My state was founded by Batman. Your opinion is invalid.
RIP in peace Steve Irwin

Ripip S.i.
eh was a pretty cool guy, he fought crocodiles and doesn't afraid of anything.AussieReaper wrote:
RIP in peace Steve Irwin
He should have been afraid of stingrays.
Not being afraid is not always good.
Not being afraid is not always good.
Fuck Israel
Cybargs wrote:
my uni results just came out
3 distinctions and one credit.
not happy



wtf bro the weather

Pretty nice here.
Was in an air conditioned office all day.
Wish I was at the beach though.
Wish I was at the beach though.

Some friends are staying at Daydream Island for the next three nights.
In this weather.
At that location.
In this weather.
At that location.

Aussie are dominating RSA on the first day.

Once went to Logan and saw a young girl who had 3 kids to 4 dads.
Punter in to bat, could be the final time

That doesn't make sense.Jaekus wrote:
Once went to Logan and saw a young girl who had 3 kids to 4 dads.
3 kids 4 dads.
How does one kid have 2 dads?

gay adoption?