i'm here to help
Huke it up boi!KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
I think I'm going to embark on a quest for the ever elusive poon-tang tonight. I'm not a big-game hunter unlike some of you, but I hope I do come back with something I can mount.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
John Wall of the Kentucky Wildcats, makes a quick decision to “jump the cheerleaders” rather than crash into them.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
It still lives!
So I'm very half drunk watching my girlfriend and her friends take pictures of themselves and have just been watching 2 hours of shitty oyutube videos. What a shit new year.

right time for me to go out and play now happy new year everyone!
last post of 2009
last post of 2009
lol DSL.
Make X-meds a full member, for the sake of 15 year old anal gangbang porn watchers everywhere!
I don't care about you being half drunk, are the chicks half-naked?Finray wrote:
So I'm very half drunk watching my girlfriend and her friends take pictures of themselves and have just been watching 2 hours of shitty oyutube videos. What a shit new year.
pics etc.
thisKEN-JENNINGS wrote:
I don't care about you being half drunk, are the chicks half-naked?Finray wrote:
So I'm very half drunk watching my girlfriend and her friends take pictures of themselves and have just been watching 2 hours of shitty oyutube videos. What a shit new year.
pics etc.
get a-posting
I don't care about you being half drunk, are the chicks half-naked?Finray wrote:
So I'm very half drunk watching my girlfriend and her friends take pictures of themselves and have just been watching 2 hours of shitty oyutube videos. What a shit new year.
pics etc.
Happy New Year people from GMT-5
Edit wow I just realized that doesn't make sense. I haven't even had anything to drink
Happy New Year to people in GMT from everyone in GMT-5
Edit wow I just realized that doesn't make sense. I haven't even had anything to drink
Happy New Year to people in GMT from everyone in GMT-5
Last edited by ebug9 (2009-12-31 16:07:41)
happy new year \o/
Last edited by Shadow893 (2009-12-31 16:04:27)
No, they;re very clothed.

I leave the house in an hour and I'm pretty well hammered at this point. Ohhhh shiiitttttt. I'm thirsty, so more alcohol is the clear answer. Going to some random ass house party with the cousins (all above 22), so I's be hopin' there are at least a few women I can make poor attempts at. I'm just too hammered to function. This is no blog. Instead, I'll ask you to entertain me for the drunken hour-long wait I have ahead...somehow.
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
How was your Christmas Pochsy?
drinking the night away with molson
happy new year ya fucks
happy new year ya fucks
aaaaaaaaaaaand we have our first customers of the evening
3 car accident downtown, 2 fire and 2 ambulances on the way
3 car accident downtown, 2 fire and 2 ambulances on the way
Last edited by krazed (2009-12-31 16:14:19)
Of course they are. I should have known based on poster.Finray wrote:
No, they;re very clothed.
Pochsy: Find the first girl you see and tell her, "You're my millenium girl." Don't wait for her to tell you it's past the new millenium, just grab her, do a little dip and shove your tongue down her throat. After she hits you with the bottle of champagne and asks what the fuck that was about, tell her "real gentlemen don't kiss and tell."

Xbone Stormsurgezz
It was very good to see all of the old family and meet some of the new bf's and gf's who are shaping up to be new additions it would seem. Apart from meeting the new meat (who all seemed very nervous, I would imagine they had been informed) it was a pretty standard affair; too much to drink, too much to eat, too much said.ebug9 wrote:
How was your Christmas Pochsy?
How was your own Christmas? Everything you wanted and little of what you didn't?
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
gunna get shitfaced tonight, bai. Happy new years and see you all next year
I'm tempted to do exactly this, if only to be able to tell the story on the way to the hospital.KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
Pochsy: Find the first girl you see and tell her, "You're my millenium girl." Don't wait for her to tell you it's past the new millenium, just grab her, do a little dip and shove your tongue down her throat. After she hits you with the bottle of champagne and asks what the fuck that was about, tell her "real gentlemen don't kiss and tell."
I think I'll first make my best effort to find out who is dating who, identify the weakest man with the hottest women (I'll come up with an equation to ensure risk is kept minimal), and take my drama from there.
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
Twas good. Visited my grandma in hospital and my grandpa in the convalescent home before we went to family dinner at my aunt and uncle's house.Pochsy wrote:
It was very good to see all of the old family and meet some of the new bf's and gf's who are shaping up to be new additions it would seem. Apart from meeting the new meat (who all seemed very nervous, I would imagine they had been informed) it was a pretty standard affair; too much to drink, too much to eat, too much said.ebug9 wrote:
How was your Christmas Pochsy?
How was your own Christmas? Everything you wanted and little of what you didn't?
All I really asked for for Christmas was some money/gift certificates for a new mouse. Got that and I've since bought a new mouse with it.
don't have enough game eh? gotta hunt down the girls with men already eh? can't find ya self a single lady eh? EH???? EH???Pochsy wrote:
I'm tempted to do exactly this, if only to be able to tell the story on the way to the hospital.KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
Pochsy: Find the first girl you see and tell her, "You're my millenium girl." Don't wait for her to tell you it's past the new millenium, just grab her, do a little dip and shove your tongue down her throat. After she hits you with the bottle of champagne and asks what the fuck that was about, tell her "real gentlemen don't kiss and tell."
I think I'll first make my best effort to find out who is dating who, identify the weakest man with the hottest women (I'll come up with an equation to ensure risk is kept minimal), and take my drama from there.
Stop saying eh you non-Canadian-Asian-American=NHB=Shadow wrote:
don't have enough game eh? gotta hunt down the girls with men already eh? can't find ya self a single lady eh? EH???? EH???Pochsy wrote:
I'm tempted to do exactly this, if only to be able to tell the story on the way to the hospital.KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
Pochsy: Find the first girl you see and tell her, "You're my millenium girl." Don't wait for her to tell you it's past the new millenium, just grab her, do a little dip and shove your tongue down her throat. After she hits you with the bottle of champagne and asks what the fuck that was about, tell her "real gentlemen don't kiss and tell."
I think I'll first make my best effort to find out who is dating who, identify the weakest man with the hottest women (I'll come up with an equation to ensure risk is kept minimal), and take my drama from there.