Whats my age again?
+91|6604|Troy, New York

Finray wrote:

FloppY_ wrote:

Finray wrote:

No idea what DOTA even is.
omg, Have you even played WC3 then?

Although I do know "QQ" originates from pressing alt-q-q to exit WC3.
Its vaguely, vaguely similar. Sort of a cross between RTS and PvP. Give it a download, if you grab the US version Ill game with you otherwise theres tons of euros about.
Here something I wrote on another forum for an overview:
League of Legends (LoL) is a combined RTS (real time strategy), RPG (role playing game), and MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena), based on DotA (Defense of the Ancients) for Warcraft 3.

LoL is a competitive online game set in an imaginative world with you, the player, taking control of a powerful magical character known as a Summoner. Each Summoner must participate in session based battles and control Champions to achieve victory and advance their persistent character. Best of all, the game is completely 100% FREE! You can play the game completely competitively without ever paying a cent. You can opt to pay money for skins or experience boosts, but paying money will give you no performance boosts whatsoever. (So you don't have to play to win)

The game play is fairly similar to PVP in most online MMO's - but your character is non persistent (you re-rank each game - apart from a master rank and some other features) and doesn't have as many options as a typical PVP character. Instead, variety is provided by the 50ish champions, each with unique abilities, skills, and skins. There are a number of champions on a free rotation, and you can permanently unlock them with IP (Influence Points) which are earned by playing the game.

You can download the game here:


While you download, take some time to read through the tutorials here:
And general Information here:

Once you start playing, play the tutorial. Then play some practice games and solo que at your level - this way you will be playing people of your own skill level instead of jumping right into play with other more experienced players and getting, well, pwned. If you can find other players from twisted who are also starting out, you can jump into games with them by adding them to your friends list, but you'll still be playing at your skill level. This game DOES have a skill curve, particularly if you haven't played any RTS or MMO games before, but is still easily learn-able and wickedly fun and addictive.
Im down to only 3700 RP after buying an EZ skin I was at like 4250 or somat before

Last edited by h4hagen (2011-01-18 08:38:45)

+1,010|6537|Denmark aka Automotive Hell
lol @ new patch


    * Mark of the Storm duration reduced to 8 seconds from 12
    * Electrical Surge range decreased to 800 from 825
Fuck yeah


    * Shield decay reduced to 3% from 5%


    * Now increases number of Hextech Micro Rockets to 5 while active
    * Now increases missile speed on Ch-1 Concussion Grenade to 1000 from 750 while active
Fuck yeah


    * Base mana reduced to 180 from 212
    * Mana per level increased to 42 from 38
    * Base damage reduced to 48 from 53
    * Damage per level increased to 3.3 from 2.9
    * Base armor reduced to 12.5 from 14.75
    * Hate Spike mana cost increased to 12/15/18/21/24 from 8/10/12/14/16
    * Shadow Walk duration reduced to 10/20/30/40/50 from 20/30/40/50/60
    * Shadow Walk cooldown reduced to 12/11/10/9/8 from 12 at all ranks upon breaking stealth
    * Malice and Spite duration reduced to 10 seconds from 15
Nowhere near enough but I will take any nerf I can get on the lame Champs...


    * Feast now loses half stacks (rounded up) instead of 3 stacks on death
Fuck yeah


    * Ricochet bounce radius reduced to 450 from 500
    * Ricochet damage loss per bounce increased to 25% from 22%


    * Blood Scent now properly remembers toggle state when you respawn

Monster camps will now properly updated when scouted with vision
About bloody time
­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
Whats my age again?
+91|6604|Troy, New York
I dont like the new champion (who I bought) Doesnt seem to have a clear role. Melee DPS it would seem but no item synergy and poor scaling. Ive had decent luck building tank, but then I might as well play blitz. Hard to figure out, I would expect some sort of scaling buff in the future.
I love EZ (Who I picked up monday):
Last couple games:
16-6-34 (WHUT)
Took me awhile to settle on a good build but ive decided on:
Meki pendant > Manamune (First back) Level ones boots > Sheen (second back) Blood thirster > trinity force > Frozen Mallet > Bloodthirster > Elixers. Ive reached this max build several times and I absolutely shread all through the game, even tanks with auto attacks alone (late game) and still have 3500 HP. And the best part is ive been starting in side lanes, not even a solo lane.

Last edited by h4hagen (2011-01-19 16:05:53)

+1,010|6537|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

h4hagen wrote:

I dont like the new champion (who I bought) Doesnt seem to have a clear role. Melee DPS it would seem but no item synergy and poor scaling. Ive had decent luck building tank, but then I might as well play blitz. Hard to figure out, I would expect some sort of scaling buff in the future.
I love EZ (Who I picked up monday):
Last couple games:
16-6-34 (WHUT)
Took me awhile to settle on a good build but ive decided on:
Meki pendant > Manamune (First back) Level ones boots > Sheen (second back) Blood thirster > trinity force > Frozen Mallet > Bloodthirster > Elixers. Ive reached this max build several times and I absolutely shread all through the game, even tanks with auto attacks alone (late game) and still have 3500 HP. And the best part is ive been starting in side lanes, not even a solo lane.
The new croc-champ is overpowered as fuck during laning.. he can towerdive without any danger from level 4

And I find Ezrael completely useless as soon as you enter lategame... he is a decent herass early, but that is about it...
­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
Whats my age again?
+91|6604|Troy, New York
Im consistently carrying like crazy, as with any hard carry. I actually find that he does a lot better than most hard carries thanks to his E and his spamable Q, which procs the trinity force like crazy and also ups his damage output a lot by itself. This is with 400+ AD and about 50% lifesteal, but still, absolutely shreds (at least in my experience) Having a red buff definitely helps a ton for kiting and killing, even with the mallet late game.
And so far ive only played croc whilst laning with my cousin while he plays nasus for the fun of it, and a lane with no ranged harass is sort of doomed to failure so that might be a lot of my problem. That said, i feel like xin does everything he does better.

My biggest problem is A:
Ive played him a total of 3 games and B:
I have no fucking idea what the hell to build.
I figure Ill just wait a week and see what some good players are building.

Last edited by h4hagen (2011-01-19 17:45:16)

+93|6924|Alaska, mother fucker.
When I played Ez, I generally went an AD/ArP build. Would start out getting serkers boots/sheen/lvl 1 frozen mallet(forgot name =/) and zeal. Make it into a Trinity force. Then get the armor reducing axe, bloodthirster, and generally by this time the game is over. But if you fully build I'd recommend an IF and banshees for some more mana/hp and the awesome buff. Also, armor pen runes and talents help a bunches.

I haven't played ez in forever so I have no idea if his Q is still +physical dmg. If not that completely ignore what I just said.
Whats my age again?
+91|6604|Troy, New York

iceman785 wrote:

When I played Ez, I generally went an AD/ArP build. Would start out getting serkers boots/sheen/lvl 1 frozen mallet(forgot name =/) and zeal. Make it into a Trinity force. Then get the armor reducing axe, bloodthirster, and generally by this time the game is over. But if you fully build I'd recommend an IF and banshees for some more mana/hp and the awesome buff. Also, armor pen runes and talents help a bunches.

I haven't played ez in forever so I have no idea if his Q is still +physical dmg. If not that completely ignore what I just said.
Iceman you on US servers?
+1,010|6537|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

h4hagen wrote:

Im consistently carrying like crazy, as with any hard carry. I actually find that he does a lot better than most hard carries thanks to his E and his spamable Q, which procs the trinity force like crazy and also ups his damage output a lot by itself. This is with 400+ AD and about 50% lifesteal, but still, absolutely shreds (at least in my experience) Having a red buff definitely helps a ton for kiting and killing, even with the mallet late game.
And so far ive only played croc whilst laning with my cousin while he plays nasus for the fun of it, and a lane with no ranged harass is sort of doomed to failure so that might be a lot of my problem. That said, i feel like xin does everything he does better.

My biggest problem is A:
Ive played him a total of 3 games and B:
I have no fucking idea what the hell to build.
I figure Ill just wait a week and see what some good players are building.
True on the Xin part as far as I have seen crock work (haven't played)...

If you are laning with Nasus it's kind of your job to use the croc dash to herrass... See the champion spotlight video for an explenation on it

I just think that in lategame, comparing Ez vs one of the other AD carries like Ashe, Sivir (AD Kog too, even tho' he is better hybrid/ap) Ez just doesn't stand a chance....

EDIT: I didn't think sheen / trinity proc'ed as on-hit since they don't work on Urgots Q anymore

Last edited by FloppY_ (2011-01-20 06:52:32)

­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+1,010|6537|Denmark aka Automotive Hell
­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+93|6924|Alaska, mother fucker.
TForce still works with Ez's Q ability, played him last night and went 6-0-14 lol. Got away numerous times with <10% hp. I think I'm gonna try a crit build with him tonight when I get home for shits n giggles.

And yeah hagen I am, tag is leetwater. I only play during night tho since I work evening shift (3:30-12:00midnight), so the only time to catch me unless youre up late is during the weekends.  But I'd be down to play.
+1,010|6537|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

iceman785 wrote:

TForce still works with Ez's Q ability, played him last night and went 6-0-14 lol. Got away numerous times with <10% hp. I think I'm gonna try a crit build with him tonight when I get home for shits n giggles.

And yeah hagen I am, tag is leetwater. I only play during night tho since I work evening shift (3:30-12:00midnight), so the only time to catch me unless youre up late is during the weekends.  But I'd be down to play.

Why critbuild? You can't use Q to proc a crit

And when you say Tforce works with Q, do you mean like: First Q charges TF, Second Q applies double damage from said Tforce/Sheen

Because it does not proc on urgot and as far as I know, they use the same on-hit mechanic
­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
I think Ez's Q procs the Sheen/TF/Lichbane then applies it when it hits because it procs while the projectile is still traveling. Or at least, that's what I've think happens.

Although I'm extremely biased towards playing ranged characters, (ranged autoattackers more specifically, Ashe ftw), I've lately been having a lot of fun herping and derping with Blitz, Malphite and Cho. Which is weird for me since I generally hate playing tanky melee heroes.
+1,010|6537|Denmark aka Automotive Hell
Lately I've been having a worse and worse time with the game... I've ended up at a point now where if me/my team utterly fails the first 10 minutes, I just go jungle and wait for it to finish...
­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
Whenever I lose and 25 min surrender, I make myself feel better by saying that its the fastest way to farm XP/IP.
+1,010|6537|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

Smithereener wrote:

Whenever I lose and 25 min surrender, I make myself feel better by saying that its the fastest way to farm XP/IP.
I love when my team crys about me not taking part in teamfights, when they have fed them so much they barely have to look at me to kill me...

What good could I possibly do if I took part? at best I'd give the enemy some gold >.<
­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+93|6924|Alaska, mother fucker.

FloppY_ wrote:

iceman785 wrote:

TForce still works with Ez's Q ability, played him last night and went 6-0-14 lol. Got away numerous times with <10% hp. I think I'm gonna try a crit build with him tonight when I get home for shits n giggles.

And yeah hagen I am, tag is leetwater. I only play during night tho since I work evening shift (3:30-12:00midnight), so the only time to catch me unless youre up late is during the weekends.  But I'd be down to play.

Why critbuild? You can't use Q to proc a crit

And when you say Tforce works with Q, do you mean like: First Q charges TF, Second Q applies double damage from said Tforce/Sheen

Because it does not proc on urgot and as far as I know, they use the same on-hit mechanic
Just for shits n giggles. 100% crit + crit dmg runes rapes really hard. His ability to dip in and out with E and the 45% haste from his passive would just utterly destroy everyone.
Whats my age again?
+91|6604|Troy, New York
Sent you an invite iceman, ill hit you up this weekend
arrivederci frog

FloppY_ wrote:

Smithereener wrote:

Whenever I lose and 25 min surrender, I make myself feel better by saying that its the fastest way to farm XP/IP.
I love when my team crys about me not taking part in teamfights, when they have fed them so much they barely have to look at me to kill me...

What good could I possibly do if I took part? at best I'd give the enemy some gold >.<
To be fair teamfights can still be won even if they're fed if the other team screws up their positioning (and at any ELO <1600 at least one person on each team will be doing something really wrong). Doing nothing and afk farming is a 100% loss if the other team has an early advantage.

On a side note I've unistalled this game for a bit. Just getting really bored with how fucking woeful most players are.

Play badly (die in lane, don't support team mates, farm poorly): 100% lost game
Be useless (i.e just hold my lane, have same farm as the guy I'm laning against, gank as much as he does): 75% lose
Play well (dominate my lane, support jungle): 50% lose
Carry like the fist of an angry god (dominate all lanes, cripple their jungle, do insane damage, play perfectly in teamfights, co-ordinating team to group for stuff): 30% lose
+1,010|6537|Denmark aka Automotive Hell
Finally finished my tank rune-page...
Buying dodge-boots ontop of those runes can provide epic lulz from the 24% dodge it gives

Now I got all three basic runepages and can go back to wasting my IP on champions... too bad I already own most of the sub-3k ones already

Last edited by FloppY_ (2011-01-22 14:27:03)

­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
Whats my age again?
+91|6604|Troy, New York
This was a fun game:
Premade with a total of four, our yi never connected. My kill count seems lower than it is because I purposely gave our Karthus kills I could have stolen (i.e. gank, get them to 100 hp, dont bother to turret dive) so he could get stacks. He actually ended that game with 5X Archangels and Deathcap. About 1500 AP, which actually worked really well because he just suicide bombed their turrets (with me, whos already super tanky turtle stance rawr and our 6k 200 armor chogath) and because of his crazy AP he basically 2 hit their turrets (Although at that point by double pushing lanes we had already pushed all their inhibs.
Renek Nasus Double lane:

Last edited by h4hagen (2011-01-24 04:26:41)

+1,010|6537|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

h4hagen wrote:

This was a fun game:
Premade with a total of four, our yi never connected. My kill count seems lower than it is because I purposely gave our Karthus kills I could have stolen (i.e. gank, get them to 100 hp, dont bother to turret dive) so he could get stacks. He actually ended that game with 5X Archangels and Deathcap. About 1500 AP, which actually worked really well because he just suicide bombed their turrets (with me, whos already super tanky turtle stance rawr and our 6k 200 armor chogath) and because of his crazy AP he basically 2 hit their turrets (Although at that point by double pushing lanes we had already pushed all their inhibs.
Renek Nasus Double lane:
mfw when that Udyr
­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+1,010|6537|Denmark aka Automotive Hell
This is similar to 80% of my games...


This game has gone to shit tbh
­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
Whats my age again?
+91|6604|Troy, New York
Looking at your lolbase im thinking you might have gone to shit, haha
But seriously, I cant stand playing anything but full premades most of the time.
+1,010|6537|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

h4hagen wrote:

Looking at your lolbase im thinking you might have gone to shit, haha
But seriously, I cant stand playing anything but full premades most of the time.
My concentration hasn't been the same since even before I started on meds ~1 year ago
­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
Whats my age again?
+91|6604|Troy, New York

FloppY_ wrote:

h4hagen wrote:

Looking at your lolbase im thinking you might have gone to shit, haha
But seriously, I cant stand playing anything but full premades most of the time.
My concentration hasn't been the same since even before I started on meds ~1 year ago
Problem solved!
Play sona.

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