You see? Catholics actually go to hell.FatherTed wrote:
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
You see? Catholics actually go to hell.FatherTed wrote:
like silk, brah, only cheaperRoc18 wrote:
he'd be near the front, somewhere between Asberger's and asshatMutantbear wrote:
The prefect troll is someone who doesnt even know they are trolling
im not sure where id put warman on the spectrum
A nice Harry Potter fan aren't ya?Mutantbear wrote:
I misspelled perfect but I like how it ended up
I remember three day weeks, oh to be back at uni.Cybargs wrote:
I want to kill everyone at uni. class timetable next semester is really fucking retarded. I WANT MY 3 DAY WEEK.
i dont have a 3 day work week anymore. I got an annoying 2 hour lecture on a wednesday afternoon. sigh... maybe an excuse for unibar afterwards XDAussieReaper wrote:
I remember three day weeks, oh to be back at uni.Cybargs wrote:
I want to kill everyone at uni. class timetable next semester is really fucking retarded. I WANT MY 3 DAY WEEK.
I was even lazier at uni than I was in highschool.
??? Yeah I am lol I'm just saying next semester I will kill everyone at UNSW coz they are gay with timetables. Now I have 3 business courses and 1 IR course when I'm supposed to take 2 and 2... next semest will be 3 IR and 1 bznz. fuck sakes.Adams_BJ wrote:
I thought you were doing uni in AU now bargz?
Mutantbear wrote:
The prefect troll is someone who doesnt even know they are trolling
Last edited by Dilbert_X (13 years, 3 months ago)
Stop drinkingLaura wrote:
my head hurts