Adams_BJ wrote:
Rubbed off on me but the only thing I've had to do was get a guy out after he shattered my box in the final. He did have an aweful big smile after the game though...
Wohh just hang on a sec, Im not playing that with you or ya ol man. W/e it is ya playing.
When ever Ive been hurt on a Sat ive waited till Monday to go to hospital, fuck going on a Saturday its full of drunkens or other sporting hero's and you wait for about 6-10 hours to get sorted, so I'll wait till Monday. Ive only ever been injured though hockey and each time a fucking kid's done it.
Left hand broken while coaching, I was in goal with no kit and had taught the kids how to lift a ball, I put my hand there to protect my face and it got bust.
Had a ball in the chin, sent my teeth through gum/chin, played on, told the Ump to 'fuck off' as he wanted me off the pitch as its a 'blood' injury, the cheeky cunt, I havent got aids or nothing. The kid that done this by accident was crying his eyes out, I was about 10 ft away at the time and it was a free hit, I could push my lil finger through my chin and wiggle it out the front of my face
, Went on the Monday, nothing broken, not even stitches.
Playing hockey in the Kitchen with Molls Brother and he's always had a problem listening, hockey sticks and tennis balls, one goal each at oppo ends of the kitchen, I told him 1 min before not to try and lift it over me, he did and ended up uppercutting me. Right above the right eye, cracked my skull, blood everywhere, waited again till Monday this time I hadnt broken anything but did have a hairline on my skull, again I wear the scar of this in my eyelid. Stupid boy (him).