Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6851|Long Island, New York

Hurricane2k9 wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

AT&T does suck.... but that won't keep me from getting the iPhone 4 over the Evo. I have checked the Evo out and I still prefer the iPhone.

http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2010/06/ … eedfetcher
Not sure what that article's point was tbh it basically just listed their spec sheets. To me at least it ultimately comes down to which service provider is better where you use your phone the most and which OS you prefer. Sprint is much better for me everywhere I've been, and I don't prefer one OS over the other, just the app selection on iPhone OS.
Well considering I'll be in NYC, not having 4G kind of defeats the purpose of having the Evo if it's (spec-wise) pretty much the same as the iPhone 4.
eleven bravo
+1,399|5572|foggy bottom
im getting an evo this week
Tu Stultus Es
There is.
+1,380|7004|Devon, England

*Jumps into thread*

Did someone mention an Apple product?
I don't come here a lot anymore.

Oh look, another toy for the rich, white kids! Awesome.
The idea of any hi-fi system is to reproduce the source material as faithfully as possible, and to deliberately add distortion to everything you hear (due to amplifier deficiencies) because it sounds 'nice' is simply not high fidelity. If that is what you want to hear then there is no problem with that, but by adding so much additional material (by way of harmonics and intermodulation) you have a tailored sound system, not a hi-fi. - Rod Elliot, ESP
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|7035|Sydney, Australia

Freezer7Pro wrote:

Oh look, another toy for the rich, white kids! Awesome.

Looks cool. In a few months I'll see what my phone provider is willing to do, when i've had my 3Gs for a year..

I do want iOS 4 tho. That looks epic.
+1,010|6599|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

eleven bravo wrote:

im getting an evo this week
Price vs an M3 or RS4 ?

Which EVO, there are several versions of the EVO X already

The EVO X Makes me sad... it went from looking completely awesome as a prototype to looking like generic saloon #456112

Last edited by FloppY_ (2010-06-08 01:36:08)

­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
Vela Incident
+1,652|6881|NYC / Hamburg

FloppY_ wrote:

eleven bravo wrote:

im getting an evo this week
Price vs an M3 or RS4 ?

Which EVO, there are several versions of the EVO X already

The EVO X Makes me sad... it went from looking completely awesome as a prototype to looking like generic saloon #456112

HTC Evo 4G
once upon a midnight dreary, while i pron surfed, weak and weary, over many a strange and spurious site of ' hot  xxx galore'. While i clicked my fav'rite bookmark, suddenly there came a warning, and my heart was filled with mourning, mourning for my dear amour, " 'Tis not possible!", i muttered, " give me back my free hardcore!"..... quoth the server, 404.
+1,010|6599|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

max wrote:

FloppY_ wrote:

eleven bravo wrote:

im getting an evo this week
Price vs an M3 or RS4 ?

Which EVO, there are several versions of the EVO X already

The EVO X Makes me sad... it went from looking completely awesome as a prototype to looking like generic saloon #456112

HTC Evo 4G

How the fuck was I supposed to know?
­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
because it's a mobile phone thread and not a car discussion thread, you fucking donk?

iOS4 will be great. looking forward to that upgrade launching soon.

i'll probably get the new iPhone when my current one has properly lived through its life-cycle. will wait for battery/screen etc. to fail first.

why people that want a new gadget are 'fanboy faggots' is beyond me.  does that make you all 'fanboy faggots' because you discuss the new nvidia/ati cards with feverous excitement every time a new board or chip is announced? no? so it's just because it has the apple name attached to it then, which is why you view consumer-excitement with such disdain. looks like you're the faggot for being such a gripey bitch over something that clearly doesn't concern you (either you lack the buying power or the consumer interest- either way, GTFO).

it's a cool gadget. haters will hate. buyers will buy.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
+1,010|6599|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

Uzique wrote:

because it's a mobile phone thread and not a car discussion thread, you fucking donk?
Not my fault that the US has a retarded mobile market that has to rebrand every phone, it is not called the EVO in the rest of the world

Uzique wrote:

iOS4 will be great. looking forward to that upgrade launching soon.

i'll probably get the new iPhone when my current one has properly lived through its life-cycle. will wait for battery/screen etc. to fail first.

why people that want a new gadget are 'fanboy faggots' is beyond me.  does that make you all 'fanboy faggots' because you discuss the new nvidia/ati cards with feverous excitement every time a new board or chip is announced? no? so it's just because it has the apple name attached to it then, which is why you view consumer-excitement with such disdain. looks like you're the faggot for being such a gripey bitch over something that clearly doesn't concern you (either you lack the buying power or the consumer interest- either way, GTFO).
People hate on "mac-fags" because they clearly spend their money on something that ultimately does a shitton less than equally priced competitors...
If only mac fans would call it a phone, like it is, not smartphone or stop showing it off like it's a gift from god, leap of technology and in some way magically better than everything else. when it really is inferior to most of its competitors... The iPhone is an overly marketed gimmick...

Uzique wrote:

it's a cool gadget. haters will hate. buyers will buy.

Last edited by FloppY_ (2010-06-08 04:12:45)

­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|7035|Sydney, Australia

FloppY_ wrote:

People hate on "mac-fags" because they clearly spend their money on something that ultimately does a shitton less than equally priced competitors...
If only mac fans would call it a phone, like it is, not smartphone or stop showing it off like it's a gift from god, leap of technology and in some way magically better than everything else. when it really is inferior to most of its competitors... The iPhone is an overly marketed gimmick...

wiki wrote:

A smartphone is a mobile phone that offers more advanced computing ability and connectivity than a basic 'feature phone'.[2]  While some feature phones are able to run simple applications based on generic platforms such as Java ME or BREW,[3]  a smartphone allows the user to install and run much more advanced applications based on a specific platform. Smartphones run complete operating system software providing a platform for application developers.[4]
I'd get more definitions, but they are all the same thing..

What the fuck are talking about?
+1,010|6599|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

mcminty wrote:

FloppY_ wrote:

People hate on "mac-fags" because they clearly spend their money on something that ultimately does a shitton less than equally priced competitors...
If only mac fans would call it a phone, like it is, not smartphone or stop showing it off like it's a gift from god, leap of technology and in some way magically better than everything else. when it really is inferior to most of its competitors... The iPhone is an overly marketed gimmick...

wiki wrote:

A smartphone is a mobile phone that offers more advanced computing ability and connectivity than a basic 'feature phone'.[2]  While some feature phones are able to run simple applications based on generic platforms such as Java ME or BREW,[3]  a smartphone allows the user to install and run much more advanced applications based on a specific platform. Smartphones run complete operating system software providing a platform for application developers.[4]
I'd get more definitions, but they are all the same thing..

What the fuck are talking about?
By that definition, all phones today are smartphones... definition = outdated...

A phone that doesn't allow 3rd party applications without having them stamped and changed for by the cellphone company, is not a smartphone imo

Last edited by FloppY_ (2010-06-08 04:44:47)

­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|7035|Sydney, Australia
Then give a proper critique of the iPhone, besides a single line
"it really is inferior to most of its competitors... The iPhone is an overly marketed gimmick..."
Unless you can substantiate that, you are simply talking out your arse..
floppy is an a-grade example of a bandwagon-hater that has no basis in actual fact, understanding or reasoning.

self-deluding moron, to be honest. i rank people that trivially build a 'consumer hate' as dumber than the so-called 'dumbasses' that spend lots of money on apple gadgets. you simply do not understand the mentality: if you can easily afford an apple gadget, it is not a 'waste' of money. the people that buy iphones are not going to LIDL's for their weekly shop to save a dollar-fifty. they don't care that their products have inflated 'brand' prices. middle-class consumers purchase goods at high-markups throughout the consumerist world - it is not an 'evil apple' tact. brand-clothing, veblen goods, cars, household gadgets - they are all priced extortionately and disproportionately higher according to brand value. you really cannot shit-talk on the buying-mentality of apple fans if you own anything with a brand. those sneakers? that car on your drive? priced with the same strategy as apple iphones.

tl;dr: shut. the. fuck. up.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
+1,010|6599|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

mcminty wrote:

Then give a proper critique of the iPhone, besides a single line
"it really is inferior to most of its competitors... The iPhone is an overly marketed gimmick..."
Unless you can substantiate that, you are simply talking out your arse..
There is nothing new about the iPhone

There is no reason for the iPhone to have such a rediculous price and restrictive marketing scheme

The iPhone is continously marketed as HURR NO ONE DID THIS BEFORE DURR, BEST FONE EVAR, etc. which in the case of the rediculous iPhone mk1, didn't even have fucking MMS or Video recording, I mean, wtfisthisshit, phones 5 years older than the mk1 had these functions and DIDNT claim themselves to be "HURR DURR REVOLUTIONIZING".

What pisses me off the most is how the band-wagon of faggots who don't know shit just eat up all Steve Job's shit and licking his arsehole clean after it. It ruins the market because it forces other manurfacturers to follow suit and create equally useless and stupid products.
Steve Jobs is either the greatest Troll in history, or the most greedy and devious bastard.

oh and Uzique, take your elitist arse out of this forum alreay...,

­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|7035|Sydney, Australia
Wow. Nice imagery there with the arseholes and shit.

Not really.

So what if other phones have done that previously? My old Motorola phone could do MMS. Apparently. it was absolute shit, and would lag the phone a hell of a lot. But hey, it still did MMS!! Yeah that's right, suck it iPhone. It could do MMS!!! Don't worry that the phone was unusable... cause it could do MMS!!!!!!!!11!!
elitist arse? excuse me, you're the one shitting on a perfectly-acceptable iphone 4 thread with your 'apple buyers are morons', 'this gadget will only sell to dumbasses', and 'other smartphones are far superior imo' type statements. and im being elitist? im merely speaking up for the right for interested consumers to discuss and read about the upcoming iphone. you're the one making it a huge bandwagon-deal, yet again. read my last tl;dr, you silly little no-life cunt.

oh and just to debunk your dumb, ill-founded little bandwagon-geek myths:

- the iphone does not have ridiculous marketing schemes. it is open in the UK and most other markets. america is their corporate problem, not an apple problem specifically. let AT&T sort out their problems and stop judging a gadget that will be launched worldwide on one shitty, anecdotal piece of 'evidence'.

- if you read the leaked slides/images, you can clearly see that there are 'new' things about the iphone. at least over its predecessor. the last iphone 3GS is pretty old now, as far as the phone-tech market goes. these are welcome upgrades and additions. and it isn't for you to say that there is nothing new or desirable. that estimation is for the consumer. and the iphone sales statistics will surely prove you wrong and give you something to get a geek-rage over, yet again.

- no the iphone is not marketed that way. your perception of the apple marketing 'style' is wildly skewed and misshaped by your clear bias and bandwagon-fanboyism. talking about the fact the very first iphone didnt have MMS messaging doesn't have anything to do with the last 3-4 iphones. earlier telephone brands have all gone through their own stages of development. do you see people denouncing the new android phones or the new blackberry's because their original models sucked dick? no. it's just you. and why, what mentality leads to this? anti-apple bandwagonism, blind raging, lack of facts etc. it's simple for everyone else to see: your mentality is ridiculous.

- people don't buy iphones because of steve jobs. i can assure you, 95% of consumers that walk into mobile phone shops or online stores have not heard of steve jobs. they do not watch the apple keynotes. they do not attend the apple conventions. most consumers want a phone that just works. the iphone does just that with style, effectivity and a great design aesthetic to suit. there is no 'cult of steve jobs' in the real-world: it is an entirely virtual phenomenon. do not let the NICHE area of online following misinform you; don't be stupid. again, 95% of people do not subscribe to this 'raging apple hipster' demographic that you imagine. and it is imagined, conveniently enough for your so-called 'arguments'. half of the apple community questioned - as any well-informed and aware consumer should and indeed does - the apple ipad. there is no frenzied blind support. you are making shit up, and again, failing to provide substantiated evidence. which is what minty, and now i too, ask for.

so deliver, or:


yours sincerely,

- Someone That Knows What-The-Fuck They're Talking About, Esq.

Last edited by Uzique (2010-06-08 05:03:25)

libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/

that tired meme aint funny no more, and double posting aint gonna ensure double laughs.

but you're right, those who have bias will always delude themselves into a conviction of 'rightness'.

everyone is their own best judge, at the end of the day.

but they can hold off with the ironic 'don't be elitist!' posts, and stay the fuck out if all they have to do is spew shit from their rancid arseholes.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|7035|Sydney, Australia
Uzique, Niiice

Yo, floppy.. have you ever actually..

you know..

used an iPhone, besides the two minutes you spend looking at it in a shop?

I've played around with my friends HTC this and that (there are like a million different kinds.. ), and they seemed pretty cool. Not for me, but pretty cool none the less.
floppy doesn't engage with anything in the real-world, he is restricted by poverty and a lack of a social life.

hence he cannot appreciate the intangible benefits of an iphone, or any brand-priced gadget, for that matter.

it is his purpose to be a tech-forum parasite, merely venting bile and invective spleen onto objects he cannot afford, nor appreciate.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|7035|Sydney, Australia

So uzi, do you do the whole iCal sync with the Calendar app? I find it rather useful for uni.. I do wish you could see the entire week view by turning the iPhone to landscape orientation..
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

FloppY_ wrote:

mcminty wrote:

Then give a proper critique of the iPhone, besides a single line
"it really is inferior to most of its competitors... The iPhone is an overly marketed gimmick..."
Unless you can substantiate that, you are simply talking out your arse..
There is nothing new about the iPhone

There is no reason for the iPhone to have such a rediculous price and restrictive marketing scheme

The iPhone is continously marketed as HURR NO ONE DID THIS BEFORE DURR, BEST FONE EVAR, etc. which in the case of the rediculous iPhone mk1, didn't even have fucking MMS or Video recording, I mean, wtfisthisshit, phones 5 years older than the mk1 had these functions and DIDNT claim themselves to be "HURR DURR REVOLUTIONIZING".

What pisses me off the most is how the band-wagon of faggots who don't know shit just eat up all Steve Job's shit and licking his arsehole clean after it. It ruins the market because it forces other manurfacturers to follow suit and create equally useless and stupid products.
Steve Jobs is either the greatest Troll in history, or the most greedy and devious bastard.

oh and Uzique, take your elitist arse out of this forum alreay...,

Bit like BMW buyers, if you like BMWs great, if not great - no need to hate particularly, calm down its just a car.

The iPhone is a neat bit of technology which sells at a premium because people want it - presumably not because of some geek hero-worship thing.

Having said that my mum did recently say she was thinking about getting one, I asked why "I don't know, I just think I should have one. What do they do exactly?"

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2010-06-08 05:23:04)

Fuck Israel
yeah, i sync my iphone with all the 'office' applications on my macbook.

allows me to seamlessly bridge between the macbook lecture-library use and mobile on-the-go notes/calendar-timetable etc.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/

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