I am not crapping on them first off.  I have played tons of rounds, and this is my first bad experience.  So it is sagfe to say 99 percent of the time was a good, lag free server.  Second... I admin a BF2 server, so when i want to play SF, obviously i gotta go elsewhere.  Third... I was aggrivated because there was no warning, reasoning, explanation...  I was just banned... I was just pointing out that i am not just an everyday pub player... just check my stats, and i understand that admins can get aggrivated and make unrash decisions, we have had similar incidents, i was just looking for a reasoning and or explanation, and ill move on if you feel that my gameplay isnt what you were looking for in your server..  But up until this BAN, your server was my favorite so i was disappointed..  That is all... not trying to flame your server or any thing, and about the contacting Moders through their page, i couldnt find it, and seeing as everyone in BF2 world uses BF2S, i figured this was my best bet.   I am an avid gamer, but not computer guru..  I use thing thing only to game, i work 2 jobs besides play, and i have a fiance 7 hours away, hence lotta driving, no time for internet.  Im sorry if you felt this was the Iras way of dealing, but it was all i could come up with.. I just wanted to explain what happened and try to remove the BAN, if that isnt the case .... thats a 10-4... my clan and i will go elsewhere for a good time..  We are by no means a disorganized or unprofessional group of guys, lastly.
+1|7039|Savannah GA
welll you should of gone to there fourms not here calling them bitches..  you prob got kicked for an admin or so to get in or base raping - chopper whoring? its your fault that you were banned now gp deal with it.. you handled this all the wrong way and now im 100% sure you wont be unbanned.
who the fuck is this kid... teckademics eh?  your telling me what i did wrong who you are clueless...  retard... and like i said, its not about begging to be unbanned, its that the lil prick fucking admin that banned me did it completely unjust..  Dont know who it was, other admins could be fine.   Another thing, i will post what i want where i want, and will decide to cycle it through whatever forum i feel like...  Now did i handle this all the wrong way?  Only if i was gonna suck my pride up and beg to be let back in.  But that isnt the case, i wanted to forwarn the rest of the gaming community to A CHILDISH RUN SERVER, so other skilled players can avoid the server.   Maybe if you ban all the good players out of your server you'll be able to pull all the gold you could have ever dreamed of.  So to MODERS GAMING COMMUNITY ADMIN...  Get a handle on your boys,  and try to have a lil order behind your admining...  And to all the skilled players, i was banned for going 74:1 in a helo... only time i hit their spawn was to take out the AA...  So if you have skills, they will most likely ban you...  You guys should rename the server  "MODERS  MOSTLY GHOST, please no skilled players

or put under a note.. 
you will be kicked for spawn raping, helicpoter flying, walking, being skilled, getting a gold, doing better than our admins, or in general anything that we feel like kicking you for"
We have many skilled players on our servers and will have many more whilst we continue to run BF2 servers.  However, even the most skilled, professional and dedicated BF2 players must abide by OUR rules and regulations, one of those rules being that uncappable bases, should not be spawn raped.  Anyone who visits Moders is treated with respect until they push a wrong admin button.  We each are mature and sensible enough deal with most idiots who visit our site, but remember, you are a GUEST amongst guests, on our servers and as I have stated in the past, we act as we see fit for the betterment of the community.  This does not make us gods or abusive, but mature players who want to remain fair to the majority.

I don't know the exact details of your problem with us is Ronin and after consulting our banlist for Moders Ghost Town, we currently have 2 bans on the list, none of which are you, so I am unsure of the problem and when it happend.  Again, I offer you a chance to visit our TeamSpeak or to email us, with details of when / where etc, that we can deal with this problem effectivily, rather than in the childish way it's currently being handled on this forum.

I apologize to the many who have read these posts.  Moders Gaming Community and it's servers are trying to provide mature and fun places to visit and play.  We are doing our level best with new admins, to curb their instinctive reflexes to kick/ban for the smallest of reasons and often as not, but many will let things slide quite a bit, before pushing the kick button.  Our policy is a three strike rule.  Warn, Kick, Ban.  If anyone reached BAN stage, there is ALWAYS a reason.  We also have a complaints procedure for any overzealous admin and will check into every situation or report given to us.  You just need to let us know, so we can check.   As I stated earlier, come judge for yourself rather than listening to malicious gossip of the few malcontents who could not abide by simple rules and would rather ruin it for everyone.

1sfg-ronln wrote:

I am not crapping on them first off.  I have played tons of rounds, and this is my first bad experience.  So it is sagfe to say 99 percent of the time was a good, lag free server.  Second... I admin a BF2 server, so when i want to play SF, obviously i gotta go elsewhere.  Third... I was aggrivated because there was no warning, reasoning, explanation...  I was just banned... I was just pointing out that i am not just an everyday pub player... just check my stats, and i understand that admins can get aggrivated and make unrash decisions, we have had similar incidents, i was just looking for a reasoning and or explanation, and ill move on if you feel that my gameplay isnt what you were looking for in your server..  But up until this BAN, your server was my favorite so i was disappointed..  That is all... not trying to flame your server or any thing, and about the contacting Moders through their page, i couldnt find it, and seeing as everyone in BF2 world uses BF2S, i figured this was my best bet.   I am an avid gamer, but not computer guru..  I use thing thing only to game, i work 2 jobs besides play, and i have a fiance 7 hours away, hence lotta driving, no time for internet.  Im sorry if you felt this was the Iras way of dealing, but it was all i could come up with.. I just wanted to explain what happened and try to remove the BAN, if that isnt the case .... thats a 10-4... my clan and i will go elsewhere for a good time..  We are by no means a disorganized or unprofessional group of guys, lastly.
Wow, you basically apologize and try to explain yourself one minute and then after someone says you shouldn't have done it in the first place you reply with this.

1sfg-ronln:who the fuck is this kid... teckademics eh?  your telling me what i did wrong who you are clueless...  retard... and like i said, its not about begging to be unbanned, its that the lil prick fucking admin that banned me did it completely unjust..  Dont know who it was, other admins could be fine.   Another thing, i will post what i want where i want, and will decide to cycle it through whatever forum i feel like...  Now did i handle this all the wrong way?  Only if i was gonna suck my pride up and beg to be let back in.  But that isnt the case, i wanted to forwarn the rest of the gaming community to A CHILDISH RUN SERVER, so other skilled players can avoid the server.   Maybe if you ban all the good players out of your server you'll be able to pull all the gold you could have ever dreamed of.  So to MODERS GAMING COMMUNITY ADMIN...  Get a handle on your boys,  and try to have a lil order behind your admining...  And to all the skilled players, i was banned for going 74:1 in a helo... only time i hit their spawn was to take out the AA...  So if you have skills, they will most likely ban you...  You guys should rename the server  "MODERS  MOSTLY GHOST, please no skilled players

or put under a note.. 
you will be kicked for spawn raping, helicpoter flying, walking, being skilled, getting a gold, doing better than our admins, or in general anything that we feel like kicking you for"

Way to contradict yourself there.
I want the pink mist
I love how he makes it sound like he's paid to play on Moders or something and that they're losing a big contributor...oh well one less person to burn bandwidth.
Stfu And Play........................
I'm sure everyone here has been burned by an admin or 2 for sure.  Most bans are 1 day.  If what [M] says is correct and you are not banned then whats the big deal.  We'd all love to be able to take some shots at the admins.  Everyone is human,  their server, their money.   STFU...
I was SEARCHING and I just happened about this post by ron!n and remembered this thread. OMFG! This dude is the biggest hippocrite EVAR!


Scroll down on the first page till you find his name. And notice that his post was like 2 or 3 weeks before he started this one.
I use to play on that server too and stuff like that happend pretty often, last time I played there I was flying the black hawk, someone rammed it and I got teamkills for all passengers and then like 5 minutes later when I was still trying to work my way up from my negative score, I got a warning for teamkilling... I was like WTF! probably some admin came on and saw my -5 or something score and was just for fun gonna give me a warning for it without knowing why I had that score........ nice work.. not.
Why can't people discuss thier issues in a mature and non-flaming manner.  All this stfu or asshole talk results in people ignoring the reasons you placed you post.  I understand that right after such a problem occurs you maybe hotheaded.  I definately feel for ya man.  This sort of stuff has happened to me on more than one occasion and it ticks me off to no end but I find another server and keep playing.  Either way, thanks for the heads up about the server.  I'm sure others will be watchful when they play there.
Death StatPadder
+228|7082|Human Meat Shield
I got kicked for too many tk's alot on servers in general, do I go complain and tell everyone to stay off just because I got mad and was doing good? NO, because there is always another round. I got kicked yesterday matter of fact; I knew what it was because it showed up in green saying I had a high ping and was going to get kicked so I waited. I got kicked, and you know what it said? You got kicked for excessive teamkilling. I tried rejoining, I got banned.  If you want anything resolved please do so in an appropriate manner and remember it's not always the admin controlling your destiny. Blaming a server admin is just childish especially when you have no name to go by, obviously you are off the banlist (and it probably was just for one round) and you are still complaining, we ALL don't like getting kicked or whatever but that's life and part of the game. It's a game.  Your precious stats can wait until next game.  But whatever you decide don't go bad mouthing another server just because you thought the admin kicked/banned you for owning; that, my child, is not the case. If you don't like a server just go about another one, Don't write a post about it, especially when you have no clue. You said you played it 99% with no trouble, then you had a bad day, then you got mad and decided to post it.  See the chain of events.
+3|7050|Toronto, Canada
Life too short to get pissed about being kicked or banned.  There are hundreds of servers to play on...go find another.  I've been banned from one, enjoyed the server very much and had a very low ping to boot.  Got kicked for TK's....one was my buddy and the other was an admin (oops) but definetely wasn't intentional but it pissed me off.  However I got over it in a hurry and joined on somewhere else...
+86|6958|East Coast via Los Angeles, CA
Happened to me too, just kicked though, their server is fully of pussy nazi admins (must be 10 year olds).

Tom Clancy the same.

Pirates Cove, worse, they came up with lame excuses for kicking when they had all CP's and I was the only person left alive (they kicked me when I was running to capture CP to let my team back in).  I was kicked there for TK'ing someone on the OTHER team...go figure.  Bunch of lame pussy's...  I gave them an earful afterwords and was banned for telling them they suck ass...

1sfg-ronln wrote:

I am an avid user of this special forces server, and I hate to do it being a fellow clan member but i gotta call these guys out...  I went 74-1  k:d in a round on their server, and as soon as my gold showed up, a message indicating that i was banned for ex, TKing, or by server admin popped up...  So all i gotta say is, IM calling you the pussy ass admin from MODERS out...  WTF... Have some integrity, i highly enjoyed the time on your server, I admin my own so i know how it can be...  I have had this problem with the TOMCLANCY server, and we dealt things out with the admins, and it turned out to be some what of an alliance.  The owned up for thei mistake, but now i put you on the hot seat, what reason do you have for a PERM BAN?????  coulda kicked me for a round or 2 cause i was skilled and you suck, but no... you BAN me... so i am calling you out, WTF do you have to say...
I too was banned from a Modders server... 

Came in before the game starts...and as usual everyones practicing against each other, tk'ing, etc..
which is totally cool with me, I joined in... shot a few of them, got killed a couple times myself..

Then the supposed Admin starts calling me out 'Youre a bunny hopper! Youre whole game strategy
is gonna get messed up when the patch comes out.. har har har..'

So, I told him I didnt give a damn..and went on about my business.. I hopped in a jeep and drove
to the airfield and there he is.. I switched to SEAT 2 and started firing the 50cal on him and watched
him 'bunny hop' just like he said I was doing 2 mins before.. so I started laughing at him.. and then
ZAP Im banned.

Fact is, its hard to find ANY public servers worth playing on.. Too many noobs, too many useless
commanders, too many ego trippin admins who think they cannot be killed, its sad..
I play mainly on my clans private server, or in tourneys these days.. Public servers in BF2 are
a disgrace to Online Gaming..

Linus wrote:

1sfg-ronln wrote:

I am an avid user of this special forces server, and I hate to do it being a fellow clan member but i gotta call these guys out...  I went 74-1  k:d in a round on their server, and as soon as my gold showed up, a message indicating that i was banned for ex, TKing, or by server admin popped up...  So all i gotta say is, IM calling you the pussy ass admin from MODERS out...  WTF... Have some integrity, i highly enjoyed the time on your server, I admin my own so i know how it can be...  I have had this problem with the TOMCLANCY server, and we dealt things out with the admins, and it turned out to be some what of an alliance.  The owned up for thei mistake, but now i put you on the hot seat, what reason do you have for a PERM BAN?????  coulda kicked me for a round or 2 cause i was skilled and you suck, but no... you BAN me... so i am calling you out, WTF do you have to say...
I too was banned from a Modders server... 

Came in before the game starts...and as usual everyones practicing against each other, tk'ing, etc..
which is totally cool with me, I joined in... shot a few of them, got killed a couple times myself..

Then the supposed Admin starts calling me out 'Youre a bunny hopper! Youre whole game strategy
is gonna get messed up when the patch comes out.. har har har..'

So, I told him I didnt give a damn..and went on about my business.. I hopped in a jeep and drove
to the airfield and there he is.. I switched to SEAT 2 and started firing the 50cal on him and watched
him 'bunny hop' just like he said I was doing 2 mins before.. so I started laughing at him.. and then
ZAP Im banned.

Fact is, its hard to find ANY public servers worth playing on.. Too many noobs, too many useless
commanders, too many ego trippin admins who think they cannot be killed, its sad..
I play mainly on my clans private server, or in tourneys these days.. Public servers in BF2 are
a disgrace to Online Gaming..
Added to all that, some clansmen that think they are tough shit behind a computer monitor.

Last edited by Drunken_Tankdriver (2006-02-18 12:21:14)

Heh, you too huh.  I just glanced at your first topic.  Didnt take the time to read all of your bull shit but anyways yeah, I got banned from Moders Karkand server for no reason one time till I asked one of them to unban me on theyre Ghost Town Server.  Playing one day and he kept kicking me then finally banned me.  He was obviously using a differ account cus I didnt see any names with (M) in it so Im assuming the faggot was hiding.  I must of kept killing him and pissed him off or probably thought I was spawn camping or some shit god help us all if he thought I "HAX".  I know I piss people off when I play online but still thats no reason to kick and ban a player.  But anyways I got unbanned and its all good.  Moders aint bad.  I played on alot of servers and the Moders Karkand when playing as MEC can be difficult sometimes.  It gets so stressful I know the admins are trying to play too and they get pissed when they loose.  I wouldnt be surprised if one of them took advantage of theyre powers and started banning players left and right from the opposing team which I know has happened before.  Thought I would put my two cents in too.

I just got banned from a 24/7 Iron Gator Server (Navy Seal Maps are my favorite).  I didnt see a admin on cus they usually have tags on.  Well I sure as hell wasnt spawn camping, tank whoring, chopper whoring.  Just straight up CQB owning and capping flags.  Next thing I know we are tied off with flag points about and we had almost all the flags on the carrier till this PUNKBUSTER message kept coming up when I was trying to cap the deck flag, I know the admin was doing this.  I was fucking the other team that kept trying to get it and this message kept popping up.  We lost the round and all the flags less than a min because of this.  The next round started and next thing I know Im banned.  Fucking queef cake admins I swear.  They probably thought I hack cus one of the opposing team players was trying to be a lil chopper whore and I sniped the HIND with a 50 cal sniper rifle and blew it up while he was flying.  I noticed one of the other players on the other team said something like that was bullshit.  No, common sense gaming.  I was trying to snipe the pilot and I knew the HIND was damaged enough that one bullet would destroy it (.50 cal round from a MG or Sniper rifle).  You know Im just gonna go with the flow.  They can keep banning me then unbanning me.  Lets see how high I can get my stats of being kicked and banned.  Fucking retarded players out there.
Death StatPadder
+228|7082|Human Meat Shield
Soo... you think an admin banned you under a different name??? That's absurd, and why would he hide??  You had to do more than what you are saying. I play Moders alot and never, ever, ever seen anything you guys are talking about.  It has nothing to do with scores or you 'HAX' or anything. Why don't you tell the whole story besides making the servers look bad? They do have logs of gameplay you know. And if you mess around some servers, they even take screenshots of your stupidity. Bottom line is there is more to the story than what you are saying. And besides not all admins have tags by the way. Enough said.
Well, I play there every day and every chance I get out of the training room.  Of all the days I play and I was starting back up into the game, I didnt say a word or piss anyone off.  Thats what really happened.  And I dont spawn camp or toss a fit about it, or go whoreing in some vehicle.  Kept my shit to myself and played on.  And if they do have a log they can look it up and tell me why.  And this different name thing.  YEAH, I FUCKING SEEN PPL WITH ADMIN POWERS ON BUT USING DIFFERENT NAMES.  I already know of one person on MODERS that uses a different account for that shit.  So you tell me, what do you think is up?
Death StatPadder
+228|7082|Human Meat Shield
Go to Moders and use the forum and ask. You will find out exactly.
http://forum.eagames.co.uk/viewtopic.ph … 562#190562

Go on that if your story is true...

Last edited by FromTheAshes (2006-03-04 10:17:42)

Drama queens...
Kniven Gaffeln Skeden
1sfg-ronln, could you tell me where ive seen this before? hmm...
quit YOUR whining

"here we go... more whinebags bitching about admins and servers...  I have your ultimate solution...  take your bf2 disc... take hammer...  connect 2 in rapid motion...

I promise you... you will never have to deal with those "crappy servers"  or "crappy admins" ever again...  I think you should truly try admining your own server before judging an admin...  I have had threads about our clan as well, and about 8 pukes owned up talkin trash about our server.  When we have up to 60-100 constant visitors who talk nothing but high remarks about our server...  So i say, through all your ranting and whining, its gonna get you no where, so grow up.  Maybe you should work on time in game before you work so diligently on your time in FORUM"
I've played there before, and i accidentally killed an admin there when he ran out in front of my ATV.

know what happened?

got kicked and banned for an hour, because he ran out into my atv. I said "Dude, sorry, it was an accident"

didnt matter.
Bottom line, it's a game. Lighten up.  For your own health, find a less stress inducing hobby if you are up in arms about a bad server.  I have been on bad servers with bad mods before, been kicked a few times.  You konw what I did? Went to another server.  This is supposed to be entertainment, not something that makes your blood pressure rise 40 points.  Damn.

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