[√] Flameworthy
+76|5614|Baile Atha Cliath, Éire

SonderKommando wrote:

Irishpride<3 wrote:

SonderKommando wrote:

alot of people dont.  But im pretty serious about my lifting. While supps arent the answer, they certainly help.
Pre-workout supplement: … -/milk.jpg

Mid-workout supplement: … -water.jpg

After-workout supplement: … -/milk.jpg

+ … 68x332.jpg

Those supplements are way overpriced considering the lack of results they actually provide. TBH people start using them and working out and after seeing positive results they put it down to the workout/supplements when it's probably most the workout, and a very small bit of the supplements proving the positive results.

If that makes sense

Placebo effect
sorry but what you say is false.  If you and I were on the same diet and same workout plan, and I was on supps, I would see greater gains than you more rapidly.  They may be expensive but they do work.
Yeah, I never said they don't work.

What I was trying to say is the cost of them isn't worth the outcome.


Spoiler (highlight to read):
Especially when you're a poor student
Eat, Lift, Grow, Repeat....
+564|6973|The darkside of Denver
I understand.  I personally think its worth it.  If you saw where I started, and how far I've come in just 2 years of hard training, you'd be a believer too!  perhaps i will find some of my fat pics and post some recent pics of me.  Im pretty fucking ripped man 200lbs 8% body fat   Compared to people who've been going to the gym longer, they cant believe how big I've gotten.
[√] Flameworthy
+76|5614|Baile Atha Cliath, Éire

SonderKommando wrote:

I understand.  I personally think its worth it.  If you saw where I started, and how far I've come in just 2 years of hard training, you'd be a believer too!  perhaps i will find some of my fat pics and post some recent pics of me.  Im pretty fucking ripped man 200lbs 8% body fat   Compared to people who've been going to the gym longer, they cant believe how big I've gotten.
I believe you

I bought supplements once, used them for a month or 2... Didn't really notice a drastic change so decided to go 100% natural from then on. I'm not saying the intake of supplements is cheating, I just think it's a different way of doing it.

Moral of the story: Gym owns all.
Eat, Lift, Grow, Repeat....
+564|6973|The darkside of Denver

Irishpride<3 wrote:

SonderKommando wrote:

I understand.  I personally think its worth it.  If you saw where I started, and how far I've come in just 2 years of hard training, you'd be a believer too!  perhaps i will find some of my fat pics and post some recent pics of me.  Im pretty fucking ripped man 200lbs 8% body fat   Compared to people who've been going to the gym longer, they cant believe how big I've gotten.
I believe you

I bought supplements once, used them for a month or 2... Didn't really notice a drastic change so decided to go 100% natural from then on. I'm not saying the intake of supplements is cheating, I just think it's a different way of doing it.

Moral of the story: Gym owns all.
QFT, to me though, even more important then the gym is your diet.  I know guys who've  been lifting for YEARS but see little to no results and its because they eat like shit (fast food daily etc)
[√] Flameworthy
+76|5614|Baile Atha Cliath, Éire

SonderKommando wrote:

Irishpride<3 wrote:

SonderKommando wrote:

I understand.  I personally think its worth it.  If you saw where I started, and how far I've come in just 2 years of hard training, you'd be a believer too!  perhaps i will find some of my fat pics and post some recent pics of me.  Im pretty fucking ripped man 200lbs 8% body fat   Compared to people who've been going to the gym longer, they cant believe how big I've gotten.
I believe you

I bought supplements once, used them for a month or 2... Didn't really notice a drastic change so decided to go 100% natural from then on. I'm not saying the intake of supplements is cheating, I just think it's a different way of doing it.

Moral of the story: Gym owns all.
QFT, to me though, even more important then the gym is your diet.  I know guys who've  been lifting for YEARS but see little to no results and its because they eat like shit (fast food daily etc)
Yeah, true that. I just try to eat organic-ish foods, and as much of it as I can get
I've been training pretty solid for a while now. Just hit 18 and decided that getting some fucking muscle is well up in this bitch.

Fuck pills, perfect diets and routines. I follow a lose schedule and put out 110% at the gym. Take some fucking headphones - not just for the adrenaline music rush but to stop yourself having conversations. I hate seeing all the guys up there talking for an hour and not actually putting in any effort. Then they wonder why they're not putting on any more muscle or losing any way.

No pain, no gain. Do the time, do the sets and do reps.

= Results. Anything else are for those who are training to be real pro.
Un Moderador

Actually Irish, supplements turn out to be cheaper in the end.

With what you're eating, if you took in supplements (properly, not just for a month) the gain would be larger.

Take the example of trying to get a good intake of protein into the muscle post workout (before your muscles go into catabolic state) - The best way of getting protein from food is a good steak. But a good steak costs quite a bit, and that is only going to last you one post workout meal. Then take a supplement. It will last you approximately 30 days for £30. That's £1 a day for the equivalent of healthy food in a shake.

Creatine is probably the biggest factor in gain, if taken properly. As well as pure whey protein isolates.

I used to be like you, and noticed gains, sure, but now I can gain a hell of a lot more with supplements; knowing that they're no different from a healthy meal afterwards.
[√] Flameworthy
+76|5614|Baile Atha Cliath, Éire

Hakei wrote:

I've been training pretty solid for a while now. Just hit 18 and decided that getting some fucking muscle is well up in this bitch.

Fuck pills, perfect diets and routines. I follow a lose schedule and put out 110% at the gym. Take some fucking headphones - not just for the adrenaline music rush but to stop yourself having conversations. I hate seeing all the guys up there talking for an hour and not actually putting in any effort. Then they wonder why they're not putting on any more muscle or losing any way.

No pain, no gain. Do the time, do the sets and do reps.

= Results. Anything else are for those who are training to be real pro.
You tell 'em, big boy

Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|7035|Sydney, Australia
Discovered this book in the bathroom.. I think my bro got it a few days ago.

I've had a leaf through it, seems like a good read. Also,

the cover wrote:

Enough to Hook Up
I think I shall be borrowing this book
Looking for my Scooper
Off to the gym, woop woop
Un Moderador

Alright, I invested in this … -800G.html

Basically it's the same shit Kommando is taking (Shotgun) but tastes better and acts better (I tried Shotgun, one of my friends had it).

And holy hell.

This stuff is just ridiculous. The buzz and energy that hits you in 20 minutes from taking it is just crazy. Added to the fact that it tastes absolutely great (slightly bitter, but tastes of real berry crush, instead of chemical shit). I was lifting 22s on each arm with this (I normally do 19s as regular) and felt like I could do more.

First day using it and it's amazing. Tingling sensation everywhere from using it.

Yeah, I know some of you guys don't use supplements - but there is no harm in trying them. Invest in a months supply and see if there are any gains. I know, some people cannot afford it (this 800g pack is a month supply and it's £34, so it's not cheap) but sometimes it's worth it. Especially seeing some of you guys that are starting out or have never used them.

Don't believe the comments about kidney problems and stuff. If you watch what you take, nothing will happen (don't take over 5g of Creatine a day, etc).
Eat, Lift, Grow, Repeat....
+564|6973|The darkside of Denver

Zimmer wrote:

Alright, I invested in this … -800G.html

Basically it's the same shit Kommando is taking (Shotgun) but tastes better and acts better (I tried Shotgun, one of my friends had it).

And holy hell.

This stuff is just ridiculous. The buzz and energy that hits you in 20 minutes from taking it is just crazy. Added to the fact that it tastes absolutely great (slightly bitter, but tastes of real berry crush, instead of chemical shit). I was lifting 22s on each arm with this (I normally do 19s as regular) and felt like I could do more.

First day using it and it's amazing. Tingling sensation everywhere from using it.

Yeah, I know some of you guys don't use supplements - but there is no harm in trying them. Invest in a months supply and see if there are any gains. I know, some people cannot afford it (this 800g pack is a month supply and it's £34, so it's not cheap) but sometimes it's worth it. Especially seeing some of you guys that are starting out or have never used them.

Don't believe the comments about kidney problems and stuff. If you watch what you take, nothing will happen (don't take over 5g of Creatine a day, etc).
Holy carobohydrates batman!!! Its missing the all important protein that Shotgun has IMO.  I've tired alot of pre workout supps for at least for weeks BSN NO-Xplode, Gaspari Super pump 250, etc... Shotgun is my fav so far.  Good creatine matrix,  protein, no carbs. 

Let me know if you have any good gains Zimmer.  Also, did you buy direct from teh manufacturer?  Try finding it locally man, like a discount shop.  Ive got one here that I get great deals on my supps, or try bodybuilding. com
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

Zimmer wrote:

Alright, I invested in this … -800G.html

Basically it's the same shit Kommando is taking (Shotgun) but tastes better and acts better (I tried Shotgun, one of my friends had it).

And holy hell.

This stuff is just ridiculous. The buzz and energy that hits you in 20 minutes from taking it is just crazy. Added to the fact that it tastes absolutely great (slightly bitter, but tastes of real berry crush, instead of chemical shit). I was lifting 22s on each arm with this (I normally do 19s as regular) and felt like I could do more.

First day using it and it's amazing. Tingling sensation everywhere from using it.

Yeah, I know some of you guys don't use supplements - but there is no harm in trying them. Invest in a months supply and see if there are any gains. I know, some people cannot afford it (this 800g pack is a month supply and it's £34, so it's not cheap) but sometimes it's worth it. Especially seeing some of you guys that are starting out or have never used them.

Don't believe the comments about kidney problems and stuff. If you watch what you take, nothing will happen (don't take over 5g of Creatine a day, etc).
i usually buy from affordable supplements, PhD is good stuff i was using their protein last year and use battery for post workout. … .4507.html

you get points too which convert into money for discounts.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
Un Moderador

m3thod wrote:

Zimmer wrote:

Alright, I invested in this … -800G.html

Basically it's the same shit Kommando is taking (Shotgun) but tastes better and acts better (I tried Shotgun, one of my friends had it).

And holy hell.

This stuff is just ridiculous. The buzz and energy that hits you in 20 minutes from taking it is just crazy. Added to the fact that it tastes absolutely great (slightly bitter, but tastes of real berry crush, instead of chemical shit). I was lifting 22s on each arm with this (I normally do 19s as regular) and felt like I could do more.

First day using it and it's amazing. Tingling sensation everywhere from using it.

Yeah, I know some of you guys don't use supplements - but there is no harm in trying them. Invest in a months supply and see if there are any gains. I know, some people cannot afford it (this 800g pack is a month supply and it's £34, so it's not cheap) but sometimes it's worth it. Especially seeing some of you guys that are starting out or have never used them.

Don't believe the comments about kidney problems and stuff. If you watch what you take, nothing will happen (don't take over 5g of Creatine a day, etc).
i usually buy from affordable supplements, PhD is good stuff i was using their protein last year and use battery for post workout. … .4507.html

you get points too which convert into money for discounts.
I've been through a lot of stuff, and PHD is the best hands down.

For pure Protein, ON all the way, but for anything else, PHD is just fantastic. I don't understand how other brands can't get the taste like they can.

I buy from Monster Supplements - they give you a free gift every time you purchase.

Most supplement stores have the exact same pricing anyway. I just do not ever buy from That shit is cheap, foul and doesn't work very well.

The worst stuff, though, by far is Maxi Muscle shit. It's overpriced, foul tasting shit that gives you too much of each supplement and claims to do better. It's all bollocks.
[√] Flameworthy
+76|5614|Baile Atha Cliath, Éire

me wrote:

Workout #1 (Monday & Friday) - Chest & abs, 100 minutes

Warmup - 30M
Stretch - 5M
Medium/High intensity jog - 10M
Punchbag - 4 X 2M high intensity rounds, 15M

Workout - 60M
Press-ups - 2 X 30, 5M
Crunches - 10 ab exercises, 10 reps/exercise, 5M
Press-ups - 2 X 20, 5M
The Plank - 2M
Dumbbell bench-press - 4 sets of 10 reps @ 24KG, 5M
Dumbbell flyes - 2 sets of 15 reps @ 16KG, 5M
Crunches - 10 ab exercises, 10 reps/exercise, 5M
Declined dumbbell bench-press - 2 sets of 10 reps @ 20KG, 5M
Declined dumbbell flyes - 2 sets of 10 reps @ 14KG, 5M
Crunches - 10 ab exercises, 10 reps/exercise, 5M
Declined Press-ups - 2 X 20, 5M
Crunches - 10 ab exercises, 10 reps/exercise, 5M

Warmdown - 10M
Stretch - 5M
Low intensity jog - 5M
Imma see if I can do it in 50 mins. I'll be back
Looking for my Scooper
how'd it go
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6101|Catherine Black
It's taken him 5 hours 6 minutes so far.
Eat, Lift, Grow, Repeat....
+564|6973|The darkside of Denver
How's the training been going ladies? I've seen massive gains the last few weeks.  My strength is through the roof and I've gained 12 pounds in three weeks.  Amped up my eating and have been training VERY intensely.

SonderKommando wrote:

How's the training been going ladies? I've seen massive gains the last few weeks.  My strength is through the roof and I've gained 12 pounds in three weeks.  Amped up my eating and have been training VERY intensely.
I'm very different to you, i'm not going for the bulk, i'm going for sheer definition followed by strength. And it's going well
Squatted 170 earlier today. My legs hurt.
Un Moderador

SonderKommando wrote:

How's the training been going ladies? I've seen massive gains the last few weeks.  My strength is through the roof and I've gained 12 pounds in three weeks.  Amped up my eating and have been training VERY intensely.
I've sadly not been training intensely these past weeks because of sleep deprivation, but I've still gained and am lifting 22s and slowly ranking it up. I'm about to purchase a whole gym set up for my house so I can do more workouts more regularly. Been concentrating on arm + leg strength for now + pecs definition and it's going well. Next month will be abs and back and continuing with arms strength.
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|7035|Sydney, Australia
Glad to year you guys are getting somewhere with this.

I've done nothin. For the past two weeks I've had a slight headcold, with the shit coming out of my nose enough to make jogging a pain in the arse. Sure I've got the weights, but I don't feel like doing anything.

And what's the incentive.. I go overseas (for 5 weeks) in 15 days, I'm on the 3 month uni break.. which while I admit would be a perfect time to get fit, there are no women to impress upon.

Need some advice. What do you think the game plan should be for the next 15 days? Weights would seem pointless, as I would then go for 5 weeks without doing anything..
Eat, Lift, Grow, Repeat....
+564|6973|The darkside of Denver

baggs wrote:

SonderKommando wrote:

How's the training been going ladies? I've seen massive gains the last few weeks.  My strength is through the roof and I've gained 12 pounds in three weeks.  Amped up my eating and have been training VERY intensely.
I'm very different to you, i'm not going for the bulk, i'm going for sheer definition followed by strength. And it's going well
Im go in cycles of bulking then leaning down.  Im going to bulk to probably 215 then lean back out.  Right now my body fat percentage is about 11%, will get down into the singles again after I lean down.  Hakai, good to see you squatting, legs are VERY important.  Nothing like seeing osme douche with a pyramid upper body and toothpick legs I trained legs last night. Tonight will be chest!! Keep up the hard work ladies!
Squats are pro. Too many guys at the gym I go to just work their biceps/forearms. Benching is the last thing I'll do these days - much prefer dead lifting, squatting, leg pressing, milt pressing and all the bells workouts.

I also dislike those who go to the gym and just talk in a group of 3-4. What's the fucking point? I don't remember the last time I started a conversation with someone and it didn't involve requesting a spotter.

Hakei wrote:

Squats are pro. Too many guys at the gym I go to just work their biceps/forearms. Benching is the last thing I'll do these days - much prefer dead lifting, squatting, leg pressing, milt pressing and all the bells workouts.

I also dislike those who go to the gym and just talk in a group of 3-4. What's the fucking point? I don't remember the last time I started a conversation with someone and it didn't involve requesting a spotter.
Oh don't get me started, there's a group of four guys who 'attend' my gym and they spend more time on their phones than what they do working out. I fucking hate them, i had no option to ask one of them for a spot the other week, man he was useless, i couldn't even be bothered how to show him to do it properly.

I need to get back into squats but the apperatus at my gym is always being used for things other than squatting, like some fat old man is doing some waste of time exercise when he really should be on the cross trainer. I think i'm gonna go on Saturday evening, it'll be dead then, i can get some squats in.

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