Pay attention to
MY highlighted points not the edited quote in the OP
To the random:
Shut up and play. We all know that anyone who killed you must be hacker. That's the only explanation for how you manage to be killed 35 times a game. You're totally the best player ever and we are grateful you decided to grace us with your presence in our server -however we'd end up banning the entire opposing team if we took your word for it.
Also respect server rules. If you don't like them go elsewhere. Just because you don't think there is an admin in game doesn't mean one isn't watching. Just because you coward quit after ranting doesn't mean you didn't get banned. Also
spam spotting commanders really piss me off. Hard to hear a nade landing at your feet, or a grappling hook being tossed up behind you through a constant broken record of "enemy unit spotted". Be a team player. Toss out medic packs and ammo kits. Look around and be aware when you are engaging an enemy that there is probably another beading up on you,
(keep moving and don't target fixate). Wait... I meant stand the fuck still when I shoot at you.
Pay attention to
MY highlighted points not the edited quote in the OP
Last edited by DBBrinson1 (2009-11-21 08:15:37)
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something. - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.