Okay title is just for lulz, £100 is the very very very most I'd spend and I really don't want to spend that at all. Try to keep it under at least £70.
Long cable
Nice sound
Clear mic
Big earpads, that are comfy
Plug-and-play, no driver crap if that's possible.
USB preferred, but not essential.
Was looking at the G35s, Miggle got a set and the mic on Vent was excellent, but they're a bit expensive. Other thoughts are the Steelseries Siberia, either version.
Long cable
Nice sound
Clear mic
Big earpads, that are comfy
Plug-and-play, no driver crap if that's possible.
USB preferred, but not essential.
Was looking at the G35s, Miggle got a set and the mic on Vent was excellent, but they're a bit expensive. Other thoughts are the Steelseries Siberia, either version.