities to resemble European ones much more than what we have now. So small community and church organizing is the way to go.

Also Mexicans are really great at killing and there will be plenty of Prots and Muslims who won't want to get with the program and accept God's boundless love and mercy into their lives.
Artifice of Eternity
I see what you mean. But I've been to Poland and, um, I'm good thanks--nah. You ever really talked to a pole? One who grew up on a post-Soviet farm outside Wroclaw eating cabbage soup through the Winter so they could afford to pay their tithe to the local Catholic outpost? I have man. And I'm not down for that level of ambivalence as to the value of life, the future of the planet, and individual agency. Their church is so good at positioning the 'be meager and prosper' doctrine that the lifeblood, the verve, is reduced to shades of grey only seen in Brutalist architecture.
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)

Pochsy wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Throat and lung burn out was God's all natural way of telling you to stop smoking weed for the day. But now we have taken God out of schools and our vapes are too strong for this generation of immunocompromised children.
Personally, I think we can't leave unspoken the impact of parenting on this generation of vapers. Awarding trophies for each minor attempt at an achievement, regardless of success, has created a youth driven by the cheap thrill of a pat on the head. It's resulted in situation where our children, the future of this planet, are blowing massive clouds and hitting the vape at an unsustainable rate. We need negative reinforcement to put our society back on track and let the children know that it's ok to only suck juice at an amateur level.
One psychotic solution would be to disguise DMT vape liquid as weed or nicotine vape and clandestinely distribute it throughout the established legal market. This would make some vapers second guess their attachment.
Artifice of Eternity
I agree. We need to find creative solutions based in pharmaceutical knowledge, with the current classified drug schedule presenting an opportunity for altering the consciousness of youth in a way not seen since the 60s. At worst, we waste a generation that is on track to be a pyrrhic loss regardless. I think the opportunities listed in US banned substance regulations outweigh the potential cost of the lost minds of children.

Also, Sup, being real man, why is everything about drugs and food with you? Get two birds stoned at once and make some quality DMT brownies.
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)

Pochsy wrote:

I agree. We need to find creative solutions based in pharmaceutical knowledge, with the current classified drug schedule presenting an opportunity for altering the consciousness of youth in a way not seen since the 60s. At worst, we waste a generation that is on track to be a pyrrhic loss regardless. I think the opportunities listed in US banned substance regulations outweigh the potential cost of the lost minds of children.

Also, Sup, being real man, why is everything about drugs and food with you? Get two birds stoned at once and make some quality DMT brownies.
I appreciate the Trailer Park Boys reference. A DMT brownie exists already, they’re called mushrooms. I’m a professional cook with a degree in anthropology. I come from a family of drug addicts. Extrapolate and go figure.

Well if you talk to Jay again mac, tell him I genuinely thought his home expansion stuff was cool. What's the use of owning a suburban plot if you can't enjoy suburban niceties, after all.

But his coronavirus arguments were still dumb.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I don't even know why he would want the lockdown to ever end and have to go back to the office. The guy lives in an isolated mini-mansion. He is living my living arraignment dream.

Superior Mind wrote:

Pochsy wrote:

I agree. We need to find creative solutions based in pharmaceutical knowledge, with the current classified drug schedule presenting an opportunity for altering the consciousness of youth in a way not seen since the 60s. At worst, we waste a generation that is on track to be a pyrrhic loss regardless. I think the opportunities listed in US banned substance regulations outweigh the potential cost of the lost minds of children.

Also, Sup, being real man, why is everything about drugs and food with you? Get two birds stoned at once and make some quality DMT brownies.
I appreciate the Trailer Park Boys reference. A DMT brownie exists already, they’re called mushrooms. I’m a professional cook with a degree in anthropology. I come from a family of drug addicts. Extrapolate and go figure.
DMT and psilocin are not the same drug and have very different trips. mushrooms also often contain alkaloids like baeocystin which potentiate and interact with psilocin in ways we don't really understand. a much more complex psychopharmacology to DMT, anyway.

there are closer analogues to the DMT experience. like licking sonoran desert toads or something (e.g. 5-MeO-DMT). but even on a purely phenomenological level, nobody would compare the DMT trip to magic mushrooms. they are so clearly very different experiences.

Last edited by uziq (2020-10-17 17:23:58)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

uziq wrote:

Superior Mind wrote:

Pochsy wrote:

I agree. We need to find creative solutions based in pharmaceutical knowledge, with the current classified drug schedule presenting an opportunity for altering the consciousness of youth in a way not seen since the 60s. At worst, we waste a generation that is on track to be a pyrrhic loss regardless. I think the opportunities listed in US banned substance regulations outweigh the potential cost of the lost minds of children.

Also, Sup, being real man, why is everything about drugs and food with you? Get two birds stoned at once and make some quality DMT brownies.
I appreciate the Trailer Park Boys reference. A DMT brownie exists already, they’re called mushrooms. I’m a professional cook with a degree in anthropology. I come from a family of drug addicts. Extrapolate and go figure.
DMT and psilocin are not the same drug and have very different trips. mushrooms also often contain alkaloids like baeocystin which potentiate and interact with psilocin in ways we don't really understand. a much more complex psychopharmacology to DMT, anyway.

there are closer analogues to the DMT experience. like licking sonoran desert toads or something (e.g. 5-MeO-DMT). but even on a purely phenomenological level, nobody would compare the DMT trip to magic mushrooms. they are so clearly very different experiences.
You should thank a scientist for figuring out all of this.
i am not ungrateful to science in any way. science is interesting. i chose a different fork in the path at the point in my life when one has to specialize, but i've never dismissed science. i just don't think scientists or engineers are the single-best equipped humans in the universe to solve all of our problems.

too many people fall into a religious frame of mind in their reverence for science.

sup mind will also be able to tell you that a huge amount of knowledge w/r/t drug experiences is anthropological, more than scientific. only in the last 10-15 years have we really started to objectively probe half of these substances. for most of the modern era they were blacklisted and out-of-bounds due to the war on drugs. before that, thousands if not tens of thousands of years of ritual and recreational use.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
It would be nice if there was more reliable "you can or can't take this with marijuana" information around like there are labels for alcohol. I woke up an hour ago and hit my vape once for today. I now have allergies. Can I can a benadryl? Save me science.
lots of people post their experiences mixing drugs on erowid. it is a source of unending amusement.

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