I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Well, DBs are meant to be better for curls than BBs simply because you can adpot a more natural movement for your body... but seriously does he want to have massive biceps and chicken legs? He'll look ridiculous!

If you can afford it yourself, get the rack, BB enough plates to get you started, you can always get more when you need them. Costs a bit but once you've got it it's awesome
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

Kampframmer wrote:

i have no fucking idea how that guy got as big as he did from working out 2 times a week for a year with just benching and curling. he has way better genetics than i do for it, but he's a complete fucking retard when i comes to fitness. He never had a diet (just junkfood) or a routine. And he's always making retarded comments on my dieting/working out.
Yes, I'm a little mad
You're right, he's a douche. Do your own thing and in 12 months time he'll be asking you for advice.

Jaekus wrote:

Well, DBs are meant to be better for curls than BBs simply because you can adpot a more natural movement for your body... but seriously does he want to have massive biceps and chicken legs? He'll look ridiculous!

If you can afford it yourself, get the rack, BB enough plates to get you started, you can always get more when you need them. Costs a bit but once you've got it it's awesome
nah, i don't need a home gym, he wanted one (not really a gym, just a bench for bench pressing) because he's too much of a fat lazy fuck to go to the gym where he can go for free.
And he'll never ask me for advice because to him that would be like admitting defeat or something stupid like that even though he knows literally nothing about it.
He wont get chicken legs, because he hadn't worked out in over a year and in the 1.5 year that he did he barely went. But his legs don;t look that small because he used to play a lot of football, and he still plays a little bit (I'm talking once every months or less) of tennis. But that's no excuse of course not to do squats and deadlifts as they are 2 of THE most important exercises

Last edited by Kampframmer (2011-03-07 05:57:20)

I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
He'll end up fat with that diet.

Jaekus wrote:

He'll end up fat with that diet.
i know
He is slowly starting to lose muscle mass and gaining fat. It's a lot of fun to see him deprogress.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Cruel, but funny

Jaekus wrote:

Cruel, but funny
you have no idea
Looking for my Scooper
Upped my Bill Starr program a bit. I was struggling on 100KGx5 squats today, but knowing where I come from.. (had done 100kgx2 with really shit form in the past) I was doing about 85-90KG on my squat 4 weeks ago, so the weights are going up

Attempting 130x5 deadlift wednesday, would be a PR
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Wow. I'm nowhere near that. Just did a 69kg DL and squats today, my best so far. Was nowhere near impossible though, so I'll just keep upping the weights as we do
Looking for my Scooper
Yeah, in the beginning you just have to make sure your form is perfect. Once your nail your technique the weights will go up pretty fast for a while and then slow down again, as your body can't compensate the bigger weights with the improved technique. IMO.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Yeah they've gone up all the time. I started stalling on the bench press a couple weeks ago, but that was mainly due to being sick for a whole week and then having no energy once I got better. Plus I was doing 3x8. Finding it easier with the 5x5 because I'm not nearing failure like I have been previously. Plus I figure upping my strength now will give me a lot of benefit later.
Looking for my Scooper
You need a big foundation first, then you can start sculping

You're doing great. GJDM!
My squat passed my deadlift last night as I'm doing squats twice as much as DL.
Was looking forward to that milestone, above my bodyweight easily now. Next milestone is doubling it!
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

Jebus wrote:

You need a big foundation first, then you can start sculping

You're doing great. GJDM!

All going well I'll be squatting my BW by the end of next week. Feels like progress.
Un Moderador

Jaekus wrote:

Nah, it's a strength building program.

You do a couple warm up sets at reduced weight and then 5 sets of your working weight, 5 reps each set. Start off relatively light and every workout add 2.5kg, or 5lbs, to your working weight. Three workouts each week, two different routines.

More info here - http://stronglifts.com/stronglifts-5x5- … g-program/

Ebook here  - http://stronglifts.com/5x5-report-too-late/

If the above doesn't work I can email you the book. I don't agree with all he says because I think he's skewing some of the information to promote his product, but the workout itself is solid from what I understand.
If you want to build strength then a 3x8 regime is definitely not what you want to be doing. Follow the 5x5 or don't do a strength building program. You cannot do more than 5 reps for a good strength increase. 6-12 is for size.

You guys talk about squats and deadlifts, what are you lifting military and bench press-wise?

Also, just got back on the squats (couldn't do them due to my posture and back, but now building it up again).

Zimmer wrote:

If you want to build strength then a 3x8 regime is definitely not what you want to be doing. Follow the 5x5 or don't do a strength building program. You cannot do more than 5 reps for a good strength increase. 6-12 is for size.

You guys talk about squats and deadlifts, what are you lifting military and bench press-wise?

Also, just got back on the squats (couldn't do them due to my posture and back, but now building it up again).
150kg deadlifts on a good day, i pulled a trap (silly mistake on my part) a couple weeks ago so i've gone back down to 125kg max. And doing a very comfortable 80kg on a straight/stiff leg deadlift and thats standing on a box allowing me to lift from much lower, the bar is pretty much touching my feet.

Squats are a weird one for me, my right knee tells me it doesn't want me to do them so i'm very careful, max 80kg unfortunatley, just one of those things i guess. That said, i walk a lot of stairs in my job and slowly but surely my knee has gotten much, much better so i might sneak more weights on

I know i'm not exactly making waves in the raw strength department!


Last edited by baggs (2011-03-07 10:46:02)

Tomorrow I'm going to try and do 2x BW DL. Thursday I'm doing BW bench press and I can already do 1.5x BW squat. Once I've reached all that I'm pretty much satisfied with my lifts so any weight i add after that point will feel like an achievement
Un Moderador

baggs wrote:

Zimmer wrote:

If you want to build strength then a 3x8 regime is definitely not what you want to be doing. Follow the 5x5 or don't do a strength building program. You cannot do more than 5 reps for a good strength increase. 6-12 is for size.

You guys talk about squats and deadlifts, what are you lifting military and bench press-wise?

Also, just got back on the squats (couldn't do them due to my posture and back, but now building it up again).
150kg deadlifts on a good day, i pulled a trap (silly mistake on my part) a couple weeks ago so i've gone back down to 125kg max. And doing a very comfortable 80kg on a straight/stiff leg deadlift and thats standing on a box allowing me to lift from much lower, the bar is pretty much touching my feet.

Squats are a weird one for me, my right knee tells me it doesn't want me to do them so i'm very careful, max 80kg unfortunatley, just one of those things i guess. That said, i walk a lot of stairs in my job and slowly but surely my knee has gotten much, much better so i might sneak more weights on

I know i'm not exactly making waves in the raw strength department!

Heh, I was asking about bench press and military press. If someone serious about strength asks how much you lift, they usually refer to a military press or squats.

Couldn't tell you what I do deadlift due to not being able to do them for a long time (posture problems and weak hamstrings, needed to get them up to scratch first). I did my first deadlifts in over 7 months two days ago and did 80 without much of a problem. As for straight, that went down to 40 due to really poor hamstrings.

Squats I have no idea, my legs aren't at the point where I can start adding a good amount of weight.

Zimmer wrote:

baggs wrote:

Zimmer wrote:

If you want to build strength then a 3x8 regime is definitely not what you want to be doing. Follow the 5x5 or don't do a strength building program. You cannot do more than 5 reps for a good strength increase. 6-12 is for size.

You guys talk about squats and deadlifts, what are you lifting military and bench press-wise?

Also, just got back on the squats (couldn't do them due to my posture and back, but now building it up again).
150kg deadlifts on a good day, i pulled a trap (silly mistake on my part) a couple weeks ago so i've gone back down to 125kg max. And doing a very comfortable 80kg on a straight/stiff leg deadlift and thats standing on a box allowing me to lift from much lower, the bar is pretty much touching my feet.

Squats are a weird one for me, my right knee tells me it doesn't want me to do them so i'm very careful, max 80kg unfortunatley, just one of those things i guess. That said, i walk a lot of stairs in my job and slowly but surely my knee has gotten much, much better so i might sneak more weights on

I know i'm not exactly making waves in the raw strength department!

Heh, I was asking about bench press and military press. If someone serious about strength asks how much you lift, they usually refer to a military press or squats.

Couldn't tell you what I do deadlift due to not being able to do them for a long time (posture problems and weak hamstrings, needed to get them up to scratch first). I did my first deadlifts in over 7 months two days ago and did 80 without much of a problem. As for straight, that went down to 40 due to really poor hamstrings.

Squats I have no idea, my legs aren't at the point where I can start adding a good amount of weight.
Well i haven't bench pressed in about three weeks, i've gone right off the exercise, at my peak of bench pressing i could do 120kg. Military press is a tough one for me to gauge what i'm pressing, i guess its about 50/55kg on average? And thats stood up. I doubt thats very good!

I guess you're kinda right about people asking for bench and military press to gauge how strong people are but my personal opinion is that deadlifts give a much more effective picture. Thing is tho we all excel in different areas of body building, i'm absolutely dismal at arms so if anyone asked my what i'm curling they'll probably just laugh.

In all honesty, i'm not one for talking about 'what you're lifting', i'm more interested in routine and technique. I'm sure you're the same Zim.
Un Moderador

baggs wrote:

In all honesty, i'm not one for talking about 'what you're lifting', i'm more interested in routine and technique. I'm sure you're the same Zim.
Oh totally, I don't really care as long as I'm increasing weights and doing it right and building well. The weight is different for everyone, and some are naturally a lot weaker. Added to the fact I don't like maxing a lot, so I'll increase sets or reps instead. I know with my military press I'm about 80 with one rep (probably more, but I've never tested myself due to rotator cuff injuries) but with bench I'm not entirely sure. I do a normal 70-80 for 8-10 reps, so my guess I can hit pretty high with that. I might try it out when I'm fully fit.

It was more out of interest because there's a lot of people throwing numbers around, and I know that a good few here haven't been doing it for a while.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

Zimmer wrote:

Jaekus wrote:

Nah, it's a strength building program.

You do a couple warm up sets at reduced weight and then 5 sets of your working weight, 5 reps each set. Start off relatively light and every workout add 2.5kg, or 5lbs, to your working weight. Three workouts each week, two different routines.

More info here - http://stronglifts.com/stronglifts-5x5- … g-program/

Ebook here  - http://stronglifts.com/5x5-report-too-late/

If the above doesn't work I can email you the book. I don't agree with all he says because I think he's skewing some of the information to promote his product, but the workout itself is solid from what I understand.
If you want to build strength then a 3x8 regime is definitely not what you want to be doing. Follow the 5x5 or don't do a strength building program. You cannot do more than 5 reps for a good strength increase. 6-12 is for size.

You guys talk about squats and deadlifts, what are you lifting military and bench press-wise?

Also, just got back on the squats (couldn't do them due to my posture and back, but now building it up again).
Before hand strength wasn't the primary goal. During my break I decided building strength was the goal so I changed routines.
I'm still only light and so have a long way to go, hence the building of strength. Benched 40kg the other day but I can do more for sure. Military press was about 30kg yesterday, again felt I can do more but am going to start doing the standing ones, so I've got to get used to the form. Only the second day of the SL 5x5, lots of room for progress.

Also just bought Starting Strength from Amazon, should arrive this Friday
Looking for my Scooper
My BP is up to 75KGx5. I still suffer a bit from an injury caused in my beginning period. Was new to lifting and though I was really strong etc. Loaded up the smith machine with too much weight quite a few times and pressed it with horrid form, which I still feel in my shoulder. So I go easy on the BP.

I should be able to do a 50KGx5 MP with strict form Wednesday..

Jebus wrote:

Loaded up the smith machine
Looking for my Scooper
Eh? I was a beginner, was too afraid to ask for a spotter and didn't really know what I was doing. I regret that now. But it made me see how important form is. And now I will never sacrifice form for weight. Lesson learnt I guess.

By the way, I haven't used a Smith for a long long time now, might use it later, but a power rack and a bench press is all I need right now

Jebus wrote:

Eh? I was a beginner, was too afraid to ask for a spotter and didn't really know what I was doing. I regret that now. But it made me see how important form is. And now I will never sacrifice form for weight. Lesson learnt I guess.

By the way, I haven't used a Smith for a long long time now, might use it later, but a power rack and a bench press is all I need right now
The smiths machine is everyone first mistake i think
I used to use it for squats

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