hmmmmEifa wrote:
What's the difference between erotic and perverted things?
Using a feather is erotic.
Using the whole chicken....
adjective Also, e⋅rot⋅i⋅cal.
1. arousing or satisfying sexual desire: an erotic dance.
2. of, pertaining to, or treating of sexual love; amatory: an erotic novel.
3. subject to or marked by strong sexual desire.
4. an erotic poem.
5. an erotic person.
1615–25; < Gk erōtikós of love, caused by love, given to love, equiv. to erōt- (s. of érōs) Eros + -ikos -ic
1. Pathology. changed to or being of an unnatural or abnormal kind: a perverted interest in death.
2. turned from what is right; wicked; misguided; distorted.
3. affected with or caused by perversion.
1660–70; pervert + -ed 2
hah cool the origins.the word erotic was first