I really dislike snipers.
I like to be a medic and help people. I see snipers just lying around doing nothing. They are so lazy. Unhealthy slobs, just doing nothing. They never go for the flag. They can't run far because they spend all their time lying around. They leave claymores and think that is cool. They are so pathetic.
When they are low on health (after doing absolutely nothing for the team) they look at you and want you to give them a medic bag.
Sometimes I see a body that I can revive. It is such a pleasure seeing a nice medic come to life again but when I see the revived person become a sniper, I wonder whether it is worthwhile.
I would really like to find out what makes life suck for snipers as I would like to make their life misery
Thank you.
Maybe it is because I can't play the sniper kit welL! haha
I like to be a medic and help people. I see snipers just lying around doing nothing. They are so lazy. Unhealthy slobs, just doing nothing. They never go for the flag. They can't run far because they spend all their time lying around. They leave claymores and think that is cool. They are so pathetic.
When they are low on health (after doing absolutely nothing for the team) they look at you and want you to give them a medic bag.
Sometimes I see a body that I can revive. It is such a pleasure seeing a nice medic come to life again but when I see the revived person become a sniper, I wonder whether it is worthwhile.
I would really like to find out what makes life suck for snipers as I would like to make their life misery
Thank you.
Maybe it is because I can't play the sniper kit welL! haha